Config Menu ID for Ideal Logic Combi 35
Hi Trying to configure my boiler. Does anyone know the Config Menu ID code for Ideal Logic Combi 35 ? As its not in the installer manual Thankyou Clive
Lack of flow through SRVS
Can I ask if anyone is still having issues with getting flow through SRVs when boiler is called. Have spent a considerable time with support getting valves opened and delaying boiler calls. If you have issues what type of valve do you have? I have new Danfoss RAS C2 and I understand that other systems have had to update…
Wireless Temperature Sensor doesn't work
Hi, I bought a Wireless Temperature Sensor to improve the temperature in my bedroom. In the bedroom there are already two Smart Radiator Thermostat. When I added the new sensor in the room seems it was not able to switch on the boiler, instead the configuration without the new device works like a charm. My complete…
Use Humidity to Modify Temperature
The humidity information seems pointless to have in the Tado thermostat system as it stands. Why not use the humidity to modify the temperature setting to allow "feels like" temperature functionality? The relationship between humidity and apparent temperature is that, for roughly a 10% increase in humidity, the apparent…
Are Tado hot and cold settings right?
It is a warm sunny day, my bedroom registers 19.9 and Tado says”your room is too cold, turn on the heating”. It feels a good comfortable temperature to me and with heating costs and the environmental need to save energy I think they need to revise their advice on comfortable room settings. Am I particularly hardy or do…
Main Smart Thermostat unit
Hey. When all radiators have a Tado TRV does the main Smart Thermostat become redundant? Eg: if all TRVs are set to say 20 and the ambient temperature by each TRV is 20 or more then nothing can happen even if the main Smart Thermostat is set to 20 and the ambient temperature by the main Smart Thermostat is 15. :/ :/
Old valves / system
Hi, I have a old systen, valves and bridge. When using the new app I cannot register the products because they do not have the same information (QR code / auth code) just serial numbers. Anyone know how to add these old parts to the new app? Steve
Replacing Heatmiser DS-SB with Tado Smart Thermostap
Hi, I’m trying to replace the dial thermostats for the UFH at my flat, and I’m having some trouble with the wiring. The instructions tell me to label 3 wires, but the existing thermostat has 4. As per the wiring diagram, the Heatmiser thermostat has a Switch Live (SL), Live (L), Neutral (N) and a Timer Live. My confusion…
Switched live question
I have set up the wireless receiver to operate in switched live - i want to use as a timer for underfloor pump - the problem i have is that the CH NO (Switched live OP) is always on even when i set CH to off i.e. there is always mains voltage - what am i missing?.
Tado with BOSCH heat tronic 3500
Is there someone who successfully connected tado with BOSCH heat tronic 3500 electric heater ? Please help.
OpenTherm with Y plan setup
Hi, We have an Ideal Logic Max Heat 24 boiler which has OpenTherm compatibility that I'm looking to take advantage of. We have a Tado wired thermostat working in wireless mode after we invested in the wireless add-on receiver a number of years ago. Both the thermostat and receiver appear to have low-voltage terminal…
How to control multiple radiators in a room from a wireless temperature sensor
I recall once seeing a setting whereby I could assign a single device to control other devices. I want to use a wireless temperature sensor to control two radiators in a bedroom. I don't want it to control the boiler, just the radiators. My house is divided into zones and the boiler is controlled by the zone demand and a…
Can I control floor heating room and boiler with same thermostat?
I have some radiator thermostats upstairs. Downstairs I have 4 rooms with floor heating. All 4 rooms have a wired thermostat. The one in the living room I now have as main thermostat to control the boiler. But now I cannot control the floor heating in the living room. I created a schema of how I have/want it. But I'm…
Just installed. No hot water....
As above. Ideal boiler with HW cylinder upstairs. Checked wiring (there was only one each for CH and HW). Heating working fine. App and controller both say HW is on no problem but taps say different. When I turn off the CH via the app, to see if this is the issue, the boiler goes off as if it thinks there's a tankful of…
Issue with new Smart radiator head
Hi! I had the Tado Smart Thermostat with a couple of smart radiator heads installed. A couple of days ago I received the Tado Internet Bridge with another smart radiator head. I was able to integrate the Internet Bridge in the system, but the radiator head arrived with a piece that does not seem to be installed (see…
Tado radiator valves actuating when off??
I have two Tado radiator valves in a bedroom. They are set to OFF overnight, coming on at 0630 to warm the room for getting out of bed. They don't control the boiler, they are only a component of a bigger system (actually controlled for 10 years by Elv/Conrad soft zones, now unobtainable, plus a homebrew ESP32-based…
Heating way over the desired temperature
My system is during home and away modes heating way past the scheduled temperature, set to 21 and has been reaching over 25, this “smart” system has a mind of its own!! I cannot find any topics or anyway of asking Tado to help, any contact details or suggestions would be helpful, thanks
Block boiler vaillant
Good evening, I have a Vaillant Ecointro boiler with 15 months of life. I noticed that at night it goes to block with error f23 and f83. I have valves on all the radiators, I've read that it is better to leave a radiator "free". Isn't there any other solution? How do I know if my boiler has a bypass? Can't you set a delay…
Thermostaat verwarmt door boven ingestelde temperatuur?
Mijn slimme schema staat ingesteld op 18.5 graden, echter, geeft zowel de app als thermostaat aan dat het inmiddels 18.9 graden is. Hetzelfde gebeurt bij ingesteld 19 graden maar door verwarmen naar 19.4. Mijn oude, standaard thermostaat bleef altijd op de ingestelde temperatuur staan. Ik ben bewust bezig met minder…
Change a wired thermostat to wireless
Hi all, I have been told by Tado that I can change my wired Tado thermostat to a wireless, but will need to change the interface(?). Does anyone know if this is easy and can be done by me. I already have the wireless receiver to control my hot water.
New installation in a new(ish) house and a few questions.
Hi all first time here, also first time home owner. Last year i've bought an old house that i am currently finishing renovating. The isolation was horrendous and no heating system you could call one, the previous owner had gas heaters in every other room, yikes. So after we redid everything properly i decided that i wanted…
Adding a separate building to account
I have a house with a Tado thermostat operating a gas boiler and multiple Tado radiator thermostats. I am building a separate building as a guest house on my property that will have its own gas boiler. It will be a small space with only three radiators and could be at one temperature throughout. I want it to be connected…
Can presets be defined through the Tado app?
Hi all, Can temperature presets be defined through the Tado app to temporarily override the schedule for all rooms? Schedule functionality is nice but weeks may differ from one to the other, especially in these times of occasional teleworking... Many thanks for the feedback!
Radiator temperature question
I have just ordered a new V3+ kit with the radiator valves and we are waiting for the delivery. The set up will be so that every radiator will have the Tado radiator thermostat except for the hallway, the hallway radiators will always turn on whenever the boiler switches the heating on. My question is, the Tado radiator…
How to adjust away/frost protection temperature
This week with the temperatures hitting -10 I had 2 radiators which overnight got frozen pipes . 1 radiator is in a garage conversion, the other radiator is an original of the house in the room above the remaining garage. So both radiators are on the edge of the house. I had the temparature in those rooms set to 12 degrees…
"Unsupported device"
Added a new smart TRV today to replace an old one lost during refurbishment. It pairs successfully easily but states "unsupported device" in rooms and devices. It does not allow me to assign it to an existing room or change any of it's properties. I have 9 rooms with wired and wifi thermostats, and 6 tado smart TRVs in all…
Initial sign on
I have just set up my wireless Tado and although set up email and password, it now won’t accept the password. The reset password link doesn’t work, any thoughts?
boiler always on
Apologies if duplicate post. First one seemed to disappear, with a strange message. Having installed a smart meter I discovered that my boiler was always on. A lot of help from the eon forum made it clear there was a faulty component. https://community.eonnext.com/threads/6233-Why-is-gas-being-used-during-the-night I…
UFH Wired Actuators to Wireless Tado Thermo and Wireless EK
Reading some of these articles my set-up is fairly simple. I am looking to use Tado wireless thermostats wired to a UFH control centre to control actuators and manifold pump but use the Extension Kit ticked Yes option to control the EK wirelessly to request CH water. Is that possible? I ask as when setting up a wireless…
How to change the Home Area in the Android app
How do I save a change to the Home area in the Android app? I've gone to the Settings -> Geofencing -> Home area and see the map and the circle area. I can change the size of the circle but there is no save button and it doesn't seem to auto save that value, whether I use the android back button or the back arrow at the…