Please search for your request before opening a new thread.
Dear Community Members, This part of the forum is intended to help us track the features that you, our customers, are interested in. We understand that you, as members of our forum, tend to represent more experienced users, often with in-depth knowledge of not only tado°, but similar products and services as well. We feel…
Apple Watch App for heating control
Hi Tado team, I‘ve been a customer of yours for years and I‘m grateful for the energy savings we‘ve been able to make. I have one suggestion… I have been waiting all these years to be able to control the temperature of my heating via my Apple Watch. Please release a watch app, this would make things SO much easier!
Wifi geofencing
It would be good if there was WiFi only geofencing. There is not point to keep GPS up whole day and drain battery. I know it would limit app to on and off rather than vicinity check but there is few benefits for me from GPS geofencing as home members keep turning GPS off to save battery life thus geofencing do not work as…
Pre-heat and early start for Tado X
Hello, Just bought the tado x System and I am a bit disappointed that the pre-heat and early start feature are missing. Are there any plans to implement those two features? Please implement those two features🙏 Thanks, Florian
Battery status Matter
Hello, when Tado X radiator thermostats are connected to HomeAssistant using Matter Addon they dont show battery status because its not sending any. The radiator thermostats are connected through other brand Thread Border router.
Support for the EMS2 bus - Bosch Condens
Bosch / Junkers / Nefit boilers with the EMS2 bus have been on the market for many years now, have a large chunk of the European market share but Tado only supports relay operation for them. I myself have a Condens 2300i boiler and while the relay mode works up to a point, the TPI algorithm operating the relay can't avoid…
Preventing radiator valves from getting stuck
I have replaced my heating control system with Tado smart vales on all radiators. On my previous system there was a feature that opened and closed all TRVs at a fixed time once a week irrespective of any heating schedule in operation. This operation did not take more than a minute or two. This meant that valves not used…
I would be thrilled if you could enable the following integrations for TadoX:
Offset Adjustment via Matter: It would be incredibly helpful to allow offset calibration directly through Matter. Display Temperature from an External Sensor: Enable the TadoX device itself to show the temperature measured by an external sensor, which would greatly enhance usability. Use of Any Temperature Sensors via…
Add NOK as a currency
Whilst GBP and Euro cover most countries, add NOK would cover Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Tado is available for sale in these countries.
Tuile eau chaude sanitaire
Est-il possible de supprimer la tuile ECS quand on n’à plus de ballon ECS commandé par la PAC
Push notify users when there is evidence that the boiler/heat source isnt doing its job
It is a common problem for oil fired boilers, particularly those over 10 years old, to be heavily affected by wind speeds near the air intake. A sudden rise in windspeed, occuring within 1 meter of the air intake can cause the boiler's air mass sensor to misread the temperature and volume of air incoming and force the…
Naming controllers
I would like to name my radiator controllers. Currently they are all numbers in the app. But I would like to give them a name e.g. "living_front-left", so I know which one needs batteries. Now I have to check all.
“Saved Schedules” Idea
Hello, I have seen some posts about shift workers. To echo these. The way of editing schedules is very fiddly and time consuming, especially when you have a different shift pattern each week. It would be more beneficial to have “saved bank” of specific days and specific weeks you work, and you can quickly copy them into…
Manual Control on tado° device doesn't work.
This used to work, now it doesn't. Timer set to 20 min. Heating on via manual mode. Schedule set to infinity, but should be to 20 min. Also, the app doesn't remember the last state, so every manual setup starts from 'until you resume' mode. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Please can this be checked & confirmed if a bug or a feature?
Preservation Summer mode
Hi. I have multiple tado X heads on my radiators, with a opentherm module in my boiler, with a wireless X receiver, and considering that summer is near, would be nice have a dedicated mode for that season. To prevent problems with radiators heads, would be great implement a function that's completely opens all the valve in…
Switch off schedule for individual rooms . . .
The current schedule system provides a "switch off all rooms" feature. This is useful but it would be even better if rooms could be switched off individually. At the moment the only way to remove a room from the schedule, without resorting to "switch off all rooms" is to go to each room's schedule and switch off the…
Tado App Privacy
All home users and their email addresses are visible to any user in the home. I would like to be able to hide the details of guests from other guests
Slider sensitivity
Am I the only one having difficulties setting a precise temperature with the slider in a room screen? In particular when releasing my finger from the screen most of the time the temperature cursor will further move by half a degree! Bref, i'd enjoy a more precise slider ;-)
Hot water command
Hi, I'm a user of tado thermostat cabled with a radiant r2k heater. As some other Italian users we have an issue with domestic hot water when the thermostat is cabled with opentherm configuration. When the thermostat work as heating the domestic hot water works too. But when the thermostat reach the temperature set, the…
Multiple accounts in 1 Tado App
Being a fan of Tado, I introduced to both my kids and mother in law. My mother in law needs some assistance, and in case, I can have the control from my home. But needed an other divice, because it's not possible to have 2 accounts on the same app. Is it possible to add multiple accouts / living address to 1 app on 1…
Apply Flow Temperature Optimization to Multiple Tado° Thermostats (heat sources)
User Story: As a Tado° Smart Thermostat X user with multiple heat sources controlled by multiple Tado° Smart Thermostat X devices, I want to apply flow temperature optimization to more than one heat source via the Tado° Smart Thermostat X device that controls each heat source, so that I can efficiently manage the heating…
Energy IQ cost to account for standing charge
I find the estimated gas cost estimate to be reasonably good, but the cost shown is for the consumption cost only. It would be useful for option to include the cost of daily standing charge such that the total month prediction / comparison reflects the total bill for gas not just the consumption.
iPhone/Siri Shortcuts Support
TADO application doesn't appear in Siri/iPhone shortcuts. This application is very powerfull and, though complicated to use, can do much more than IFTTT in the Apple world. Tado must support Siri shortcuts. Homekit is obviously supported and a few (very limited) number of things can be done that way. Please support me.
Boiler pump anti seizure exercise.
So my boiler originally had pump anti seize feature, but looks loke after installation of Tado it's not a case anymore. So I'm thinking adding this feature to Tado software will be really good thing to protect users heating system.
Geofencing Switch - tado X
To ignore geofencing in a timeblock on the smart schedule. Keep set rooms active when geofencing is triggered
Worksheet Logging of QR Codes
Hi All, I don't know if this has already been done / provided by someone else, but, whilst building my TADO system and waiting for everything to arrive (thank you eBay), I started worrying about missing/damaged QR Codes. So, I built a google worksheet that can be used to store the QR code data, and provide the QR code when…
Heating advance
Hi, This is an old idea that hasn't occurred to Tado as yet. My old school heating controllers have always included a Heating Advance Button. It's a simple idea - if you have a day that starts a bit earlier than usual, you just advance the whole heating programme with a single click, or turn of a knob. The next programmed…
Set a Minimum Central Heating Flow Temperature (OpenTherm)
Hi, The main purpose of this post is to try and gain an understanding of whether setting a minimum central heating flow temperature is a feature that other users of this forum would value and like to be developed by Tado as part of their algorithms. Are there any other users out there that have abandoned using the…
Customizable Lower Maximum Temperature Limit for Primary Account Holder
I would like to suggest a feature where the primary account holder can set a lower maximum temperature limit, such as 21.5°C, for the Tado system. This limit should be customizable by the primary account holder but should not exceed the default maximum of 25°C. This feature would help in maintaining energy efficiency and…
Customizable Lower Maximum Temperature Limit for Primary Account Holder
I would like to suggest a feature where the primary account holder can set a lower maximum temperature limit, such as 21.5°C, for the Tado system. This limit should be customizable by the primary account holder but should not exceed the default maximum of 25°C. This feature would help in maintaining energy efficiency and…
Multi Home Support
I would like to use tado in my main house and in my vacation home. Currently this is only possible by using one account through the app and the other account using the web-app. I would like to have both available in the same account.