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Multi Home Support

I would like to use tado in my main house and in my vacation home. Currently this is only possible by using one account through the app and the other account using the web-app.

I would like to have both available in the same account.

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  • [Deleted User]
    edited January 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • 100% agree. I think I’m in trouble I bought one for my house and another for another premises,what can I do?

  • Hi,

    We want to use this thread to gather some feedback as to what features this user management should have, as well as gauge demand, so any ideas are really appreciated.

    Best regards,


  • Gert
    edited February 2019

    I am currently debating whether to buy a tado for my vacation home. I am a happy tado user since 2016. I own a Smart Thermostat v3 and 5 radiator thermostats which manage the heating of my home. I really like the system and therefor I am thinking of also installing it at my second home (starting with just a smart thermostat, but also might add 6-7 smart radiator thermostats as well).

    However, the fact that tado doesn't support multi-home is holding me back. I could target a specific device (e.g. iPad) or use just the web-interface, but I prefer to also enable geo-fencing support.

    I would be happy to be a beta-tester and/or provide feedback on such new feature.

  • I have tado at my main home and also my vacation home, using 2 different email addresses. Would be ideal to have both homes on the app together rather than having to switch accounts.
  • Hi There, having used other web access heating controls Tado should add a manual control to switch from “Home” to “Away” mode as geofencing is great but not always practical for example in a holiday home when guests are visiting . The other feature is to allow for control of multiple homes from one app.
  • I bit the bullet and also got tado for our vacation home, and I completely agree with RoseC—it’s not that bad to use the web interface, but without any device using geofencing the home will stay in “home” mode and heating will remain on.

    It would be really great if tado would natively support two homes.

    Any news on if and when multi-home is going to be supported?

  • jelockwood
    jelockwood ✭✭✭

    HomeKit supports multiple homes so it is crazy that Tado do not in their own app.

  • Recently purchased Tado for our second home, installed via the website and had to create a second account to configure but now realise I cannot use via app. A second phone is not a great solution.

    Any news on when this will be implemented?

  • Please implement this feature as soon as possible. I have tado at home and also for 4 offices that I'm renting out. Multi-home (office) feature would be really helpful on mobile!

    Also I suggest some kind of 1 Admin - Multiple Users configuation would be extremly nice to have for those of us renting out.

    Otherwise i have tado at home now for 1 year and I am very happy with the product and savings. Only complaint i have would be that your road-map feature tend to come really slow (exaclty 0 since I started using tado from november 2018).

  • Any news or ETA? I am really interested in this since I live in between two homes
  • Any update? Due to the 10 room limitation I've just bought a second Tado starter kit,Tado extenion kit and radiators valves so I can effectively have a second installation for the top floor of the house so every room is controlled. I thought switching between two homes would be easy, guess this is not the case.

    Is there an ETA when the app will allow switching between homes or does anyone have some tips for doing this?


  • I have been fiddling with two accounts - one for the East end and one for the West end of our large house for over a year now - having been 'promised' that second home integration was on the 'wish list' at Tado - obviously wishes don't seem to come true at Tado!

  • We will also have to switch to 2 Tado systems in our 5 storey townhouse as the single bridge is not able to reach all levels and drops out multiple times a day. I would rather have 2 bridges in one system. We have 2 boilers so it makes sense, but having to use the app for one half of the house and the web interface of the other half (or 2 different phones) is really clunky.

    I would also like to see a home/away switch. Often there is someone in the house without one of the family being here and it's ridiculous to have to reprogram the heating just to accommodate a one off occurrence.

    Considering that Tado is an expensive way to control your heating I think it's pretty short sighted not to accommodate users with more than one Tado system. Many people have a second or holiday home or use Tado in their office.

    I hope that Tado will implement these upgrades soon.

  • @Frank - as you were asking for specific features

    My use case is a single boiler supplying a main house and a rented flat attached. I’d like to give the tenant the possibility to control the a system for their flat independently while ensuring that the shared boiler is controlled efficiently to support both homes. Effectively if one or both homes have a demand for heat it switches on, if neither then off.

    If this is already possible any help in setting this up welcomed.
  • @Frank - as you were asking for specific features

    My use case. I have Tado and home and Tado at my office. I would like to be able to use Geofencing for both locations using my phone and be able to control either system through the app , ideally by selecting which "home" I want to view/control through a soft switch in the app

  • @MikeM

    I think this situation would require advanced user rights management, but the problem here is that it would also need to be GDPR compliant (as the Landlord-Tenant relationship falls under this), and this is not something we have planned in the near future.


    This is exactly the type of use-case Multi-Home would be intended for.

  • @Frank is this feature in the works? Can you comment on if and when it can be expected to be supported by tado?

  • My girlfriend was looking into buying some smart thermostats for her home. Since I already have a Tado setup at my house, she asked me if I could recommend it. I'm sad to see that this feature isn't implemented yet even though it was promised to be ready in Q3 2017. This feature specifically, the monthly fees as well as the very loose development roadmap with a delay of two full years at this point, are the main reasons why I told her to look into alternatives.

    While it's too late in my case, I'm sure some other users would greatly appreciate if you could catch up with the remaining promised features whose development seems to currently be in hibernation. I feel like it is especially important for companies in the smart home sector not to gain a reputation of abandoning features.

  • Hi Guys, when can we expect multi home support? looking to buy either Tado AC3 or Sensibo? /Casper

  • I've been waiting for this feature for two years. Now I have a second home on the making and it seems it will not have Tado in it.

  • I too have a house with two independent heating circuits each with its own boiler, so it would be really good to be able to control both circuits from the app. At present I only have Tado on one of the circuits. Just having the option of more homes in the app would be fine.

  • That's a very annoying issue. I've been an enthusiastic user of Tadoº and I recommended it to many friends. I've bought a new one for my second home a couple of days ago, just to discover that I need to create a second account to make it work, since I cannot add it to my existing one.

    Switching between accounts is not an comfortable option, neither is to use web app or a second device.

    I believe the problem is related to some hardware/software feature, or even to some patent(s). Netatmo allows to control multiple houses within the same app using the same account: https://helpcenter.netatmo.com/en-us/smart-thermostat/app-and-notifications/can-i-control-multiple-thermostats-from-the-same-application

    I'm considering to return my second Tadoº and buy Netatmo... at least I will be able to control my two homes using the same device...

  • I am also using tado on 2 apartments ... for me it would be enough, to just switch between accounts. Could be on sign out / log in page, where you could find all accounts you manage for all apartments and simply switch ... apps like Ubiquity UniFi, Synology, ... they all have this and it is enough.

  • We need, as a minimum, the ability for at least one of us to log out of one home (ours) and log in to another (our son's) each time we visit, and then reverse the process when coming home. Currently one membership is always lost when you join another home and the lost account always has to be recreated by re-inviting the individual.

    Having another block to switch between the homes would be much better, and allow simultaneous geofencing for all homes. (Great for those who have tado at home and work!)

  • At present the Tado App only allows one home per email address. As I commute weekly between two addresses, both equipped with Tado, I have to log out then log in again with second Email adress ( which I rarely use otherwise) . Even to view the status in a second home, I have to log out of Tado for the place where I am. All very tedious and, it would seem, unecessary. Before I equipped the second home with Tado I was assured that this feature was on its way,but thats now 2 years ago.

  • This is so bothersome .I guess it is low on priority for Tado developers. Since there is no many of us who are crazy enough to install tado at their home and office too just to figure out how impossible is to track what is going on both locations at the same time. Two mobile phones? No way!

    I am so pissed off that I both Tado on both locations.

  • This is a must 1+
    It can be just profile switch
  • I have TADO thermostat kit in first house and very happy whit it, but now I am interested to buy TADO thermostat kit for my second house, and seems that APP is not supporting 2 house option, which is very bad, so probably I will need to search for another solution which is more comfortable for end user.