how to turn on rooms!
My schedule doesn't work, at the top it only has turn off all rooms, so the heating turns off at the set points instead of changing the temperature. I can drag the temperature up on the heating button, but it seems to be set to turn off. The top resume schedule button turns it off when I press that. Help!!! I wake up cold.…
Tado X add to current Home with V3 versions
If you already have several Tado V3 TVRs if you purchase an additional New TVR X & the new X Bridge do they get added to the same home as the current Tado v3s or does the app create a 2nd Home? I would like all my Tado devices to show upmon the same Home screen?
Heating up single room doesn't turn the boiler on
My setup is a gas boiler, a wired Tado X thermostat, and a Tado X radiatorknop in each room. My problem is when I set the high temperature in a room, other than where the wired X thermostat is located, nothing happens. I mean, the knop opens the water flow but the boiler doesn't start. If I set the temperature higher in…
Help to identify valve type and adaptor
hello, can anyone identify this valve and recommend an adaptor, please? I’ve not had a response from Tado to date. Winter is coming!
Faulty product, no response. What is the process to get a fix or replacement?
I sent several messages to the support team in the last few days. I did not get even a confirmation message that they received my question / ask regarding a faulty product. All I want to know is what is the process that I can follow to get a fix, replacement or refund. Super frustrating. Do you know about any channel that…
Adding wireless temperature sensor to same room with wired smart thermostat
Hi there, Anyone tried this recently? I used able to do this but today I could not and the app saying one room can only have either wireless temperature senor or wired smart thermostat. I need this setup because my smart thermostat is at a location which cannot get temperature correctly, thus I add a wireless one for the…
Installation help!
Hi everyone! Have the same conundrum as some of the other users here but having gone through the answers, still unclear about how to proceed. I have purchased a Bellway new build and have Ideal Logic H2 H15 Combi boiler with two zones heating (wired thermostats for downstairs and upstairs) and hotwater. The programmer is…
App with Tado X devices
Hi there, i'm an old user of V3. Now i split my big house in two, using in one appartmente Tado X and on the other Tado V3. I notice many different behaviour off the app. It lacks many function like reorder rooms or fast way to change schedule. Why this ? I'm expecting improve also on the app side and now i feel myself…
Insert in HomeKit the possibility to select the dehumidifier function provided by the air conditioner.
Hi dear, Is Danfoss RAS B2 TRV compatible with TADO. If yes, which adaptor I have to use. Thanks
Wire question
Hello! I'm switching to wired Tado from a Tuya WIFI thermostat (Unisenza). Currently I have 4 wires, NSB (night stand by), Live, Null and Switched Live. Can you please help me with the wiring to Tado? Thanks!
Help with zone contollers
Hi, I have just setup tado in my house. A brief layout as follows. I have a combo boiler. 2 zones. I have radiators and ufh with a zone valve. I have wired a wireless receiver to control the boiler with a wireless tado thermostat and a wired smart thermostat to control the ufh. This put the 2 of them in the app as separate…
Smart AC Control V3 IFTTT - freezing prevension.
I have been using Smart AC Control V3 with IFTTT automation to control the heat in a summer cottage. But now after end of support of IFTTT I need to find new way to keep my home frost free. I had an automation in IFTTT like this: IF the temperature in the falls below 5°C THEN heat room for 1 hour. How is it possible to get…
TADO radiator thermostat not turning off
I have 3 Tado radiator thermostats in one room. For about a month they all worked fine in sync. Then, one of them refused to turn off, the other 2 turn off when told to no problem, but the one radiator stays on. I tried swapping them over but the same radiator continues to work incorrectly so, in other words, the Tado that…
Anyone else having problems with radiator thermostats over heating rooms when they should be off?
As I told Tado support after emailing them over and over again about this issue and still not getting it resolved... I am interested to see if other people are experiencing the same as me. I fitted Tado radiator thermostats to all my radiators along with a room thermostat in the living room and extension kit on the boiler…
Radiators which don’t have smart valve heating when hot water is switched on?
I have a new tado installed with 5 of the 12 radiators in the house not having smart valves. When I switch on hot water the radiators get heated even though I m only switching on the hot water??
Tado Thermostat Display.
I have a few Tado Thermostats at home. One of which: RU4226885632 is not displaying or blurry when the display does come up. I have already changed the batteries.
Can I control the TRV with a sensor (not thermostat)
Hello In a room I have a TRV and I want to add a sensor (not thermostat) [TADO X] Can the sensor control the TRV (to open and close it)? In my home I don't have a boiler and I don't have a thermostat at home (it is central heating, you open the TRV and you heat the room)
Dual Zone
I currently have a dual zone (downstairs and upstairs) set up with a gas combi boiler and wired thermostats and am looking to switch to Tado. Current set-up is an Ideal boiler, with wired dial-style thermostats. There are two valves by the boiler, which I presume control the two circuits. Additionally there is a time-clock…
After upgrading phone, how do I remove old phone from geofencing?
Just upgraded to a new phone, I uninstalled the tado app on the old one while at work so its reading as away, but I'd like to remove it from my "home" so only mine and partners phones are seen in geofencing. Is this possible? Thanks
Replacing Nest Gen 2 with Tado V3+
I'm replacing my Honeywell ST9400C planner and Nest Gen 2 thermostat / heat link with the Tado V3+... and things seem to have gone a bit wrong! Can anyone help with the wiring set up please? The Honeywell wiring seems to transfer to the Tado easy enough, but the wiring from the Honeywell to the Nest has me confused!
Tado X installation help
Hello my dear Tado Community, I am facing some challenges while installing my Tado X smart thermostat. I currently have the following Thermostat at my place. Posting some photos oh how my valve looks like. I am unable to mount the smart X thermostat by using any of the adapters provided in the box. Can anyone help me in…
Danfoss room sensor
Does anyone know which wires we need to bridge together? This is our old wired room sensor which I believe we need to bridge before the wireless sensor takes over. You can’t really see in the image but the numbers are 4 5 1 2 3
For the last year I've had issues with Tado randomly turning the heating on
As the title says, I've had issues with Tado randomly turning the heating on without being prompted to. The frost protection is also set up correctly. Originally I assumed that the issue was caused by living in an old house in the UK that has thick floors and walls, with our internet being 37Mbps and the boiler being in…
Three channel (Two CH Zones + HW Tank) - Wiring help
Hi folks I've just moved into a house which has had a three channel dumb-ESR setup: channel 1 was downstairs CH, channel 2 was upstairs CH, and then the hot water, each which I could control independently. I've just installed a Smart Wireless thermostat downstairs and a smart wired upstairs. It all works and fires up, but…
How does a wired thermostat work with the radiator thermostat?
We have two circuits in our heating system and two wired thermostats. We have just installed these today, plus 8 radiator thermostats (all V3+). It seems that I can only successfully call for heat from one of the radiator thermostats if it's corresponding wired thermostat is also calling for heat. So if I turn thermostat…
ATAG OpenTherm Care & Protect
Had the ATAG setup via OpenTherm for a while now and all works great (as far as changing water temperature goes for example). However, the central heating recently needed refilling (pressure had dropped below the 1.2 bar) and the boiler shutdown and displayed an error (expected behaviour). When I checked "Care & Protect",…
Updating my heating system
I have a 2005 Valiant Eco Plus 831 combi boiler without a thermostat providing hot water to 4 radiators with manual valves. I would like to update this to a smart thermostat with smart radiator thermostats. Could you please advise which tado components I would require to meet this criteria? As I removing the old manual…
Procedure for replacing wireless thermostat
I always find it difficult with Tado to find a defined procedure for fixing the usual kind of faults that happen. In this case, I just had to replace a wireless thermostat that had stopped working (Tado Support's response was first surprise that it had stopped working and then 'buy a new one'). However, when I received the…
Internet Bridge with 3 solid lights showing disconnected in Tado app app
Hi, I have recently installed the V3+ starter pack which seems to work only the Internet bridge connects correctly when restarting the router but then goes offline in the tado app despite still having 3 solid lights and internet connection showing connected in the router config. Can anyone help please?