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Help with zone contollers

edited October 12 in General Questions & Topics
Hi, I have just setup tado in my house. A brief layout as follows.
I have a combo boiler.
2 zones.
I have radiators and ufh with a zone valve.
I have wired a wireless receiver to control the boiler with a wireless tado thermostat and a wired smart thermostat to control the ufh.
This put the 2 of them in the app as separate zone controllers. Great!
However, for an unrelated reason I had to delete the home in the app and start again.
But this time it hasn’t setup the wired thermostat as a zone controller.
Why and how do I make it a zone controller?


  • RazenEid
    edited October 13
    If I understand correctly, when you reinstalled the thermostat, the app considers it only a thermostat and not a zone controller. To fix that, you can configure the device again through the app and choose it as a zone controller, not a thermostat. To do that, you need to go to settings in the Tado app, then rooms and devices, and then you need to click on the room name where you allocate that thermostat. Click on the room itself, not the device, scroll down to find the option heating zone (I think in your case it should mention the other thermostat as the zone controller), click on it, choose reconfigure, and then choose it as a separate zone controller. Hopefully, that helps and solves your problem. I assume you don't have both thermostats allocated to the same room. If so, I think you need to make a separate room for each thermostat.
  • Yes they are in separate rooms. But I do not have the option you mentioned.
    I have the wireless receiver or no zone controller (independent) options only
  • Hello @wrp

    You should be able to change the Zone Controller by following these steps. If you do not have the options listed, please try to re-install the app.

    • Go to Settings > Rooms & Devices and
    • select the name of the room you want to adjust.
    • Select Zone Controller under Heating Zone and change to a different controller or leave it unassigned. This way, up to 10 rooms can communicate with one Zone Controller.