w.Intercom = i;Adding wireless temperature sensor to same room with wired smart thermostat — tado° Community

Adding wireless temperature sensor to same room with wired smart thermostat

Hi there,

Anyone tried this recently? I used able to do this but today I could not and the app saying one room can only have either wireless temperature senor or wired smart thermostat.

I need this setup because my smart thermostat is at a location which cannot get temperature correctly, thus I add a wireless one for the measuring unit.

Not sure since when it is not allowed…Any suggestion how to solve this?



Best Answers

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator
    Answer ✓

    @brianlai Hello Brian, we added two wireless room sensors to two rooms with TRVs on Sunday, worked straight away for us.

  • Rob
    Rob Admin
    Answer ✓

    As far as I know, you cannot add a wireless temp sensor and a wired thermostat to 1 room in the app. However, support can do this for V3+ (and earlier).

    @brianlai I fixed it for your account.


  • Nope..add to a room with TRV is fine. It only not allow to add to a room already with a wired thermostat
  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭
    edited October 14
    Isn't this just a question of definition? Is there anything to prevent the wired stat being the zone controller of the wireless sensor?
    First dismount the wired stat from the app entirety.
    Second reassign that control on that room to the wireless sensor.
    Third reinstall that wired stat.
    Fourth assign the wired stat as the zone controller to the wireless sensor.

    Does that make sense?
  • I have tried to do this…but it won't let me add two stats (not radiator buds) to the same room… am I just being dim? Any help would be great!

  • Hi policywonk,

    I have a wireless receiver which connect to the boiler as the controller. The wired stat is a zone controller which open the gate to flow water to the underfloor heating, if my wireless sensor selected the wired stat as controller, it can only open the water flow to underground but cannot turn on the boiler (wireless receiver).

    The most funny thing is I used to do setup like this and it was fine, don't know since when the app does not allow to do this anymore.

  • You could just create a new generic room for the wired 'stat to be associated with and then add the wireless 'stat to the room that you want it to be the measuring device for.

    If the wired 'stat is still performing switching for the heating, it will need to be the zone controller for the existing room


  • Hi davidlyall,

    As i mentioned, the app does not allow to add another wireless senor to a room which already has a wired stat . That's why i ask here. …Thanks anyway

  • eezytiger
    eezytiger ✭✭✭

    @brianlai The suggestion from @davidlyall was to create an entirely new "fictitious" room and assign the wireless temperature sensor to that fictitious room. Obviously you place the WTS into the original room with the wired smart thermostat. Thus no conflict of two devices in one room, as far as Tado is concerned. The WTS can monitor temps exactly where you want it to and can fire the boiler as necessary.

    Of course, it should work as you originally wish, but this is a workround that should get you up and running again. If I were you I'd contact support so they can fix the problem. There should not be a problem. Alternatively, you could try restarting the smart wired thermostat - press button for at least 10 seconds - just like rebooting a PC - and see if the system unknots itself. Perhaps do the same with the Bridge, just in case it helps.

  • @eezytiger yes, wired smart thermostat gets added to a new generic room. Let's call it "Heating"

    The wireless stat can then be added to the same room as the TRV so it is the measuring device for that room.

    Wired stat will likely need to be the zone controller

    I don't think it's a "problem" with Tado as it must be a very rare situation

  • Hi eezytiger, davidlyall,

    Thanks for suggestion, as mentioned earlier I cannot set the wired stat as the zone controller as i have the wireless receiver as zone controller already which is connecting to the boiler.

    I can have wireless senor and wired stat as two seperate fictitious rooms as suggested, but then the two rooms will on/off according to their own tempeature measured, and because my location of the wired stat (it is behind a door) cannot get correct temp, this setup cannot work as wished.


  • eezytiger
    eezytiger ✭✭✭

    @davidlyall except that @brianlai said that it used to work and has now stopped working. It's either a change of behaviour by design (spec change - where's the change log?) or it's a bug (problem..... to be fixed).

  • Hi Rob,

    Thanks a lot I can see it is setup as wished now. !