Heating up single room doesn't turn the boiler on
My setup is a gas boiler, a wired Tado X thermostat, and a Tado X radiatorknop in each room.
My problem is when I set the high temperature in a room, other than where the wired X thermostat is located, nothing happens. I mean, the knop opens the water flow but the boiler doesn't start. If I set the temperature higher in the room with the wired X thermostat everything works as expected.
So, my current workaround is to raise the temperature in the living room (the wired X thermostat) and other, at the same time.
Is it expected behavior? Do I need to change something in the app to make it work?
Best Answer
Oh, I figured it out. For every room, I need to go to room settings and select my wired X thermostat as zone controller
@StephanKu It's the zone controller setting that was not selected. I see you already solved this yourself.
As a Dutchman myself I saw some Dutch in your english text. Did you know there's a Dutch language forum as well?