Replacing existing Honeywell CM907 wired thermostat
What would be the best solution to control my separate single-zone underfloor heating system? Would like to be able to have the ability to control it remotely.
Vitodens 111-w
Hi, I am looking for manual, how to plug wireless receiver to vitodens 111 - w BR Piotr piotr@ebieganski.pl
Wiring plans
Currently tado supporting S plan CH system, have seen that X plan offers potential to achieve more efficiency on condensing system boilers, does anyone have experience of tado supporting this X plan format?
My wired room stat is in wrong place
I have a wired room stat in my hall but that gets cold every time the front door is open. Can have it somewhere else without rewiring
Automation in tado app or Apple Home app
I am trying to find documentation on this, but did not succeed yet. The tado automation (Smart Settings) was in place and working properly before the Apple Home app was connected to the tado bridge. In the Home app scenes, one can also define automations involving the tado settings. The question is whether one automation…
No hot water on y plan system
Hi all, Help most appreciated. Installed Tado and CH works a treat. However HW control doesn't. Tado says it's on. I can hear the Tado switching it on. However the boiler doesn't fire up.
tado° Wireless Temperature Sensor - Wifi Add-On
I currently have 8 Tado radiator valves, I'm going to buy another this week (small daytime home) office as they are on offer - is there any benefit in buying Tado° Wireless Temperature Sensor - Wi-Fi Add-On or should I just buy basic Vave. I suppose the question I'm asking is what the W-FI adding version do, thank you all
Has anyone else found that hot water is switched-on when away, although should be off?
I suspected that my hot water was turning-on at times that it is scheduled to when I am home, even when I am away (although it is set to be off when I am away). The Tado climate graph does not show the hot water as turned-on when I am away. However, I use the Hugo app to analyse data recorded by my smart meters, and this…
Combi not switching off
Hi, I've recently installed a Tado system to my Worcester Greenstar 37CDi boiler. It all appears to be set up correctly according to tech support, but when the boiler should be off, it is still heading radiators which don't have TRVs installed. Something is keeping it on and Tado tech support don't know why. I've removed…
SRV off set annoying
SRVs never read correct room temp when on, obviously they are right next to radiator, but find it annoying if you do offset the temp normally by 3 degrees, when the radiators aren't on the actual and what should be correct room temp is 3 degrees out! SRVs our poor design in my opinion for the price and no way am I buying…
Boost heating
Hi I have srv fitted now to a few radiators, can I exclude these from heating boost. These are fitted to the bedrooms so only required to come on at night so wondering if I come back in to the house during the day when no schedule is on and I hit boost to get heat in the house I wouldn’t want these to come on
App start issue
Hi I've just got Tado installed, works great, however the App takes quite a while to load, is this normal?
Amazon UK black friday
Amazon UK currently doing discounts this week. As I have been looking to add some wired thermostats for some time, they seem genuine.
2 heating zones Problem
Hi everyone. I've just installed my tado system. I have 2 separate heating zones and hot water. The previous thermostats were wired, so I replaced them with tado wired thermostats. I've not touched the hot water. That's being controlled by the programmer next to the boiler so no concern there. I've installed tado trv on my…
Boiler modulating control while keeping the thermostat relay output to turn on/off floor pump?
Hi, I currently have 6 wired thermostats controlling my underfloor heating installation. The thermostats switch their corresponding relay outputs, which are wired to the heating control panels on each floor of the house which, in addition to turn the boiler on / off, also control the start / stop of a floor circuit pump,…
App reports the system is offline but there are no gaps in the climate curves
On several occasions now I have been away from home and the app has reported that all rooms are offline, sometimes that resolves itself but other not and as a result we are unable to re-start the normal heating schedule before we return home. What I find curious is that once I get back online (and sometimes that happens…
Can I use a Wireless Thermostat as a Wireless Temp Sensor?
Can a wireless thermostat, be configured to run as just a wireless temp sensor? If so, how?
Longer cable
Where can I get a longer cable for the small box that plugs into my router as the 1 provided isn't long enough?
What is the blue dashed line
If you click from the main screen the large main heating button then click on the top right of the screen on the symbol of what looks like a small bar graph button you get a graph come up which will show you the blue dashed line if you click on the rain drop button it turns off so what is this actually showing me can…
Please can someone help me identify my valve and adapter required?
I can't seem to match this to any on the tado website - hoping there is a compatible adapter!!
I've literally just moved into a new house with Tado installed but there appears to be no Internet bridge!! How can I manually turn on hot water and heat??
TRV temperature offset gone in app?
Hi, I'm a fairly recent purchaser and have 3 smart radiator thermostats at the moment. Originally I was able to adjust the temperature offset for each of them, but I want to adjust them as they seem off, but I no longer see any way to do that in the device page from "Rooms and Devices" in the app. I'm subscribed for the…
Danfoss tp9000
I have Danfoss tp9000 downstairs with a ts2 sensor and a tp5000 upstairs. Saw a topic about this and think I’m right but wanted to check If I get starter kit I can replace the tp9000 with the extensions kit . Replace the tp5000 with the wireless thermostat then buy another thermostat to replace the ts2. Do I need to wire…
Child lock . . .
Dear Team, I have a room with two TRVs in it. One of the TRVs controls the room's temeperature with the other slaver to it. On the control TRV I am able to select child lock however on the slave the child lock option is not shown. Unfortunately (as I discovered this afternoon) if the slave TRV is operated manually it then…
EPH A27-HW with Honeywell T6360B Thermostat
Hi I have a EPH A27-HW with Honeywell T6360B room Thermostat controlling a Vokera boiler. The T6360B is wired with two wires to N/O contact pins 1 & 3. After reading the instructions I thought it would be a simple to replace the T6360B stat for the tado wired smart stat. Then set the EPH to on permanently and control the…
What's the purpose of the wireless temperature sensor?
I bought a Tado wireless starter kit a couple of days ago, and have set it up with 4 individual TRVs. I have 7 radiators in my property, each in separate rooms, so that leaves 3 that are don't have a Tado TRV yet. I am just confused about what purpose the one wireless temperature sensor I have serves? If I didn't have any…
One off scheduling...
Is there any way I can tell a room to heat up later, but not have it as part of a permanent Smart Schedule? I'm riding in our gym* at 6.25 tonight so will ideally need the heating to come on about half an hour before, but tomorrow I might be riding at 5 or not at all. I therefore don't want to setup a full Smart Schedule…
Any tips for fitting the trv heads
Hi so just ordered some heads and wondered if there was any tips on fitting/setting them up. Ex plumber so I just wondered if I should look out for anything? Thanks
I cannot get my internet bridge to (re-connect)
My system was working fine for weeks but then the internet bridge got disconnected from the cloud and despite reboot and multiple tries with power off for more than 10 minutes, it just doesn’t reconnect to the site anymore …. any ideas ? Thanks
Error Light flashing slowly on Wireless receiver
Hi Support, on my Tado Receiver, the Error/warning icons light is blinking slowly. I have restarted the device and after a few hours the light reappeard. The WiFi light is on, power light is on and the Hot water / central heating lights appear on as they should. What's going on? Where can I find what the error is?