What's the best hot water cylinder for Tado?


I have to replace my hot water cylinder, and was wondering if there were any on the market that had any advantages for a Tado user? I really have no idea which tank to go for, but have been looking at Mixergy for their efficiency.

I have Tado extension kit v3 with plenty of radiator thermostats. I have a vented system with a British Gas / Glowworm 330+ boiler, but am planning on pressurising the system when I replace the tank.

It would be nice to get some more insight into the temperature of my hot water, and use this information for scheduling, but it looks like the only solution is something like the SONOFF TH10?

Any advice would be gratefully received!



  • DM932187

    I believe Tado is currently cylinder agnostic.

    It just turns the HW on or off via relay, the same as any other programmer.