Additional Smart Thermostat installation
Hi guys, I purchased two additional smart thermostats to make up for the poor TRV measuring. The issue is, after adding them to the system everything stopped working. Basically the extension kit does not seem to receive any heat requests / is stuck in some kind of manual mode. Does anybody know how the Smart Thermostats…
Connect Smart Thermostat direct to zone valve.
Hi Current set up. Smart thermostat. Some Smart TRVs, Extension kit. 2 Questions: 1.) I have a large lounge with 4 rads. Mostly only need it heated in the eve. Sometimes not at all. Instead of 4X Smart TRVs. Can I stick a generic zone valve in and wire a smart thermostat directly to it? 2.) If yes. Can this smart…
Heating called for
I have just upgrade to the new app, after using tado for a few years. The old app used to have up to 3 flames lit to show the amount of heat called for - does the app not have this? The support area suggests it does but my app just says ‘heating to’. Thanks in advance
Incorrect temperature in the morning.
I have the following problem for 3 days now: In the morning when I wake up I put the temperature on 20ºC but Tado V3+ says it's allready about 19.5ºC in the room while my Netatmo indoor station says it's only about 17.5ºC. The Netatmo seems right because it feels cold in the room. After putting the thermostat on 20ºC the…
Cheap child guard for TRV
Hi I have came up with a cheep idea to child proof your trv with no damage. Just thought I would share. Parts. 50mm solvent weld straight coupling. 3 small strips of sticky draft excluder. Works very well and easy removed
Is There A Heating History View Anywhere?
I had Nest before Tado and it showed a simplified view of how many hours your heating was on for each day. Is there a simplified view with Tado anywhere other than working it all out from the graph? Just trying to work out if the heating is on more or less now ive got individual TRVs on the rads
Heating on past midnight yet thermostat shows heating off
Woke up very hot at 00:30 because heating system was still running and on checking the thermostat it displayed 'off' as expected as the programme should switch off at 21:30. I think that I had used the thermostat earlier to raise the temperature but may somehow have put the heating in a manual mode- trouble is I really…
New Smart Thermostat and extension added to system but radiator valves still not bringing in boiler.
I've already got 8 tado radiator valves working on their own. Today I've added the smart thermostat which gives fitted wirelessly in the lounge, and the extension wired in to the worcester greenstar boiler. I followed the tado instructions that were emailed to me. I r Expected the smart thermostat to be linked to the…
Tado server was down again
This has happened twice within a month. This server outage is becoming a problem. Anyone else suffer from this problem?
My heating is working when it is required but my hot water is working intermittantly - tonight the water is cold. Everything is connected and it says that the "Hot Water" is "On" but the boiler does not fire up. Any suggestions?
Is it possible to see if the boiler is running or not via Tado
Is it possible to see if the boiler is running or not via Tado? I had a problem with the boiler constantly running or not running at all which Tado have now hopefully fixed. Whilst I can see the room temperature via Tado I don't know if the boiler is running or not.
No heating coming on is there a manual override of Tado?
I did ask Tado help centre about using an Extender unit. They provided me with the details and linked the Extender to my account. I then decided not to go ahead with its fitting because it wasn't a case of remove the thermostat and put on the Extender and required much more work than I expected. However the Tado team…
Target Temperature
Can someone explain how the temperature setting works, my target temperature is set at 21 but I am now in my living room and the temp is 18, at what point should the heating come back on?
Hot water
I am Marijan from Croatia, and i have just installed a smart termostat and 8 smart radiator termostats and installed mobile app... and there is no option for a hot water lije there is on demo app...? Wha i have not that option...? Marijan
Hot water
I am Marijan from Croatia, and i have just installed a smart termostat and 8 smart radiator termostats and installed mobile app... and there is no option for a hot water lije there is on demo app...? Wha i have not that option...? Marijan
No heat request
I have a tado v2 connected to my combi boiler in relay mode. My problem is that the app never shows heat request, it always displays "no heat request". Despite of this, the heating works well. No heat request shows up in the statistics as well...
Vitodens 100-W WB1B control problems via Tado
I have a Viessman Vitodens 100-W WB1B which the heating is controlled via a Tado Extension kit (via opentherm) and smart thermostat. When the hot water is called it supplies the cylinder for a set time or until the temp is reached but it doesn't always go back to supply the heating even though Tado is calling for heat. It…
Tado app keeps asking to sign in
Over the past couple of days i have been asked to sign in when going to use my app. i keep on entering the details and then it gives me all the temperatures etc. At one point it kept on saying ' unable to connect to Tado servers'? Is this normal?
Unable to login - bad gateway
Unable to access the app on tablet or pc. Comes up with bad gateway when credentials are entered
Correct equipment for new installation
I am currently in the middle of renovating my house. We are due to have Ground floor - underfloor heating 1st floor - radiators 2nd floor - radiators Combi boiler, 1st and 2nd floor zoned individually What equipment would you recommend to control this system via Tado ?
Tado App on Android
Can now log into the tado via the website. However the TADO App on the tablet is not responding
V1 thermostat on a V3 system
Could I use a V1 thermostat on a V3 system simply as an on/off switch for underfloor heating?
App main screen question
On the main screen of the v3 app, there ate 2 temperatures displayed: One in a large font, to the left of the humidity reading, and one superimposed on the manual control button along with a thermometer icon. The system is not in manual override, and is currently in Away mode. Please can someone categorically explain the…
Heating not working at all
Now that there is no longer a helpline I tried to start a chat - but it says ‘back on Monday’ ‘. This isn’t good enough. We are old and need heating now. Can anyone please help?
Help needed
We had a power cut last night and now the Tado heating isnt working (combi boiler and hot water is fine). I've tried re booting the internet bridge and the extension kit but still nothing
Energy Savings
Just (marginally!) interested in people's energy saving. Mine since I started last autumn are: Oct - 1.9% Nov - 3.6% Dec - 0.5% Jan - 0.3% Feb - 0.1% Hardly worth crowing about? Are yours any better?
Zones or Multiple Rooms
Hi, A little advice or guidance please. Had TADO from the start V1 to V3+, several Smart Rads / Thermostat and extension kit. My current setup is Heating / Hot water with the Thermostat and 2 zones upstairs and downstairs with smarts rads in each. Is this the best way or is individual rooms the way forward? Should the…
Pricing for auto-assist?
I own a tado v2 system, I've never had to pay for geofencing. The app keeps nagging me to upgrade to the new v3+ app and it shows a screen assuring me that I won't have to pay any extra charges. However - if I click the "What is Auto-Assist" link it takes me to a page on the tado support site that clearly states auto…
Smart schedule heating coming on later than start time ~1hr late!
Hi All, I've had tado for just over 6 months and all has been well. This week though I noticed it was colder than usual in the mornings and saw the temp was much lower! I've attached the heating chart for the past 2 days and as you can see that the heating is not coming on and heating at the expected start time as it has…
Set Main thermostat to priority over Radiators
The reason I haven’t got smart radiator valves yet is that I want my heating to go on and off at the times set in the schedule, but for some to stay off at certain times and others at other times. I won’t (usually) want the radiator valves turning a room on outside of these times. Or have I misunderstood?