tado for separate central heating and hot water circuits?
Moved into a property recently with a heat only boiler and cylinder (cylinder upstairs, boiler in kitchen) I noticed the hot water switch on the downstairs control panel has been removed and realised this is because the cylinder is controlled by a chunky control panel upstairs. There is no wired connection between the two…
Introducing Our New Volunteer Moderators
Hello community, I am excited to announce that three dedicated members of our tado° community—@rafm5, @wateroakley, @martini—have officially been given the rank of Volunteer Moderator. Their continued passion and commitment to this space made them obvious picks for this role. As their title suggests, the three of them will…
Converting new build 2 zone heating to Opentherm
Hi all, Just moved into a new build 3 bed semi, we have a Ideal Logic ESP1 35 boiler (opentherm capable). Currently running on two zones (upstairs and downstairs thermostats) heating their respective zones. After a bit of searching the kit they've installed is this: These are the valves (handily located under the bath!) i…
Wireless Receiver keeps going offline! It’s done it 3 times in the last couple of days!
Wireless receiver keeps going offline! It’s done it 3 times in the last couple of days.
Offline during night
Hi, Hi all, New to Tado as I just purchased my v3+ system. Wired thermostat installation was fine, and also added 5x smart TRV easily. It's been only 2 nights, but yesterday morning I had one TRV go offline overnight, came back online when I just removed it and put back on. This morning I now have 2 offline, the one from…
Issue with batteries/heating with Tado V3+
Hi all, In March 2023 i've update my thermostat with a Tado V3+, it working well until today, when come back at home for lunch , i found my Tado thermostat as usual, but with heater on… i'm from Rome, and today there's more than 30 degree celsius… so didn't understood why was on, immediately ran to the boiler to keep off…
No hot water, Tado not firing up Boiler / Boilermate
We have not had any hot water for 2 days now - the Tado doesn't seem to be firing up the Boilder (a Worcester 30CDI) which is connected to a Gledhill Boilermate 2000. I can run the heating test off the receiver successfully but not a hot water test - no lights when I press that (although I don't know if that was ever on!)…
Connect 2 Valves Combi-boiler to Tado receiver
Hi, I have a glow-worm Combi boiler and just extended the back of house and with underfloor heating. The plumber has now installed 2 valves and he doesn’t know how to connect them to the Tado receiver. Until now I had one wireless thermostat for the living room and Tado radiator valves for all the other rooms. When I asked…
Replacing Nest with Tado
Hey folks! We have a pair of Nest Thermostats with a single combi boiler (Valliant ecotec 832). This boiler runs two heating zones, hydronic UFH downstairs, and rads upstairs. There is Nest Heatlink wired into the wiring center next to the boiler. There is a second Heatlink wired into a wiring center next to the UFH…
Tado install
Hello, I have a Vaillant ecoTEC pro 28 combi - this connects to a British Gas WR1 and then onto a wireless thermostat. i want install too tado starter kit vs3+ wireless smart thermostat ? If so, how do I then connect the tado into this please and which is the best model for me? Thanks Danail
Using Smart Radiator Valve as zone control for under floor heating
I have recently installed floor heating on the ground floor but there is no zone valve control. Therefore, my ground floor is heated when my 2nd floor calls for heat. I am thinking to use my existing smart radiator valve as the gate keeper for UFH. It will be placed before the hot water entering actuator. Is this plan…
2 Valves combi-boiler connections to Tado receiver
Hi, I have a glow-worm Combi boiler and just extended the back of house and with underfloor heating. The plumber has now installed 2 valves and he doesn’t know how to connect them to the Tado receiver. I’d like to control the underfloor heating as separate room and keep controlling the other rooms as usual. Until now I had…
Greenstar 28i Junior combi MK IV - Tado
Hello, I have a Greenstar 28i Junior combi MK IV - this connects to a British Gas WR1 and then onto a wireless thermostat. The WR1 is connected to the mains, then the boiler is connected off of that - the boiler doesn't have its own direct power - only via the WR1 - is this normal? If so, how do I then connect the tado…
Can I set my system so that the Thermostat overrides the system?
I've had Tado products for about 4 or 5 years and am very happy but there is one thing that annoys me and I can't seem to find in any manual or forum. I have a smart thermostat set as the zone controller, and five smart TRVs in the bedrooms and living room. I want the Thermostat to have overall control the whole house.…
Replacing Honeywell Thermostat
hi there New to the group. I purchased a second hand tado v3+ wired starter kit but the box doesn’t have the stickers referred to in the instal guide. The old thermostat has 3 wires as per the picture attached. Any idea what these correspond to on the tado wiring?
Dual Zone + Hot water TPOne Replacement
Hi, sorry to join and ask questions straight away, but there's a sale ending soon and i'd like to order the right stuff, so here goes.. We have just moved into a new build - which appears to have two heating zones, and hot water tank. It looks like it's an S-Plan configuration. 2 Heating Zones + 1 HW zone. There is one…
This week a Starter Kit V3+ from OVO was installed in my house by a (qualified) electrician. The related tado app seems to recognise the registration data from the QR code for the three devices involved but, importantly, the data are not being retained by the app and an error message is generated with the heading of…
Copy and pasting settings for rooms
Hi, during copying and pasting of one room to others (I have 16..) the "Confirm" button is not visible and I cannot scroll to it. This is the case for both my Win PC as well a Iphone and Ipad. Any suggestions of is this a bug?
Tado with Veismann weather compensation
I would be grateful if someone can put me right on the following. I have a new boiler being installed on Wednesday. It is a Veissmann 100 with weather compensation module. I have been told that my existing Tado system will work OK with this but only if Tado is in "relay" or "on/off" mode. I believe that is what I have (it…
Why are my radiators hot when heating is off
My radiators are hot but heating is off
What to do with old wireless thermostat?
Old Receiver/Programmer: Drayton LP722 Old Thermostat: Neomitis RT7RF I've just completed the installation using the Tado guide on the app, and replace the Drayton LP722 with Tado Wireless Receiver. Only after installation did I notice that the boiler also had a wireless thermostat. Can I just leave this? Is there anything…
Room thermostat very loose in mount
I've just fitted a Tado system and noticed how ridiculously loose the room thermostat is in its wall mount. It just sort of sits on the mount and could quite easily be knocked off when cleaning/dusting the living room. Is this normal? I was expecting it to clip into the mount. I'll use a bit of blutack inside the mount to…
Underfloor heating issue
Hi, can anyone help please I have new underfloor heating in the kitchen and rads in the rest of the house. I had a spare smart wired thermostat and thought this would be ideal for the UF heating. The live from the underfloor heating pump is in the COM port of the smart thermostat and the switched live is in the NO port.…
Tado X breaking API changes
Folks, Enjoying Tado X, but it's not compatible with the current API. All good, in looking at the app, the hops endpoint is perfect - alas, when we follow your guidance to use the public api client ID; the token it returns does not work on the hops.tado.com endpoint, returning 401. Using the web client ID and secret work…
Tado X keeps boiler heating way above target temperature?
Hello, I have a Tado X wired thermostat, I own an OpenTherm boiler. My thermostat was set to 19C. I just got home, and found out it was 26C in my house. My thermostat kept regular temperature until 6PM today, which turned on the heating continuously until I came home and had to reset the thermostat (by holding the middle…
Can i replace tado wired thermostat with tado wired receiver
My current setup is tado Wireless temperature sensor sends command to Tado wired thermostat. Now can I replace the tado-wired thermostat with tado-wired receiver ( the horizontal box). As I planned to giveaway tado thermostat.
What products do I need?
Hi I ek wondered if people could advise as I don't really understand the website. We're looking to purchase the tado system so that we can control the temperature in 7 rooms in our house. They all have 1 radiator except for the sitting room which has 2. The majority of the radiators are Bulldog valves which I believe are…
Tepeo Zero Emission boiler
Energy monitoring accuracy? now that Tado energy meter readings are including whole house not just the new Tepeo electric boiler. By the way Tepeo and Tado work well together.
My heating won’t come on.
I’ve just moved into a new house which has Tado V3+ Wireless Smart Thermostat installed. The display on the wall thermostat seems to be working fine, I’ve started using the app and that seems to be working/syncing to the wall thermostat. However when I dial up the temperature to turn the heating on, the boiler isn’t coming…
Replace Nu Heat controller and Thermostat
Hello I have a Nu Heat / Heatmiser TM4 time clock controller and 2 thermostats in zones for my underfloor heading. I have already installed Tado wireless v3+ with smart thermostat & 8 smart TRV’s on radiators. Do I leave the time clock controller in place and replace with 2 wired Tado smart thermostats to add the…