Wireless Receiver X wiring question
Hi all, I'm trying to wire a Wireless Receiver X to a Rehema Avanta. At the moment a Honeywell receiver is attached, see picture of current wiring below. If I understand the Tado-app correctly, I have to replace the blue wire with the black (terminal 3) and the brown with the grey (terminal 4). Can someone confirm this?…
Community creaking at the seams this morning?
Is it just me but this supported community doesn’t appear to update with new discussions very effectively this morning. Is this Community hosted by the Tado Server? Kr, Vernon
One Tado X TRV won't connect, and says I need a Thread Router
Hello, Just had a new Tado system installed. 8 TRVS, room stat, and a wireless receiver. System boiler and using simply for heating, not HW. No underfloor heating. I've added all 7 TRVs except 1. It says that "your device requires a thread router". This is the message you get if you haven't configured your bridge /…
Caldaia Bosh funzionamento modulante bye-bye?
Buonasera, ho installato una caldaia Bosh Condens 2200 e acquistato il kit V3+ per poi scoprire che la caldaia, nonostante Tado dichiari "BOSH - Compatibile con comando digitale TRANNE con caldaie serie Condens7000/8000/9000" (per cui mi chiedo se non ci siano gli estremi per una potenziale frode in commercio), non…
Viessmann Vitodens 222-W WS2A + Vitotrol 300 thermostat and Vitotronic 200 exterior sensor + Tado X?
Hello, can anyone suggest a technician in Brussels area who is familiar and able to remove the Vitotrol 300 wired thermostat (not compatible with TadoX) and connect/wire the Tado X wireless receiver to our boiler? We have had no luck so far, 2 technicians could not do it, there seems to be an issue due to the exterior…
2 V3+ thermostats connected to te same bridge
I have two TADO V3+ thermostats connected to two different systems, each with its own boiler. Can I use a single Internet Bridge to connect both to the network? Then, I will manage them with two different accounts in the application.
Is tado° compatible with electric underfloor heating?
Hi! I have radiator and underfloor heating zones. The underfloor heating zones are electric. Can tado° control my system? Cheers! IM
Setting Up Smart Heating System with Viessmann Boiler and Tado X
Hello, I am building a new villa where I will install a gas boiler Viessmann Vitodens. There will be an underfloor heating on both floors and 2–3 radiators in the living room. Currently, in am using a Tado V3+ setup with a smart thermostat and smart radiator thermostats. In the new villa, I want to create multiple zones…
Tado X pairing connection Wireless Smart Thermostat X - Starter Kit
Hello there, I have the following problem. I just bought a Tado X Wireless Smart Thermostat X - Starter Kit The problems are the following: The Wireless Receiver X did connect with my wifi without any major problem (even if i needed 4-5 attempts). The Wireless Temperature Sensor X is not able to pair with my phone and…
Temperatura acqua sanitaria
Buongiorno a tutti,ma è normale che la temperatura dell'acqua sanitaria si possa regolare solo dall'app o dal termostato intelligente e non più dalla caldaia stessa? Mi spiego; io ho impostato la tempratura dell'acqua sanitaria a 45° tramite app ma se voglio variarla dal display della caldaia ( Ferroli Maxima ) la stesa…
Looking for a smart Thermostat with a programmable app
I am looking for a smart thermostat for a hall that is not occupied daily but has meetings set down in a calendar. the heating system has three zones which are separatly controlled with motorised valves. Can this be programmed in to the tado App. thanks
I want advice about what Tado parts I need and how to wire them to a 2 port 'S' plan system
I am trying to get variable temperature control and timing from a Tado controller. Present system: Thorn EMI Olympic Boiler 38/50B (old but I am told simple) Grasslin/Towerchron QE2 electronic 7 day timer (With a back plate) Satchwell wired hall thermostat The system has 2 motorised valves, hot water cylinder with a…
Tado X Install with Valliant Ecotec 837 Plus boiler + VR33
Hi, I have purchased the Tado X Starter kit for use with my Ecotec 837 Plus boiler. I am aware that Tado X requires Opentherm which my boiler doesn't natively provide, and thus have purchased a VR33 adapter to install (via the X31 socket on the main boiler pcb). Does anyone have any further installation info/advice? Also,…
Tado + Vaillant ecofit pure bus
Ok, I'm really losing my marbles on this one. Searches on here, on google and reddit and cannot find a de-facto answer to my problem, although It seems it has been asked in some ways by vaillant boiler owners. Please help. I can feel you know what I'm going to ask. In the UK can the Tado v3+ wireless system, modulate…
Tado X support for hot water?
I currently have a Nest controlling the radiators and hot water, and a Drayton programmer controlling 3 zones of underfloor heating. Both demand from the gas boiler independently. I think I’ve worked out that the V3+ supports this configuration with a wireless receiver and 3 wired thermostats. But am I right in thinking…
Morco IV GB24 Propane
Hey All, I have Morco IV GB 24 and does not have any wired or wireless thermostat currently. It does appear to be OpenTherm compatible boiler. I’ve been looking at adding this remote wireless thermostat and looking at purchasing the model : Wireless Smart Thermostat X - Starter Kit incl. Programmer with Hot Water Control…
Can the Tado be used for one customer with multiple homes?
We use Tado as our smart option and have a number of customers who have multiple homes and would like to control them all from the one app is this possible
Pre-sales question re v3 Wired
Hi I want o fit a v3 Wired thermostat to our Worcester Bosch 30Ri Compact so that I can get it to modulate using the EMS BUS. In doing so I want to remove the Drayton controller. However my wife is a complete technophobe and refuses to use an app on her phone. So… Can we adjust the hot water from the thermostat itself? All…
Modulation control in system boiler
Hi all, I am new to the Tado community, and just purchased a V3+ wireless smart thermostat starter kit as I have a dual hive setup (HW and CH) and am interested in having more control of the system, and hopefully lower energy bills as a result. I have a Worcester bosch greenstar 4000 18kw system boiler with unvented…
Boiler makes horrible buzzing sound when Tado is plugged in and calls for heating.
As mentioned when Tado is plugged in boiler makes horrible sound like a really loud buzz. When I unplug it the boiler works fine.
New set up and problem with Radiator Thermostat X
I’m new to the Tado world and have just tested out the wall thermostat, bridge, and a single radiator thermostat. The setup of the hub was simple and quick, the wall thermostat setup was quick and easy, but the radiator thermostat had a problem with not mounting properly ie not at all, kept returning the message “failed” I…
Tado X Wireless Install - hot water works, but not heating
Hello all, I have just installed a Tado X wireless thermostat and only the hot water function seems to be working - I have no heating working. I have a conventional Bosch Greenstar 24i System mkIV boiler with a hot water tank in the loft. I have had/have Horstmann Centaurplus C27 series 2 programmer, and a horstmann…
Old boiler and confusing system any ideas on why we have 4 going out and what we need to do help
any help would be appreciated
Veissman Vitodens 100-W wb1c and Tado v3+ not communicating
Hi, we've had the Tado v3+ installed for about a month and no matter what we do, the Tado will not control the boiler. We've disconnected the previous thermostat which was the Veissman Vitotrol RF wireless. That's now dead and buried. Various " experts" have suggested several wiring configurations and things to try but…
Problem with saving Smart Schedule in tado app for android
Get an error message when try to update my Smart Schedule in TADO-app I've tried uninstalling and then reinstalling, same error. How can i do, to fix it? Regards Michael
tado X , Homey Pro and Hot Water flow cards
Hi, Can anyone point me to details on controlling hot water via a Homey Pro with flow cards? I can only see two cards; both look like heating rather than hot water-related to me. Set the Mode (Automatic, Heat, Cool, Off) Set the temperature Has anyone cracked this? If so, or if you haven't but know the answer anyway, your…
Can't add Tado X devices to Google Home
Hi everyone, I just installed Tado X and I have added all thermostats to the tado App. However I can't add them to Google home when following tado X official instructions (https://help.tado.com/en/articles/9184568-how-can-i-set-up-my-tado-x-devices-with-google-home): In the tado° app: Open the tado° app. Select Settings >…
Which system for Vaillant ecoFIT pure 418?
Hi, I was pondering between Hive or Tado and inclined towards Tado as it seems to be cheaper and can set min max temperatures. Below is my system: Vaillant ecoFIT pure 418 system boiler with only 6 radiators S Plan motorised valves to serve Hot Water cylinder and boiler The zone valves are switched by wired room thermostat…
Boiler not turning off
System is Smart Thermostat in master bedroom upstairs. Wireless thermostat and wireless receiver downstairs. Everything working as expected for approx 7 months until this evening. Upstairs reset from 19.0c to 19.5c at about 1500 and according to the graph the boiler should have gone off at about 1530. I’ve just walked into…
Always home when geofencing.
One of 2 devices always showing home and not turning heating off when away. Both devices can be at same location at the time when not at home but only one of them will be out of home area and 2nd at home. Both devices settings identical. Tryed to delete and reinstall app but still same issue.