Thermostat Connecté
Bonjour, j'ai testé en branchant sur NO, mon circulateur se met en route et reste alimenté en permanence et sur NC, rien ne se passe. Il n'y a donc pas de courant sur le NC mais en permanence sur le NO. J'ai bien attendu les 5 minutes de temporisation, mais rien ne fonctionne. Comment je dois procéder Cordialement
Modulation option, wireless
Hello. I bought a wireless refurbished Tado V3+ thermostat last year and it performed well. However I understand that the modulation Opentherm facility, according to this discussion, has now been removed. Does this mean my Tado thermostat (Version now performs more inefficiently than in the past? Clarification…
Heatmiser UH4 with 2 Tado wired thermostats always calling for heat
Recently we had (wet) UFH installed. This is a retrofit along side the original radiators which are mostly controlled via Tado TRVs, these work great. A new Heatmiser wiring centre (UH4) was installed to control the 2 UFH zones, which is wired into the Tado Wireless Extension Kit. We have two Tado smart thermostats that…
Integrating separated Heatmiser UFH
Hi all, I’ve read a few post in here that appear related but my setup seems to be a little unique. I have Tado controlling my traditional combi boiler and Tado TRV’s on all radiators today. However I also have three independent Heatmiser UFH zones with their own Neostat V2’s. I bought the house with these zones installed…
Gledhill Boilermate II Thermal Store, Conventional Boiler, Wired Thermostat
Hello, I'm confusing myself on what I need to buy. What I think I want is some smart TRV's so when the heating is on I'm not heating every room in the house. I have a conventional Intergas boiler (HRE 18 OV) a Gledhill BoilerMate II (not my photo) Thermal Store and a wired wall mounted Heatmiser DT, PRT as below in the…
Can someone assist with wiring.
Hello, can someone assist with the wiring of my new room thermostat. I followed instructions from tado after entering he make and model of the current room stat which is a danfoss RET2000 MD. The current wiring doesnt match What tado think it should, here is a picture: Tado advised me to write on the labels as follows: As…
wiring for a hard wired Tado thermostat
Hello Can someone please help with the wiring can someone please let me know what wire goes where on the Tado i have uploaded a picture of my current thermostat wiring thanks in advance
Help - No hot water after moving from V1 to V3 - How do I delete V1 devices
Hi all Upgraded my V1 to a V3+ (With extension kit and wireless controller) this morning. All went smoothly following the guided installation for a short period and I was asked to connect my new Internet Bridge without disconnecting the old bridge. However hit a little snap getting cloud access - all sorted now simple…
Upgrading to V3 from V1
Hi, I'm upgrading from V1 to V3 - I've managed to physically install all the new devices OK and get them connected. My heating is working OK off the new kit, but I am left with all my old devices in the app / web portal. Normally I'd ignore them and just carry on, but my hot water appears to be associated with the old V1…
How to integrate electric underfloor heating with tado?
I currently have an extensive tado system (hub, extension kit, 11 smart TRVs, 5 wireless smart thermostats) controlling my gas fired central heating and hot water. Several rooms in my house also have electric underfloor heating (comfort heating) which are currently controlled Individually by 'dumb' controllers…
U.floor Water Heating with Thermostat and Timer in one unit
I have TADO working fine for my Radiators (Zone1) with wireless thermostat and receiver. I now want to replace my U.floor water (Zone2) by replacing the Hard Wired Thermostat with a TADO wired Thermostat. The issue is that the old Wired Thermostat also has a built in timer. So when it calls for heat, it also triggers the…
Hello Tado Community: I wonder whether this feature already exists, and if so, how do i activate it? I NEVER EVER want the heating on at night and my schedules are set so it all switches off. HOWEVER, at this time of year (transition) when you only want heating on ad hoc because the evenings can still be mild, i am in…
Offline Schedule Storage
I note a thread from 2019 where many users enthusiastically wanted some form of offline schedule capability but I have seen no response from TADO and no such feature. The Uk ( and possibly Europe too) faces the real possibility of recurring power cuts this winter which, among other things, will highlight the deficiency in…
OpenTherm with no hot water control
Hello, I am sorry if this has been answered somewhere, I couldn't find it. Here is my problem: I have a Brotje WHBS 22D boiler with Tado wireless receiver connected through OpenTherm and controlled by a Tado wireless thermostat (plus 3 more TRVs in the same zone). The heating is working just fine but I can't seem to be…
Wallplate for wall-mounted radiator valve
Hello all. I am migrating all of my radiator valves to Tado smart radiator valves. And I've run into a minor issue. I have a radiator installed in the floor with a vent to heat my dining room area. The radiator valve for this heating is installed in the wall. And there is a wallplate (similar to what you would use for a…
Part Number for Smart Radiator Thermostat Quattro Pack
Hi all, Support from tado chat is diabolical. Would someone be able to confirm what the six digit Part Number / Model number is for the *most recent version* of the 'Smart Radiator Thermostat Quattro Pack'? Amazon is saying Part Number 104043 has been superseded: "There is a newer model of this item available". There is…
Wires installation troubles
Hi, Been trying to set up my tado but the wires are a mess due to the previous system that was installed since before we moved in. I have a black, grey, brown cables coming from the heater, and red, blacl from the plug that used to turn the system on/off. The black,grey are tied to red and yellow cables that seem to go in…
Cannot stop our heating coming on with the water, only way to stop it is to switch off water
Can you download Tado App onto multiple phones/devices?
House holds will have 2 or more phones. Is system compatible with multiple device installs, eg phone and ipad or 2 phones?
Reverting to Smart Schedule
Is it possible to use the Tado wall mounted unit to revert back to Smart Schedule? So i have a schedule programmed, decide to increase the temp manually on the wall unit but then, later, want to revert back to Smart Schedule, ideally using the wall unit again, rather than having to find my mobile and revert to schedule on…
Which tado starter kit should I get for my case (Wired or Wireless)
Hi, I'm planning to get tado smart thermostat and TRVs for my apartment. I'm quite new to this, did some readings. I have some questions and would appreciate advice as well. I live in the Netherlands and have intergas hre 24/18 boiler with water tank, boiler is wired honeywell modulation thermostat in living room. Since I…
Controlling an air heat source pump and oil heat source on the same system
Can you advise if Tado can control two heat sources. In the USA Air to Water heat source pumps are used in conjunction with additional heat sources (often oil) that are used as system back-ups when the first system is not sufficient. Can you advise if Tado is capable of controlling the two heat sources in one system?
Integrate or replace old Heatmiser UFH system
Hi all, I just asked this in the technical section, but have sen that maybe this is the most appropriate place. Forgive me if not. I have two circuits on my heating system. An old Heatmiser system that controls the under floor heating on the ground floor (8 zone with a UH1…
Mounting smart temperature sensor
Hi. Temperature sensors keep falling off the wall when using the sticky pads provided. A friend recommended gorilla tape or squares. Anybody used them? Or perhaps buying a stand is better? Thought please 🙂.
Connecting Tado to Danfoss Wireless underfloor heat system
Hi I have a 23 years old Danfoss wireless underfloor heat system. It is still well functioning, but due to the energy crisis we have at the moment, I'm looking for something smarter, and here I am.... My question is: Is it possible to combine the Danfoss CFM-230 Master control unit with Tado wireless reciever? If not - How…
Temperature switch on
Hi is there a way the change at what change in temperature the heating switches back on whilst using schedules. Currently it’s seems the switch the boiler back on at .2 below the set temperature. I would prefer it to not switch on until -2 below the set. Thanks
How can I disable Geofencing when in my garden office?
I have geofencing enabled, which works brilliantly. During the day I work in my Garden office, so I want the heating off. My work schedule isn't consistent enough that I can simply schedule the heating off during the day, sometimes I work in the house, sometimes I'm elsewhere. My garden isn't large enough to be able to use…
Ciao a tutti, mi interessava capire se ha senso attivare l'auto assist avendo riscaldamento centralizzato...se e quali funzionalità avrebbero utilità Grazie
Heating not responding to Tado, remains permanently on.
We have a Valiant EcoFit pure 425 installed in 2018. I installed a Tado Smart Thermostat, extension kit and internet bridge. It’s always worked without a hitch until we turned the heating back on last week, now the heating doesn’t respond to the smart schedule or manual intervention via the app, it stays on permanently…
TRV Not connecting Radiator constantly on very hot
I have been using Tado for 3 years and have 11 rads All normally works fine I changed the batteries in a TRV after receiving warning it was low. Since then it says there is no connection. I have taken the batteries in and out and switched internet router on and off to no avail Tried several times. I have tried turning the…