Has anyone wired their Thermostat to utilise the modulation feature on an Alpha Boiler? Alpha isn’t listed for a Bus code in the Tado instructions, I’ve used the contact us feature to Tado but so far no news.
Newbie: If wired thermostat is off or low, will other TRVs work?
I’m very new to tado, and so far so good. I have a quick question about the system. So far we only have tado trvs and the wired thermostat. My boiler control is set to run always as it’s controlled to turn on and off by tado. If my tado wired thermostat is set to frost protection (aka off) and a tado trv is then set to a…
Tado is a joke
It’s now 12.30, in bed freezing!!! Spent hundreds of pounds on this system and zero control zero heating, well pissed off😕 Set all rooms to 25 , all show the calling for heat symbols, can hear all the trv motors opening and closing , and nothing happens, spent the last two hours swapping the zone controller option to…
1 room , 3 smart radiator thermostat
Dear, I have 3 radiators in 1 room all fitted with a smart radiator thermostat. No seperate measuring unit. I would like to setup 20 degrees for all 3. Now , 1 of the radiators is measuring. 20 degrees. The 2nd one has 18 degrees and the third one is 22 degrees. I dont want to spit into 3 rooms. How can i ajust room…
Tado UK support
I see the UK store has disappeared due to blooming Brexit (I certainly didn't vote to leave.). I read a review on another retailer recently that the support for UK has stopped for the moment re hardware replacements etc? What is the current situation with Tado and the UK as I'm reluctant to spend several hundred pounds if…
New set-up - TVR's not turning on boiler
Hi All, New to Tado and setting up today as the following: I replaced my old thermostat with a Tado Smart Thermostat (this is hardwired to the boiler on voltage free contacts). I've now replaced all of my radiator TVR's with tado Smart TVR's. As far I as was aware when I purchased the kit, the TVR's would be able to "call"…
How should I set up my tado system? Heating is going nuts!?
Ok need some help people! I bought a starter kit, which contained the wireless receiver and smart thermostat! First thing I noticed is that the smart thermostat had a QR sticker that said wireless temperature sensor? I thought the smart thermostat was a different item to wireless temperature sensor? Anyways I then bought 7…
Can you install Vailant Eco Plus 828 by eBus with 2 zones Valves
I am looking to install Tado system with Extension Kit,SRV, Smart Wireless Thermostat Zone 1 Valve & Smart Wired/ Wireless Thermostat Zone 2 Valve by eBus connection terminals -/+. I assume that there is no wire connection for the thermostat to connect for either Smart Thermostats in the wiring centre as we are not wiring…
HELP! Can anyone advise as to why my radiators will not turn on when I have them in scheduled setting apart from one. They will turn on when I do them manually? I’m at a loss but I am on my own with 2 small children and can not seem to get any help from Tado
Is my TVR faulty?
I have been having problem with my other TVR. It seems to not turning off when you want it to. The room is sensing that it is already too warm but when you tuen it off thru the app or manually it won’t turn the radiator off. I tried swapping the TVR and noticed one has got the pin protruding more than the other. Is this a…
HELP! Can anyone advise as to why my radiators will not turn on when I have them in scheduled setting apart from one. They will turn on when I do them manually? I’m at a loss but I am on my own with 2 small children and can not seem to get any help from Tado
Monitoring but not controlling a room
Hi all, So I'm happily using TADO to control the heat in many rooms in my house, but in addition I would like to monitor (Not control) the temperature (And humidity) in some rooms that don't have heating facilities (e.g. the loft, garage and conservatory). I've almost managed to achieve this using the Smart Radiator values…
Badkamer radiatorthermostaat onafhankelijk laten werken met bedrade kamerthermostaat
In mijn badkamer heb ik een Tado radiator knop en werkt prima In de woonkamer wil ik een bedrade Tado thermostaat installeren. Alle radiator knoppen in de woonkamer zijn niet geschikt voor thermostatische knoppen en wil ik zo laten . Kan ik het zo instellen dat de ketel alleen op de bedrade thermostaat in de woonkamer…
Radiator thermostats out of connection range - how to extent the range?
I'm not able to place the bridge on I can make connection to all my devices (smart & radiator) placed in large house. I've a wifi mesh with fine coverage in all the house (and Sonos & HUE). I've bougt an extra bridge but the system allows only one brigde. How do I solve this ?
How do I make manual temperature changes only until next schedule change?
When I make a manual temperate change in the app that change applies until the next scheduled change. When my wife makes a manual temperature change in the app it applies for infinity. How do I change that? Eg If the front room per schedule is at 19c, my wife then manually increases the temperature in front room to 21c and…
My second thermostat is a manual, wired one. Now not working after extension kit installed
I had installed one taco thermostat for our downstairs area while retaining a manual thermostat upstairs and the original programmer. This was working fine and the manual thermostat worked with the programmer set to run. Having now installed an extension kit (to get hot water control) my manual thermostat does not seem to…
What’s the next step for my Tado system?
I recently purchased the Tado wired thermostat to control my heating system, it’s an old Drayton control unit controlling a firebird boiler. I also have a number of Tado TRVs and I’m adding more as funds allow. For the future I want to split my house into zones and control those zone values (3) with Tado. I also would like…
It doesn´t heat as expected
My tado is connected to a LG inverter. And now It doesn´t heat as expected, I have tried to adjust up 5 degrees over 2 hours, and temperature dosen´t rise!!!? Why?😨
Can a Wireless Smart Thermostat be used as a sensor?
I am after another standalone sensor to measure temp, and control the calls for heat in a room with TRV's. I can only find new wireless sensors (££££!) I can get hold of a cheap ish second hand wireless smart thermostat (not the wireless sensor), would it work as as a sensor?
Visualizzazione stato impianto "caldaia accesa/spenta" nei sistemi a relè ON/OFF
Radiators won’t come back on after reaching temperature!!
I have my room temp set to 22, the radiator came on and reached 22, then went off, the room temp is now 19.6 and it’s not calling for heat? How low must temp drop before heat is called for?
Wireless temp sensor availability?
I’m struggling to find these online, are they new and not available? The tado store isn’t working, and the ones on Amazon are over £100 each? Cheers
TRV or Smart thermostat priority.
Hi I have both a TADO TRV and smart thermostat in the same room, firstly should I have both in the same room and secondly can i choose priority as it seems the boiler is firing up when a TRV is calling for heat superceding the overall room settings by the thermostat. I have two TRV's in different rooms, I was hoping when…
Smart thermostat not starting the boiler (ATAG E325EC 2015)
Hello, I have a ATAG boiler E325EC 2015 model. There are 2 wires coming out from my boiler. I tried connecting them to the NO and Common terminals on the smart thermostat. But still increasing the temperature on my thermostat does not start the boiler. What could be wrong ?
How to stop smart TRV’s turning on boiler
Hi I only only have Tado smart TRV’s on 4 rads out of around 10 in the house because I want to turn those 4 off during the day whilst the rest of the house is heated. I want the main smart thermostat in the hall to be the only device that turns the boiler on and off and the Radiator Valves to only set the temp/turn on and…
The system TADO is DOWN and the support is a crap!
Hello and Happy new year! I have a problem with my system. On this Monday, I put a tado smart + ext kit v2 thermostat into operation. From Monday to Tuesday afternoon everything was ok. But it hasn't worked since Tuesday night. The Ext Kit updated to firmware version 71.2, and bridge to 47.2, instead the thermostat…
Tado wired stat overriding tado wireless stat
So I have a tado system installed on an s plan heating system with multiple zones. If I have the wired stat zone set to off I am able to set temperature for the other zone and switch on/off. After turning on zone with wired stat after a few minutes the zone valve controlled by the wireless stat opens and I am unable to…
Connectivity Issue...
Hi Does anyone know how to get a Tado V3+ Smart Heating Thermostat Starter Kit (447HT) to talk to a ServicePlus S27R Series 2? Thanks
Disappointed in Tado support
I need to write down that I am a bit disappointed in Tado support. Firstly the average response time at during technical chat has increased a lot up to a day. It is way too long to get answer for an important question. On the other hand I see lack of responsiveness for the ideas and suggestions the users claim. There are…
Wrong forum, please delete
Wrong forum, please delete