Thermostat and Rad Valves?
I recently bought a wired thermostat (in the hallway) and 4 radiator thermostats in the lounge, dining room (2) and a bedroom. I have read that I should have a wireless thermostat in one or more rooms too. can someone explain why I need both rad thermostats and a room thermostat? Are they not both monitoring the temp in…
Vaillant Green iQ Boiler Compatibility
We’ve had Tado for 5+ years - and it has worked well with our Worcester-Bosch combi boiler. But our boiler now needs replacing and we are going to buy a Vaillant ecoTEC exclusive with Green iQ combi 843. Wiill our Tado still be able to work with this new boiler? And/or should we upgrade to better control our separate (wet)…
Siri not giving me home temperature
Can anyone help?? I have the tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ I Have had it installed for a few years now..mostly use it via my Apple home kit & Siri & has never missed a beat! When I ask Siri for the temp in my home? I always got temp irrespective if my heating was on or off or I was home or away…The…
Heating not functioning properly after bridge swapp
Hi, first time here (first time it’s all gone belly up!). I had a working system (for probably 4+ years), it consists of a normal boiler feeding a hot water cylinder, a 3 way valve being controlled by Tado extension kit ( the new one which was sent to me for Beta testing a year ago). I have 3 bedrooms and a living room and…
Radiator without valve
One of my radiators doesn’t have a valve. It’s one of those that you use a spanner to turn the nob. Will tado TRV fit on it?
Valve closing time delay
Hi all, I have installed 3 tado SRTs and starting to thing how tado would operate if I change all the "valves". One thing is constantly crossing my mind - my boiler after getting the mesage - stop heating - is leaving the pump still operating for about 2,5 minute to spread the hot water in the system. I see and hear that…
Installation instructions Tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ on Mitsubishi Ecodan
Hi, I have been thinking of purchasing the "Tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+" and install it with my Mitsubishi Ecodan: Outdoor unit: PUHX-HW112YHA2 Indoor unit: EHPT20X-YM9A.UK Wireless room-sensor/remote PAR-WT50R-E / 7HL150 I have been in contact with the Tado chat-support and they say that setup should…
Radiatoren zonder thermostaatkraan worden heet
Ik heb mijn Honeywell draadloze thermostaat vervangen door een Tado bedrade versie plus 6 slimme knoppen op een aantal plaatsen. Thermostaat aangesloten als OpenTherm (op zelfde aansluiting als de Honeywell zat). Het thermostaatmenu ingesteld volgens 5. Configuratie: OpenTherm van de installatiehandleiding (dus inclusief…
Trouble connecting new Tado Wireless receiver to new boiler.
I've had to get a new boiler - Vallant ecoFIT pure 825-835. The existing wireless receiver did'nt seem to be working, so decided to get a Tado wireless kit. The problem is that the heating engineer can work out how to wire the Tado unit in toe boiler PCB. I've I have looked on line and cannot find anything similar. Where…
Control Fan speed with Tado AC?
Hi All I am considering replacing my existing Sensibo units with Tado AC units instead. I have Tado TRV and temperature sensors in every room anyway so one less app on my phone seems like a good idea. One review I read said that Tado just turns on the AC at full blast and then turns it off when the temperature is reached.…
Ideal vogue max boiler ignoring request for heating
We have had a new central heating system and boiler put in - a system boiler. I have installed the wireless tado, extension etc according to the instructions. The hot water works fine but the heating will not work. The thermostat calls for heat, the programmer’s light comes on asking the boiler for heat but then nothing,…
One Smart Radiator has Intermittent No Remote Access
Hi, I have been happily using my Smart Thermostat and five Smart Radiator Thermostats for a while. During the summer I have had to relocate my Router and as such the location of my Internet Bridge has changed too. Now that the nights have got colder and we have started using the heating again we have noticed a problem with…
Why radiators not heating up
My tado app is set to turn radiator on when temperature is less than it should be but the radiators are not heating up in the morning, but does work later on in the day. I don’t understand why this would be, is there some sort of internal clock that needs resetting. My system consists of wireless thermostat, extension kit…
TRV not requesting thermostat to be on
I have the Tado thermostat and I noticed that the smart valves turn on but the thermostat is still off due to the schedule. I thought the TRVs could turn the thermostat on to heat up just that room.
How to use Tado with HomeKit.
When I first bought Tado, a big feature that appealed to me was the ability to connect to HomeKit. I have done that and all my devices appear in HomeKit but I’m not sure I’m using it to its full potential because I’m not sure what its full potential is.. I know I can ask Siri to adjust a temperature in a room but could I…
using multiple Tado wireless Temperature sensors to control a SINGLE Tado radiator valve
Hi, Is it possible to have multiple Tado wireless Temperature SENSORS to control the SAME single Tado Smart radiator valve independently ? so they could each independently request that Tado Smart radiator valve to open or close. Thanks
Wiring of my wireless receiver
Replacing an old apt pin clock has to love and neutral wires. Unit is turning on ok with supply wire connected and neutral but second live is not doing anything I have tried it in the com, NC and no but isn't doing anything the boiler is not coming on. Anyone have any ideas befor I ring an electrician
If I have smart TRVs on every radiator and none are calling for heat, will Tado turn the boiler off?
As per title. If the heating is meant to be on, but all the smart TRVs are closed because none are calling for heat, will Tado turn the boiler off until one or more TRVs calls for heat again?
How long does pairing take … it’s been an our now and it’s still blinking ?
Help … how long does pairing take .. after an hour the light is still blinking
Tado kit app control via 2 phones
Hi all, can my wife install the app on her mobile as well so she controls the heat if I'm away?
Taco slim verwarmen
Ik had verwacht dat de Tado als ik het om 08:00 p 22 gr. Wil hebben, zelf zou zorgen dat de kachel eerder aanslaat. Zodat om 08:00 de gewenste temperatuur bereikt is. @tado, is dat iets waar jullie aan werken?
home_id to work properly with Home Assistant
I am very satisfied with Tado in combination with Home Assistant. To let Tado work properly I have to enter my home_id. I can't just figure out where to find it. Who can help me find my home_id. I have a Tado Smart Thermostat V3+.
Temperatuur hoger dan ingesteld schema
Mijn slimme schema staat ingesteld op 19 graden, echter, geeft zowel de app als thermostaat aan dat het inmiddels 19.4 graden is. Waarom wordt er kennelijk doorverwarmd wanneer de gewenste temperatuur is bereikt? Ik ken dit echt niet van mijn oude, gewone thermostaat, die altijd constant op de ingestelde temperatuur bleef,…
Set all rooms to a temperature
I’ve got one tado thermostat in my lounge and tado TRVs on my radiators. If it’s a cold (or warm) day and I need to change the temperature in all the rooms, I currently use the app and click the individual rooms one by one and set the required temperature. Is there a way to set all the rooms with one click instead of doing…
Zone Setup advice
Good Morning, I am looking for some advice on my setup and if the changes I am planning will actually work! Current Setup I have a single zone central heating system that has 1 x wired Smart Thermostat. Downstairs I do NOT have any Smart Radiator Valves attached to any of the downstairs radiators, just normal TRV's and I…
How many devices can call for heat with multiple zones
Hi I had thought that there was a maximum of 10 devices that could call for heat in the whole house, but this page suggests that it is actually 10 devices per zone controller. https://support.tado.com/en/articles/4689126-how-does-tado-control-heating-zones-how-can-i-change-the-zone-controller-of-a-room My setup is working…
Latest version of firmware?
Following discussion about battery life & possible link with s/w, what is the latest firmware issued by TADO? All my units are showing v. 54.20 as of today? How does one install a later version if available? GB
Control max temperature/valve opening of Smart Radiator
I've installed smart radiator valves throughout our entire house (7 in total). We have three radiators in the living room. One of those radiators is behind the couch. Our child likes to play on the couch and touch the radiator (she also likes to turn the valve knob, but we've enabled child lock to solve that problem, for…
Hot water issues after trv install
I have a tado system with an extension for my hot water which is in a cylinder. Had it a few years and all works fine. I have hot water on for 40mins a day and that’s enough to keep it hot. The extension is linked to the tado thermostat which controls my upstairs system. Last week I purchased a load of tado TRVs and since…
Three channel hack?
Hi I have a question on whether I can create a hack to replicate a three channel set up. A long pre-amble to the proposed hack at the end which I am looking to get feedback on: SET UP BEFORE INSTALLING TADO: I have two zone heating and one hot water. The two zones were controlled by 2 controllers as follows: a. CH1 -…