Disable Away mode when thermostat is scheduled to Off
When thermostat is scheduled to Off and I leave home, it switch to Away mode and start heating when temperature is lower than set in Away mode. This is the wrong logic for how this function works. When the schedule is set to off, the thermostat should not turn on when I am not at home.
Font sizes on Home screen
font sizes for room names and temp settings too small - seems to me there's enough space to make them more easy readable.
Always on display
Please please please make an option to show the current temperature stay always on. Even if it’s on dim - it would be so handy to have this information available at a glance
Tado door sensor - security alarm
Think there is a big market gap for a Tado door sensor & home security alarm. That can build on the home away function of Tado.
Connect Energy flip and Tado.
By connect Energy flip and Tado, tarifs and gas/electricity consumption can be synchronised. This will improve both apps.
Improve “Open Window Detection”
In a room with active "Open Window Detection" I opened the window while heating was off in the current schedule slot. The open window was not detected and the heating turned on with the next schedule slot a few minutes later. The detection should work regardless of the current state of schedule as long as heating is not…
Bridge not in pairing mode by default
The bridge is by default quite slutty; always in pairing mode. No need for that in my opinion. This could just be turned on when you want to add a device. Some background: One of my devices was connected to the bridge of the neighbours. They did not turn off their pairing mode.
Support multiple wireless receivers / extension kits
Currently Tado seems to be limited to 1 wireless receiver or extension kit per home. Please could this be enhanced to allow multiple wireless receivers/kits, as this must surely be only a software restriction. I currently have an extension kit controlling my hot water, but this is a large house with multiple underfloor…
Multiple Internet Bridges - and long standing bug bear... a new idea / approach.
We have major issues with range from the internet bridge, as there can only be one. Clearly it would be simple to slip a simple SSL IPSEC tunnel into the bridge architecture and make changes in the cloud to allow multiple ones on a single account. But this is not clearly the case. Equally being a powered unit, you might…
POE option in Bridge
As the range of the bridge is a bit limited, a Power over Ethernet option in the brigde would be very handy. Then you are more flexible to bring power and ethernet to the bridge at a central place in the house.
Hot water temperature monitor via extension kit
My heating system is the hot water storage type where a larger tank is used to store hot water for heating the radiators and hot water supplied via a heat exchanger. The tank is heated by a solar panel on the roof and a wood burning stove. Backup heating is via a gas boiler, which is controlled by Tado. It would be good if…
Please fix the Energy IQ feature ...
Following on from another conversation here (and inspired by @eezytiger ) I checked with OVO as to how they are calculating the figures shown on their website. I put together this spreadsheet and, given the fluctuations due to the calorific value of gas, it seems to tally up. Now that I understand this, I can point out…
Enable Tado to use other temperature sensors via HomeKit
It would be very helpful if Tado could utilise existing temperature sensors that are also connected via HomeKit. I have several existing temperature sensors in my house(e.g. Netatmo) and don't want to have to buy additional Tado ones simply to get meaningful room values to control my heating. The smart radiator valves are…
Smaller wireless Thermostat
Your platform desperately needs a smaller wireless Thermostat. I just watched a review of a competitor and they offer one. You need a wireless Thermostat with no controls that simply reports the temperature in a room as your TRV are hopeless at reporting the true temperature This other platform offer a stand alone…
Individual Room ‘advance’ option
I can’t find the roadmap but has it been considered to add an advance option for individual zones to either advance from off to on, or on to off. Or allow the boost function for individual zones, rather than to current option to boost all zones?
Full API release - Open source
API Release: One of my major concerns I have is I am now very reliant on the Tado eco-system. My concern is that at some point in the future the tado bubble may burst and their cloud services stop functioning. This will not only mean I cannot enable my heating but the entire eco system will fail. The improvements coming…
TRV with empty batteries closes valve, but keeps requesting heat
The batteries of my TRV were empty and I received this email from Tado: > When your Smart Radiator Thermostat does not have enough charge to function, it will automatically close the radiator’s valve and the heating will remain off until you replace the batteries. Sure enough the valve was closed and an empty battery icon…
Interface (Home Screen)
Hi, after a couple of week using Tado, I have some suggestions :-) 1) make it possible to choose a day of the week and see the day schedule of the devices 2) increase the font size of 'set to/heating to' information 3) add the humidity % to the buttons (also in readable font size) 4) add 'HOME/AWAY' button at top of the…
Increase Zone Controller Room Limit
Backstory: I have reached my limit for number of rooms connected to a single zone controller which currently stands at 10. Trouble is of course the typical UK household only has one thermostat, so when you switch to tado it's only possible to wire in one main controller. For a medium size house (or bigger) there is enough…
Energy IQ - Brennwerte & weitere Daten
Hi, zunächst mal: Die Energy IQ Funktion ist echt toll! Wir geben immer Kubikmeter-Werte unseres Gaszählers ein. Der Preis ist allerdings in €/kWh. Es wäre erstens toll, wenn man den Preis noch akkurater angeben könnte (in Cent/kWh bspw, und vor allem, wenn man die Brennwerte sowie Zustandszahl des Gasversorgers angeben…
Wireless Thermostat to just heat one room?
Hello, I have a wireless thermostat installed in my living room. I installed a Tado smart radiator valve in the bedroom. When I switch the bedroom smart radiator device on, the living room radiator also comes on and heats the living room. Is there any way of setting up the system so that when I want to heat the bedroom…
Add a lock mechanism to Smart Radiator Thermostat
Currently anyone can easily unmount Tado Smart Radiator Thermostats, accidentally or on purpose. This can damage the device. Users other than the owner/maintenance team should not be able to unmount the Smart Radiator Thermostat. Please add a lock mechanism to prevent easily unmounting the radiator thermostat.
Auto meter readings
The App needs to access meter readings automatically if the Intelligent IQ is to be any good Apps like Hugo already do it, the Tado app should too
samenwerking thermostaat & slimme airco bediening
Ik ben op zoek naar een mogelijkheid om mijn airco units slim te maken maar ook om deze samen te laten werken met de thermostaat. Bijvoorbeeld, ik wil 's morgens het huis opwarmen (o.a. vloerverwarming) met de CV ketel waarna ik het huis op temperatuur wil houden met airco units. Ik ga nu met home assistant beide…
Activity indication on Home page
It would be great to have an indication of c/h current activity in your home. This can be as simple as the 3 wave bars, as seen when you go to each room individually, all ‘“or’ed” together displayed at the top of the home page. This allows you to know at a glance what is currently happening with the system. E.g A room is…
Manual/ schedule indicator to show on dashboard tile
I have Tado in my house and I love the flexibility of the system, especially as a user can turn up or down a room as they need. By often the manual intervention means that stat is the set to remain like that until it is returned to automatic either by the stat or by the app. Can we have an indicator in the app that shows…
Set "away" the separate room
The geofencing can switch off the heating of the entire house. But, the possibility of the setting one room is missing. For example, the children are out for one week. Why fully heat their room?
User specific Heating schedule
It would be very helpful if there would be the option to have user specific heating schedules. I travel for work but sometimes I work from home. Would be great if Tado would recognise that and switch heating off in the office when I am away. Could that be integrated please. Thanks
Geolocation for individuals in household
Hello, I would like to have the possibility to switch off the airconditioning when one individual in the household is away (in their room). This while other systems stay on. I now can only set 'away' for the whole family.
Individual Smart Thermostat Rad Control
I know there is a button to turn off all thermostats but it would be useful to have the facility to turn off individual stats say when someone not going to be there during the scheduled times set for that room