Multiple Internet Bridges - and long standing bug bear... a new idea / approach.

We have major issues with range from the internet bridge, as there can only be one.
Clearly it would be simple to slip a simple SSL IPSEC tunnel into the bridge architecture and make changes in the cloud to allow multiple ones on a single account. But this is not clearly the case.
Equally being a powered unit, you might think that setting one up on the POE ethernet, as the master one, and offering powered (only) secondaries to mesh would be another option. But clearly that not going to happen either...
Idea: TADO, if doing anything is really too difficult, what about advice being offered on suitable repeaters?
Is that 6LoWPAN ? or Zigbee? or Z-Wave? etc ... wireless protocol repeaters
You are missing out on many sales of TRVs as I cannot reach many of the radiators in my house. The joy of old houses! Is that a good reason to look again at this?
Many thanks.
Still valid - how many times have people asked to have more than one Tado bridge in a property ... ?!
@Tado - come on??
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How is that still an issue? Only reason I will buy a Nest over a Tado.