Connexion wifi avec ac control v3+
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir commander et régler en Wifi les climatiseurs connectés plutôt ( ou en plus) de l infrarouge. Cela affranchirait les distances et le positionnement difficile du TADO pas forcément en face. Exemple Toshiba Haori connecté qui utilise l appli Toshiba Home.
Help make Tado better: Create subgroups in the forum and let Tado experts comment to content
As a newbie in the Tado world, I am confused by the lack accuracy, when I go through the complaints and problems. The smart radiator thermostats are often described as valves, and the discussions are further blurred by expectations to regulation performance based on a system with a boiler, while I have district heating,…
Temporary scheduled override
On occasion, such as getting up early, it would be great to be able to set a temporary scheduled override rather than having to adjust timeblocks for a number of rooms etc. Say the heating and hot water usually come on at 6am, but for this one day you need them to come on at 5am. With a temporary scheduled override you…
Energy efficiency idea: Heating schedule coalescence
My house has seven rooms, each with its own schedule. I can copy and paste schedules between rooms, but I tend not to do that because I want to tailor the timings based upon actual usage. Also, I created the scheduled years ago, before the copy and paste feature was added to the app. I know some rooms have similar times…
Open raam detectie aangeven per ruimte / show open window detection per room
Ik heb een oude grote woning (1895), waarbij de tado app nog wel eens aangeeft een open raam te hebben gevonden, terwijl alle ramen gesloten zijn. Het zou enorm helpend zijn als de app ook aangeeft in welke ruimte de app het open raam heeft gevonden. (En eventueel wat er gevonden, temperatuur daling / tocht / etc.) Hiermee…
Smart Rads power by rechargeable lithium ion AA batteries
Hi I just wanted to to share some tips that we can use the rechargeable lithium ion AA batteries. We can't keeps on replacing the alkaline AA as it only last about 6 months. I bought some Kentli brand it it does the job. It is still in the early days to see how long it last before indeed to recharge them. But I am hopeful…
Halve graden
Wij zouden het wel prettig vinden om op de muurconsole ook halve graden te kunnen instellen, niet iedereen heeft de app waarmee het wel kan. Laat je horen ;-)
Landscape mode
I am using my Mobil in the Car and I using the Mobil as a navigation (Android) and if I won't to se the temperature on my Tado Ind my home it is problematic, now Landscape mode ? I can't se the status in My home ! Almost every other apps is using the landscape mode. Best regards Bo Cramer
Meter Reading in Kwh
It appears you can record your tariff in kwh and set Kwh as your preferred measurement, but the add reading menu only states m2. Either this kwh needs to be added as a meter reading option or if the value entered is whatever you set your preferred measurement to, then the reference to m2 in the add meter reading ui needs…
Individual geofencing
I recently bought 4 Tado radiator valves for my home and was under the impression that I could individually geofence these. For example, I work from an office 3x per week and on these days I was hoping for the Tado radiator valve in my home office to recognise I’m away and not heat the office, whilst the rest of the house…
Temperature alarm
It would be good to be able to set alarm if the real temperature is not following scheduled temperatures. Then we would be able to react. Best regards
Temporary User
It would be nice to be able to add a user for a limited time. With guests staying, they can conrol tado, but only until a certain date/time and be able to activate geofencing.
Build own iOS app or use iOS shortcuts - use API to allow multi home support
Hi, Has anyone played with the idea of either building their own iOS app or using iOS shortcuts / automation to make API calls? Specifically making an API call to set home or away status based on geolocation. I don’t need any more multi home support than geolocation, everything else is OK in the web interface (if I have…
Energy IQ, district heating
Please add Gj as unit, or better, allow cutomisation of units, so you can choose energy unit and currency freely. We are not all on M3, Kwh and €….. kind rgds Henrik
The app is missing a key feature for those that have different heating for different days (like weekdays and weekends). For example, I work Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm like a lot of people do. But during annual leave, bank holiday or when off sick, I would like the weekend schedule to follow without reprogramming the whole thing. So…
Outdoor sensor
Outdoor sensor is excellent idea and a LCD wireless main panel tablet with all information on it , each room outdoor information and online weather from met office. Including usage of gas
1,0 degree isotherms in graphs (now 1,5 degree)
Currently in the temperature graphs the horizontal isotherm lines are spaced 1,5 degree Celsius apart. This makes the reading very uneasy and awkward for the untrained observer. Can you please set them 1,0 degree apart?
Allow a range of temperatures for a schedule (e.g. "comfort enough")
Add an ability to define temperature in a schedule as an acceptable range. E.g. in the morning heat to 20C if it's lower than 19C. This could be useful in many scenarios. For example, your room is already at 19.5C, and the schedule says 20C. There's no need to run the boiler to heat it for 0.5C more. Especially if it's a…
Child lock for Airco controllers
Add a feature to the smart ac controllers just like child lock on the thermostats. Our help in the household sometimes trigger the smart ac controller when we aren’t home and this enables the airco controllers. Currently I configured the tado app to revert any manual input after 1 minute, but with a feature similar to…
Alarms when temperature exceed setting
My daughter is away for a full academic year abroad. I did set temperature to 15 deg c close the doors and forget about it….. a few week later my wife went into her room and discovered the temperature at 35.7 deg C! what not having an alarm alerting dot this? thank you
Boiler modulation + zone valve control
I would like the option to use my extension kit to control the boiler via opentherm, but still have my wired thermostats click over when that sensor calls for demand so that I can use it for my zone valves. Really don’t understand why this isn’t an option, many home in the UK have zone valves meaning boiler modulation…
Window open notification
Window open notification could tweak little bit to show which window is open on quick notification. So user doesn’t have to open app always. or an announcement system [ smart speaker] if a window open
Emoji's in Room Names
It would be great to be able to "color" code the rooms with emoji's for an even nicer overview in the app homescreen. Currently some emoji's work fine (e.g. "✨ Bedroom"), while others result in an error (e.g. "🪴 Living Room"). The error after submitting a name with a "faulty" emoji:
Quick on off button per room
Hi! The Tado app mainscreen already features a on/off button pictogram on each room. I would love for them to work as on/off buttons too! So you can resume schedule or stop heating a specific room with just one click.
Geo Fencing Position Override
The geo fence is based on a location and a radius. The location is determined by the address given to the home but cannot be overridden. It is problematic when a building or a unit is far from the street (courtyards, especially in Berlin), or for houses built far from the road and requires to increase the radius. It should…
Receive smart meter data
Either access smart meter data, or contact loop to share their access. Use this data to attribute costs to room schedules.
Admin users and managed users
Admin users have full access to tado, and managed users just able to adjust the temperature in rooms for a set time period.
App with admin (full) and users accounts (limited)
I would very much appreciate it when you introduce asap the possibility to setup admin (full access) and user (limited access) accounts in the tado app. In fact i was disappointed and amazed that this is not possible at the moment. You don't want all users to have access to all settings.
Display must be on all the time
I would like to request tado to add continuous display feature which shows temperature or another animated messages ..which makes it very cool ..hope everyone wants it too
TRVs recognising when a call for heat has failed
I got up to a cold house this morning. I looked in the app and all TRVs were “heating to 20°” however, despite it being 8.15am and my schedule being set to start heating at 6.45/7am all rooms were still only 16° or thereabouts. It turns out my combi boiler had dropped pressure resulting in the boiler being unable to fire…