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Add Boiler Flow Rate temp to heating graph

Keep a record of the boiler flow rate temp on the heating graph
14 votes

Active · Last Updated


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  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    I'd look at logging it yourself.

  • @Montage how would you do this?
  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    As I use relay switching, I can only grab the heating percentage from the Tado API. You may have a different measurement in there if you use digital bus (I don't know). Mine shows 29% at the minute.

    I monitor the flow and return temps using a pair of DS18B20 sensors connected to Sonoff TH16s which I send over MQTT. I grab those using Node Red and shove them in an InfluxDB. I visualise that in Grafana like anyone would.

    I could gather the demand (percentage in my case) from the Tado API and overlay it. If you have an actual requested flow temp in your Tado API, rather than a percentage, you could use/overlay that.

  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    I've added the Tado demand percentage on the right Y-axis.

  • @Montage sounds all very technical and not easy to setup never really worked with api
  • Montage
    Montage ✭✭✭

    It's just a number of free tools that I just connect up.

    For the API, I use Node-Red and it can connect to the Tado API and grab data. That runs on a Raspberry Pi.