House Thermostat vs Room TRV
Hi all Quick newbie type question: If the thermostat is set to a low temp not requiring heat from the boiler but a trv is set to a higher temperature, I assume that the boiler fires to heat the rad requiring it or is it overridden by the house thermostat? Thanks Chris
Home Assistant
I've started dabbling in home assistant to overcome some of the limitations tado imposes upon us, I thought some of you might be curious. if you dont have a background in IT or some coding, or you are not willing to invest significant time in it, home assistant may not be not for you; while its amazing in its abilities,…
Extension Kit not working
Hi can anybody help. I have just bought taco smart heating and installed my extension kit but it will not let me complete installation in my account online. There are no phone numbers to speak to anybody, live chat doesn’t work, and I have no heating!!!!!!
No heating
So today I get an email saying that Tado cannot update my system with latest firmware so it might not work as I would expect... no it doesn’t becUse as soon as I received that email my heating went off and I am sat here frozen cannot even override extension and nobody getting back to me online ... not happy
Geofencing on New Android Smartphone doesnt work
My wife recently changed to an Honor Play Android (9) smartphone. The geofencing of the tado app does not work. I have checked all the relevant settings (I believe), without any luck. Google Maps shows her location as correct, but Tado does not work correctly. Any tips?
Temperature offsets on multiple devices
I have a room stat and 2 radiator stats in one room the room stat is accurate the radiators are showing warmer than the room stat so when the room stat asks for heat the two radiators in the room don't warm up. Is there any way to set the temperature offsets on the radiators when the room thermostat is the main measuring…
How to wire extension kit to simply turn the mains power to the boiler on or off.
I have a very old oil boiler which only has a simple power supply to the boiler and a stat on the boiler itself to control the temperature of the boiler itself. Their are NO room stats or and other control equipment. If it's cold I turn power to the boiler on and adjust the stat depending how hot I want the water in the…
Problem with smart thermostat
My downstairs wired smart thermostat lights ups when pressing the corner button and you can dazzle display via the app, the display changes when I ask Alexa to turn up heat and also when changing heat via the app , the trouble happens when I want to manually change heat via the arrows on the smart thermostat one press and…
Will Tado work with two programmers, two thermostats, one boiler...?
We are looking to update our heating and water programmers with Tado controllers. We have one boiler but two immersion heaters and two Heating and Water Programmers, one controls the left side of the house and one the right. Will the Tado work with this, can you control two Tado products on one phone app ? How will it…
Manual Control via App
Why cannot I interactively select which of the 3 available setting option for manual control at the time of setting temperature? Seems crazy that if i want to boost my heating for an hour I fist need to go into settings, manual controls and then alter the default just to boost. A simple drop down after the temperature…
Does Smart AC on heating always change to swing mode after adjusting temperature?
Hi, does someone know if smart AC on heating (using non-thermostatic mode) always change to swing mode after adjusting temperature? Or is this different per command set or per AC? It's really bad as everytime I change temperature the blades start to swing. If I use the normal remote I can just change the temperature and…
What adapter should I get?
I'm trying to install a forth tado radiator thermostat, but non of the adapters seem to work. I send photos of the valve to tado's support together with my assumption that it might be M28 x 1.5 valve. They didn't even look at the photos to confirm if the valve is actually this size and just asked how many of the adapters…
Multiple Boilers
Can Tado be installed to service two boilers in the same property. So two smart thermostats with hot water control and run from the same acct? Has anyone done this? Was thinking could setup each on a separate bridge but set each one up with the other powered off ?
Smart Schedule
set our smart schedule to start our heating at 17:00 tonight Nothing happens can someone please shed some light as to what is going on here we have set block timing Mon - Sun yet nothing happened this morning or tonight is this what we have to expect - is it really this *naughtyword* >>>>
Problem pairing extension kit
I had a problem pairing the extension kit. I was holding the pairing button on the extension kit (for 4 seconds) and it failed to pair with the internet bridge. FIX: I learned the correct pairing procedure is to press the pairing button on the internet bridge AND the extension kit. Both these devices must be in pairing…
Holiday home
I have a holiday lodge which is let to guests. I would like to be able to switch the heating on or off after guests have left. Im 100 miles away . Will Tado work in these circumstances?
How do I change ‘location’ of my Smart Thermostat?
I set this up incorrectly by mistake
Central heating (Danfoss ECL 110)
Can you control my Danfoss ECL 110 with the Extension Kit from Tado? The Danfoss ECL 110 is used a lot in Denmark.
Do I need the Extension kit?
I have a gas system boiler with a Megaflow for hot water storage. I have two wired thermostats, one for upstairs and the other downstairs. This is all currently controller via a Hortsmann Channel Plus H47XL. This has there of the for channels in use. Upsairs, downstairs and got water. All three zones can have different…
Radiators with VERTICAL Smart Thermostatic Valves
Hi my set up is pretty simple. Kitchen Smart TRV Hall Smart TRV Living Room Smart TRV & Smart Thermostat Bedroom Smart TRV Den Smart TRV All the TRVs are vertical, I’m getting the distinct impression they are giving false high readings (due the sensors proximity to the radiator). They are shutting down because they believe…
Comments on Tado from a first time user
Hi, I'm new to Tado. I'm in the UK, it's a bit parky at the moment, and we've had Tado installed for two nights. I've quickly reached the conclusion that the radiator thermostatic valves are essentially pointless without a separate temperature sensor controlling them. Last night i had the 3 radiators in our room set to…
reinstall TADO
Have TADO and am happy about it. Something has gone wrong with my APP so I've had to reinstall TADO. But I can't reinstall my devices because they are already registered. What's wrong?
Is there a scenario where the Boiler will fire with all TRV's closed
Hi I'm thinking of switching from Nest to Tado, the reason being is that I end up with livingroom at temperature where the Nest stat is fitted and all the others colder because the boiler is turned off when the living room is up to temperature. The radiator in the living room being the one with the fixed lockshield valves.…
Mixed zones with UFH and radiators
I currently have 2 zone (1 heating, 1 hot water) conventional boiler which I'm upgrading to add a manifold with underfloor heating with 2 zones. Therefore my system will be 4 zones, but the current conventional zone I'd like to further sub-divide with smart TRVs to effectively add another 3 zones to effectively have 7…
Smart Thermostat always showing upgrade icon
Hi got a basic setup with V2 Smart Thermostat and internet bridge and all seems to be working ok however recently when I press the button to check temperature or manually adjust the temperature, the thermostat always displays the Upgrade Icon for a couple of seconds. What’s trying to upgrade and how can I force it to…
Radiator thermostat letting heat through when set to off
One of my smart radiator thermostats has been causing a bit of an issue, where even when it is set to off, if the boiler is on (i.e. set to heat another room) some heat is still getting through to the 'off' radiator. I don't think it's a calibration issue, as I've tried re-calibrating and also tried using one of my other…
Heating Will not turn off
I have 2 zone heating in my house. in zone 2 i have replaced a Danfoss TPone-B with the Tado Wall Thermostat. I wired it in a few days ago to ensure it was working correctly and it was. I left the backing plate of the danfoss in place for a day or so to make sure everything was ok. Yesterday i removed the backing plate,…
Geofencing issue
Hi, my wife’s iPhone 7 location is sometimes not recognized, altough she’s almost everyday at home. iOS and tado application is up-to-date, suggested location, background app refresh and cellular data settings are set. Home wi-fi recognition is not turned on. Auto-assist enabled. Anyone have similar issues? Is tado aware…
Tado thermostat says off heating on!!
Hi so I've brought into this supposedly simple tado heating system. Having set my schedule, set the heating to be off from 22.00 until 5.00am.. Its actually ON thermostat is stating off.. Even though that's reading incorrectly. Tado are aware. So has anyone had this issue and how do I manually turn my heating off as it…
Could someone please explain how the zones work. We have three thermostats allocated to one zone, master bed, en-suite and bed 2. The master bed was showing in tado at 18 degrees this am, however when I checked with another thermometer it was only showing at 15. I checked in bed two and this was indeed at 18. How do the…