Energy IQ in tado web app
Hi, I'm a user of both the mobile and web apps. Would you consider adding the Energy IQ info in the web app as well? For this particular section, I always have to switch to the mobile app. This is the current dialog in the web app that appears when you click Energy IQ. The display space would also be more generous in the…
Add timer option to Geofencing option
Add a timer option to the Manual select Home / Away Geofencing options, so that you can override any devices that are reporting as home but are not at home for a specific time length or indefinitely and on the flip side ignore devices that are away. But after the timescale is up go back to manual mode ;)
Offer a cheaper radiator valve.
In rooms where a wireless temperature is used as the control device there is no need for the SRVs to be able to sense temperature. Why not offer a cheaper version which only opens and shuts the valve as demanded by the wireless sensor.
Range extender
I'd like to have a range extender for my tado products, so when my bridge can't reach all Tado units, I can put a device in between that will repeat the signal. One solution could be a repeater, like IKEA has for their Tradfri line. Another option would be to switch modes on a bridge, so it could be used as a secondary…
Control zone valve and boiler with receiver? (Underfloor and radiator zones)
Hello, This is a new system we are setting up as we have just done an extension with underfloor heating and fitted a new boiler. We have underfloor heating one large room(the extension) downstairs and then radiators in other rooms. We have 2 zone valves installed, one for the underfloor heating and one for all radiators.…
Add max. valve opening on thermostats!!
It is crazy how my thermostats are often overheating causing a loss since the exiting water in my radiator is boiling hot. This is CRAZY EXPENSIVE - but app still calculates this as savings which is simply wrong. Add the functionality to limit water flow e.g 25-100%! Add the functionality to set max time on the max water…
Maintenance Service for improved longevity and reliability
I have used Tado throughout my home since mid-2017. It has always gobbled batteries; around 200 in that time (although there is always plenty of battery life remaining when they don’t have enough oomph for the SRVs, and I recycle them for other equipment; the low battery warning email always says that Tado is working to…
Selección retardo cierre válvulas
Buenas Creo que sería muy buena implementación poder elegir en la app el orden preferencia entre la señal en el relé del termostato sobre el cierre de la válvula de los radiadores. Esto sería para cerrar antes la entrada de agua general mediante la señal de las válvulas y después las propias válvulas inteligentes, así…
fonction anti vol
Bonjour, Nous avons des chambres en location court séjour. Vos thermostats se déclipsent bien trop facilement, un système de verrouillage est indispensable pour nous car ce matériel est fragile et couteux bien cordialement
Group Adapters
Like most folks, I heat certain rooms in the morning, certain rooms during the day and certain rooms at night. I should be able to merge adapters into a group and be able to turn on, off and set temps at a group level
Tado Windows Desktop App
Does this exist or are there any plans to create one? Personally I still find it easier to manage things on a desktop / laptop than a phone screen.
2 steps verification
Hi, I am wondering if you are implementing two steps verification soon? Thank you!
Room view: change from tiles to list
Hello I have several rooms, and floors, and I find since the early days that the tile view is quite confusing. I always waste time in finding a specific room. There is a lot of screen space wasted, so I must each time scroll down. On top of that the colour codes and why and how a tile would change colour remains unclear to…
Heating Bills For Oil Heating Systems Inc Hot Water
Can a modification be made to the usage tracking heating bills to include the option for oil heating systems. Also, there should be a breakdown of usage by hot water which there currently isn’t. If you do enter data from your usage the system does not calculate based on actual usage data and seems to estimate it. This in…
Visualize heating requests of all rooms in 1 graph
In the app I can see the temperature and heating request of a room. I would like to see the heating request of each room in a single graph, preferably over multiple days. I made the graph below using the API in just a few hours, and I think Tado should add such a graph to the app as well.
Smart light switches
Hi Loving my tado system and progressively getting more and more smart items in my house. I currently have tado, another company smart door bell and robo vaccume. This now takes 3 app to administrate. My next smart desire is smart light switches. I don't want bulbs as switches need to be permanently on. I would of thought…
Balance AC without shutting off (and possibly breaking) the heat pump
I tried out Balance AC feature, nice that it has one month free try available but terminated it. Balance AC always turns off the heat pump, several times per day to save energy. This behaviour is against all the heat pump vendor/reseller and national heat pump associations guidelines, at least in Finland where pumps are…
Device grouping
Be able to group devices in to zones/areas Rather than having to turn all devices on if needed set a group for example downstairs/upstairs or whole house which would turn the grouped devices to the same settings
Géolocalisation status on Alexa routine
Hello, I want create a routine on Alexa with the status géolocalisation tado. No possibility to change the status. No possibility to test the status on automatic routine
Timed Boost Function with a physical button
Hi All, would it be possible with a firmware update to setup the button on the thermostat to act as a boost button also. Its more for the older generation who find navigating mobile phones a pain. I have been looking into using a smart switch and IFTTT to try and mimic this boost function but can not. Although I have got a…
Different colour radiator thermostats
We have raw metal radiators and the white radiator thermostat valves look out of place - I may try painting them but think would be a nice idea if Tado offered black and grey etc… as opposed to just white?
Quiet fan mode - AC units
Using the setup guide, and referencing the model of Mitsubishi Electric AC units that I have, it supported a lot of the modes that are possible. One omission that I would like to have added is the "quiet fan mode". We have a unit in the bedroom that we use every night and with the IR remote that came with the unit you can…
Apple Watch App
I've got quite a large Tado heating system installed on everything in my home. I've just got an Apple Watch. I get the notification when I leave home on the watch. However, I can't switch to away mode from the watch. This would be very useful (and also to be able to switch back to home mode). You definitely need to write…
Tado app for Apple Watch or other watch
It’ll be cool, we had an app for the watch for using on Apple Watch or other Stead of using the HomeKit it will be better than he had an app for the watch is the same way as the iPhone and iPad Don’t want to use HomeKit Can you make one please?
Cooling for underfloor water systems
I have "centralized" machine for deliver heating or cooling (according to what it is configured by building manager). I am asking to include some kind of software switch to change between winter and summer mode, just to be able to manage cooling underfloor water system (set 25ºC temperature as a target and achieve it while…
Add imperial units to measurement options in EnergyIQ
Older style meters (pre-smart meters) still provide meter readings in imperial units - cubic feet. This means customers without smart meters cannot use the EnergyIQ, because it only allows you to add meter readings in cubic meters (new style meters).
Duration for manual control through thermostat
I would like to set, using the app, the duration of the manual temperature control activated through a thermostat. I would like to choose between until you cancel until you resume schedule until the next time block Right now, there is no choice and "until you cancel" is the only behaviour.
Responsive User Interface
The User Interface should be responsive to ensure it renders correctly on all screen sizes maximising the resolution to ensure the best possible usability. When programming complex schedules it's much easier to use the web interface on a PC or Mac where you should have the benefit of a large screen showing the full smart…
Wireless Receiver - status and history in application
I would welcome to see actual status (on/off) of Wireless receiver and chart with history in the application and web.
Temporary off with timer
The current whole-house on/off feature is manually off, then manually on. It would be helpful to set a timer, so that we can turn the whole system off for a certain amount of time only.