Guest mode
There could be an option for guest mode, which would use a different schedule.
Away mode planner by date/hour (agenda)
Away mode is one of the reasons for us to buy into Tado to remotely turn the house heating down when we leave for a day, weekend or multi-week holidays and forgot to do so before leaving. Though it happens more than I like that after 1 or 2 days after leaving the house, we only think about having forgotten enabling the…
Nickname for Bridges
If there is more than one Bridge in an X system, it would be very convenient to be able to provide an identifying nickname for each..
Central heating possibility to set the off heating hours with tado X...
I live in a building and we have a central heating system with 14 hours of heating a day. I have 12 valve and 11 wireless tado x sensors. It would be good to "tell" tado the hours in which the central heating is off so when I'm away and i put 15 degree of minimal temperature the tado software knows that it can heat only in…
Boost Heating - Timeframe Options
When selecting Boost All Radiators, it would be helpful to allow this to be configured to a timeframe of your choice. Pre-defined options like +30mins, +45mins, +1hr etc could even be options further along the side scroll where you can find the current options.
Notification when others make changes
As the primary user I have added family members to the account to control the heating, but sometimes they make silly changes and only find out about them later. Would be good to have a notification when other people in the home you invited make a change.
Add humidity in the tiles
The current tiles have enough room to add more information like humidity. Additionally you could a a toggle in the settings to toggle on/off certain displays.
Automatically go back on schedule
This drives me insane that this isn't a feature with tado! My partner has a habit of messing with the heating and knocking it off schedule to turn it either up or down, which of course takes it off its custom schedules, now the problem is that we forget that it's been taken off its schedule then we realise the heating has…
Make the source of Open Window notifications easily (or ineed at all) discoverable
The current tado app for Android gives Open Window notifications if this is set up for rooms. If such a notification follows, you as a user want to know which room the notification applies to. However, the notifications only say that an open window has been detected, but do not provide information about where. Tapping the…
Open Window detected
I am on occasion advised by my TADO app that a window is open. In a house with 10 TADO thermostats with a ground and first floor it would be decidedly helpful if the icon connected with a particular thermostat in a particular room has a small message displayed on the icon so I can see in which room a window has been…
Excellent valves, but there is something to improve....
Well-functioning valves, very useful and convenient to be controlled remotely! I will focus on what are, in my opinion, the points in which these excellent valves can be further improved: To date, on the app, you can only create 2 different profiles (Home and Away)... specifically for when you are at home and when you are…
Feature Request
Please would you expose the following commands to HomeKit so that I can fully exploit the functionality of Tado AC. Could you add the following additional modes? Auto Fan Dry Cool Heat
Individual Room Boost Request
Hey, Would it be possible to implement a solution, where heating for an individual room only could be boosted? Currently, this is missing from the app, as you can only hit a button to boost all rooms at once and then you have to untick the ones that you are not interested in. Which is a bit cumbersome. The only tweak I…
Koelen door radiator knop open te zetten
Het zou mooi zijn als de radiator knoppen en stand hebben waarin het ventiel open staat, zodat een warmtepomp koud water door de radiatoren en vloerverwarming kan blazen. Ik schroef nu alle knoppen in de zomer eraf, dat werkt. Maar zou toch niet nodig moeten zijn.
Feature proposal
Hello I have a Smart Thermostat X from your company and the problem is that it turns on and off too frequently (every 10 minutes). Why don't you add a feature in the app: if I set the room temperature to 23°C, it should go until 23.2°C (or whatever I want, +0.1, +0.2, +0.3) so that the heating system would run much less.…