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The Big Idea Archive



  • I use a tado to control a relatively old Panasonic AC device connected to an outdoors hear pump.

    When I set the desired room temperature to, say, 20 degrees centigrade, the AC device blows out air "heated up" to 20 centigrades. Resulting in the room temperature staying significantly below the desired 20 degrees.

    What I miss with the tado device, in particular if it controls AC heat pump devices, is to intelligently set the AC air temperature, in such a way that the desired temperature is achieved quickly (=AC air temperature significantly warmer than desired room temperature) and if the desired room temperature has been achieved, the AC air temperature is only slightly higher than the desired room temperature (avoiding frequent on and off of the heating).

  • Currently schedules need to be set up on a per room basis; however, I have a number of rooms that I’d like to be on the same schedule.

    I know I could group them as a single room, but they heat up at different rates, so I wouldn’t want to do this. I also sometimes want to switch the heating off, or boost it, in one of the rooms, but not the other.

    I think it would be better if you could set us schedules independently to rooms, and then select which schedule you wanted to apply to which rooms on which days.

    For example, I could create a “bedrooms - weekday” schedule, and apply it to each bedroom for Monday to Friday.

    This would also address another requested feature of separate summer and winter schedules, as you could set up a “bedrooms - weekday - summer” and a “bedrooms - weekday - winter” schedule, and switch when the weather changed.

    It could also be used to more easily switch schedules at times like school holidays.

    This feature would be even better if you could also group rooms together and assign them all to the same schedule, and so switch them as a group in holidays or when seasons changed.
  • Yes please. I total agree
  • Do not send me a notification when I leave the house or a window is open if the heating is already off.
  • I’d like a whole new schedule for summer (basically would be set to off) but on the off chance it’s cold (like today) I’ve turned the heating on but I do not want the smart (winter) schedule to turn on after the time has gone by on my temporary cold day boost.
  • During a routine boiler service I was required to run the heating system, this was when I discovered the maximum temperature I could set on the radiator stats was 25c and with an ambient temperature of 32c it wouldn't start. I got around the problem with ice cubes and a fan but a higher set point would have been much easier.
  • +1 for this, 25ºC is not high enough, particularly if you want to use a radiator to dry something on an already warm, but rainy day!... ended up taking the smart valve off, screwed it onto an old radiator tail I had spare and then put in the fridge! This left the radiator open to the system and told tado to fire up the heating.

    Such a poor experience for a premium product that many people pay for.

    @Germán - max temp is surely just one parameter in the coding, right? Quick find and replace maybe?

  • I was checking the settings in my Tado now that the temperatures are decreasing here.

    As I have both AC and normal floor heating, I have set a base temp for floor heating of 18 degrees C.

    The rest up to 21 degrees C will be done by the AC (heatpump).

    However it is not possible to have the system automatically switch between heating and cooling.

    You would expect this to switch when the system detects the temperature goes down too much for example without the AC on.

    Now I have to switch my schedule end of summer and beginning of spring, not a huge adjustment, but I think it could save more energy if the system anticipates this.

    Even beter would be if it interacts with the floor heating as well, to determine the most efficient heating settings.

  • Is there any reason why Tado app send notifications about Open Window detection and turning the heating off even though the actual temperature in a room is higher than set on the thermostat meaning the heating is already off?

    I have a draft in one of the rooms and keep getting these notifications a lot so had to switch the whole notification off.
  • When you have a room with 3 smart radiators, it would really be helpful to have a easy to use device name

    It would be easier to know which devie needs new batteries just by seeing the name than to have to let the display flash...

    thx for making this possible

  • Its already a thing
    Been available for 2 years at least
  • Apply a hierarchy with associated user profiles.
  • Hi,

    It could be a nice idea if those with a low voltage connection could see what commands are being sent to the boiler to control the temperatures of the heating system. For example, if the heating demand is low we have a 1,2,3 bar option currently. But what is the actual temperature request that gets send to the boiler itself? I've noticed that the temperature of CH on my boiler changes throughout the day, as I'm assuming that extension kit sends command to lower the boiler CH temp, because it's close to the setpoint. But currently there's no way of knowing what that temperature is, unless you go to the boiler room and open a cover. Another idea would be to be able to set a max CH temp for a specific termostat. Especially useful for those with UFH and rads. No point of boiler running at max temperature if only UFH zone is calling for heat, as usually UFH runs at much lower temp restricted by mixing valve. (It would help to set the mixing valve as well as I had a right game setting it up... Yes, finally it's set... and than tado changes the modulation to high and temp goes up!... Done... nope, modulation has changed to low again!!!. took couple of days to set it right :)

    Thank You

  • Sometimes I just want to turn down all my radiator valves and likewise sometimes I would like to hear the whole house up to the same temperature but I have to go through each radiator valve and thermostat individually. An adjust all option would be nice.
  • In my previous home, Tado was great at detecting open windows. In my new home, it tells me I haven't opened a window in 2 days. I have smart controllers on every radiator in every room. I would like to be able to hit a button in a room when I open the window there, for when Tado doesn't detect it.
  • @Chapstar37 Can you show me where, cause i don't have the option to do that, not in the app nor in the webversion.

  • Great idea. I have to go into the schedules for all my zones twice a year to set the heating on/off for all the different times I've set up*. Would be great to be able to set up a Winter schedule and a Summer schedule and just manually flip between the two when I think Summer has finally arrive/finished.

    (* not sure where I'm atypical - separate schedule set up for each day of the week, up to eight time slots defined, four zones to programme... = 7x8x4=224 mmm!)

  • The slider to manually set a zone temperature in the App is really annoying. If you like round numbers it's almost impossible to set say 21.0. I know 21.2 or 20.8 is near enough - but I just want to set it ti "21"! Maybe configuration option on set temperature significant digits or just round to the nearest 0.5 degC

  • Push notifications in app for tado faults, i have been gettibg some connectivity issue with my extension kit, but you dont see a fault till you notice your heating not working
  • Hi Guys

    I have a large number of devices in some rooms, please can you make it easier to identify them by allowing a name to be attached rather than having to go to each one and blink it to identify which one needs some attention.


  • I'm currently researching how I can heat my hot tub using my central heating. This will save a huge amount of money on heating costs, both because gas is cheaper than electricity and because it can be heated by roughly 8 degrees an hour using the boiler, rather than 1 degree per hour using electricity, it can be left at a lower temperature when not in use.

    I'm planning on using a heat exchanger (https://ej-bowman.com/industries/hot-tubs-spas/) to do this so I've not got any hot tub water flowing through the boiler. The heat exchanger will sit in the system exactly like a radiator does. I'd like to use my tado system to control the setup. I can call for heat using the api to adjust the set temperature of my (currently redundant, as I have radiator thermostats in each room) room thermostat. I'm considering using an arduino to sense the hot tub temperature and operate a solenoid valve/call for heat when required.

    While this should work well, what would be ideal would be to feed the hot tub temperature directly into tado and also make use of the scheduling already built into the system. That way tado takes care of everything (providing the solenoid valve is open when required) and makes for a much neater solution.

    I'd like to know if anybody else has thought of something similar or has any suggestions. Perhaps having a virtual device that could be controlled via the app/api would be a great feature.

  • I would like a limited acces to the specific Tado for each room only. A guest mode so to speak
    Now everyone can control each others temperature settings..
  • This request is even more timely given that IFTTT is now charging for custom applets in a way that means my existing solution will not continue to work.
  • Hello

    I have a small baby, and for some reason one of his favourite activities is touching and spinning the radiator thermostat!

    I believe there should be an option to disable the manual control individually for each thermostat!

    Otherwise, the temperature will be constantly being altered, and the batteries will be quickly drained - I’ve already had to replace them a couple of times.

    Thank you
  • KaiM
    edited September 2020
    Tado needs a stable connectivity to the internet. Wifi is unstable and does not always work properly through different rooms or floors.

    A LAN connection would solve this issue and adds a “stable” connection!
  • CH max temp per zone makes a lot of sense. Vote from me.
  • Nic
    Nic ✭✭
    edited September 2020

    Since heat pump heating is the future, I'm quite surprised in seeing that Tado does not integrate well with some of the best heat pump manufacturers (e.g. Stiebel-Eltron, Nibe...).

    I think it's important to provide compatibility and complete integration with those systems (not just on/off control, but complete control of temperatures and DHW via digital bus)

  • At present Air Freshness just shows “Indoor Air” quality for the whole house. This should be expanded to show each room you have devices installed.

    I know I’ve had the window open in the dining room and kitchen, but closed in the living room for days.

    Just an idea
  • What kind of water heater did you have? I mean the electric one. I use EcoSmart ECO 27 and I liked it, but soon we are moving to another flat and we are trying to figure out if we want to keep the same system or to try something new.

    Anyway I would be happy to know your opinion.  

  • Ditsy
    Ditsy ✭✭✭

    I'm not sure what you mean by alter the preset schedule? Are you asking to be able to edit a schedule via voice control? The Google Assistant integration lets you override an existing schedule, but not edit it permanently. "Ok Google, turn off all manual control" will revert all your heating to schedule, or you can specify a particular TRV to return to schedule. I use the former in my Bedtime routine, to ensure any active overrides are cancelled and the heating returns to schedule for the night.

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