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The Big Idea Archive



  • Jakosaur
    Jakosaur ✭✭✭

    Got a scenario for this. It's been hot lately and we've had the windows open so we turned all the rooms to "Off" - "Until you Cancel". One room one night was cold, so the manual control was changed from "Off", to "20 degrees" for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, smart schedule resumed so the next day when the windows were opened on a hot day; the heating turned on.


    1. Original manual control (toggle not shown). | Off, "Until next Time Block" (9PM).
    2. Manual control changed whilst the original manual control was still active. | 20 degrees, "15 minutes".
    3. If new manual control isn't set to "Until you cancel", show "Return to previous manual control after" toggle. | Toggle enabled
    4. When the new manual control has ended, if toggle is enabled; check whether the end time of the original manual control hasn't been reached yet or is set to "Until you cancel". If either is true, return to original manual control until the set time for the original manual control. | After 15 minutes, it wasn't 9PM yet so returned to original manual control.
  • Hi,

    I've just been tweaking my time blocks and they're basically all the same. I have Smart Radiator Thermostats too so I've had to change them 6 times over, to all be the same!!

    We can currently set the Away Mode Temperature for each zone, so what would be super cool is you could also set Home Mode Temperature in the same way, per zone, and then setup the time blocks to use the mode values instead of actual set temperatures. For example:

    Home Mode Temperature: 19
    Away Mode Temperature: 10

    Current Time Block:

    00.00-7.30: 10
    7.30-21.30: 19
    21.30-00.00: 10

    So at the moment 2 of the time blocks match the Away Mode Temperature and 1 time block matches the Home Mode Temperature. So this would be so much better as you just need to adjust the Mode Temperature, which then affects all the time block temperatures using that mode:

    00.00-7.30: Away
    7.30-21.30: Home
    21.30-00.00: Away

    Additionally, we should be able to have global mode temperatures, and then each zone would have an 'Inherit from global' toggle; if on it uses the global values, if off it uses the zones values, following the same idea above about using Home/Away Mode in the time blocks.

    I'm considering breaking out into more time blocks per zone, which right now is a ballache!!

  • Hi,

    I've just been tweaking my time blocks and they're basically all the same. I have Smart Radiator Thermostats too so I've had to change them 6 times over, to all be the same!!

    We can currently set the Away Mode Temperature for each zone, so what would be super cool is you could also set Home Mode Temperature in the same way, per zone, and then setup the time blocks to use the mode values instead of actual set temperatures. For example:

    Home Mode Temperature: 19
    Away Mode Temperature: 10

    Current Time Block:

    00.00-7.30: 10
    7.30-21.30: 19
    21.30-00.00: 10

    So at the moment 2 of the time blocks match the Away Mode Temperature and 1 time block matches the Home Mode Temperature. So this would be so much better as you just need to adjust the Mode Temperature, which then affects all the time block temperatures using that mode:

    00.00-7.30: Away
    7.30-21.30: Home
    21.30-00.00: Away

    Additionally, we should be able to have global mode temperatures, and then each zone would have an 'Inherit from global' toggle; if on it uses the global values, if off it uses the zones values, following the same idea above about using Home/Away Mode in the time blocks.

    I'm considering breaking out into more time blocks per zone, which right now is a ballache!!
  • I think it would be a good idea to introduce Shutters / Blinds control to act in conjunction with heating and the smart AC controller.

    there are already some like the Legrand Valena Life with Netatmo Interrupteur Pour volet roulant / Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 / Somfy Izymo Shutter Receiver io

    but I think that if everything was kept in the same app it would be easier for users and will increase the users of Tado products ... will this be something that is being considered by tado or is it out of plans?

    Best regards

  • Hello

    I have an extension with underfloor heating (wet system). As rest of house is radiators (with dum thermostats) and whole system is controlled by a central remote Tado thermostat, I'd like the ability to add a second thermostat, create a new zone and let that thermostat control the underfloor heating.
  • I have Smart AC control, Smart thermostat and Smart radiator thermostat devices in same room. I'm controlling the heating in the room through thermostats and cooling the room through Smart AC control.

    Since position of the thermostats is fixed - smart thermostat is where the wire connections are, smart radiator thermostat is where radiator is - only smart AC control can be placed by choice. In large rooms this makes sense because in the app you should be able to choose from which device to read the room temp. according to its placing.

    For example my smart thermostat is quite near the oven in the kitchen so its temp. reading is not realistic for the rest of the room, smart radiator thermostat is of course mounted on the radiator so in large room this temp. is also not realistic representation of room temp.

    The main problem is that tado APP does not allow smart AC control to be placed inside the room with other devices but only separated. In this way the choice for more realistic temp. measuring is reduced. There is a temp. offset setting which can help but not resolve the problem completely.

    So, allowing the smart AC control to be placed in the room in tado APP with other devices would certainly broden the choices and increase user configuration options

    of their smart control needs.

  • Agree. I'm considering building a cage for mine... Must be a better solution.
  • Hi,

    please may I request ECO Mode in the TADO AC Smart controller which my Toshiba Sieya AC unit uses.

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    I bought Tado Smart AC V3+ recently and successful on setup. Unfortunately I cannot see any fan speed setting inside HomeKit. I know that HomeKit supports fan speed. Please add fan speed support to HomeKit

  • tadoptw
    tadoptw ✭✭
    edited May 2020

    It would be handy if the App could display the radiator valve temperature at 0.5° intervals, & maybe also manual heat settings have the ability to set every 0.5° not just every 1°. The thermostats can detect every .1° as you can see this in the graph diagram.

    Below Mock-up image of what it would look like.

  • The inside and set temperature are great, but it would be good to include humidity on the Home screen for each room too. This is especially helpful when monitoring rooms with mould issues.


  • It would be good to have a single setting for opened windows in the entire house. Especially in warm months, marking an opened window through all the rooms is far from convenient.

    Possibly another mode in the Geofencing, as "open air"?


  • Having an easy in-app function as well as a physical way (such as long hold the the thermostat button) to turn off the heating / open window mode. Or have physical window / door sensors. As in the warmer months, when I tend to leave the patio doors open, the heating doesn't come back on after the window timer. Heating turning off for 20 min in the winter is a long time but no way long enough in the summer.
  • BartPe
    BartPe ✭✭

    Hi there,

    I have configured 8 rooms with different schedules and even variations in daily schedules. It would be nice to have on option to export / import the schedules that I have configured. Globally or per room.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello @BartPe,

    This suggestion has already been made on the forum, you can vote for it here so that all the votes are counted in the same place. . 

    Best regards,

    Your tado° team

  • Vote for this. I got my Tado today for my Toshiba Seiya and I was surprised that it's missing eco, silent, and high power modes. Also, having only three fan speeds instead of five and you can't control swing or anything like that.
  • TommiContursi
    edited May 2020
    I got my Tado today for my Toshiba Seiya and I was surprised that it's missing eco, silent, and high power modes. Also, having only three fan speeds instead of five and you can't control swing or anything like that. :'(
  • I know that many have bought the Tado AC model for controlling their AC units remotely, so that's why I think it essential to get extensive support for different models and also add more settings on how to manage the unit. For some, it might be enough to control the temperature and fan speed. but personally, when I purchase an expensive AC unit with multiple different features, then I also want to use those features. I think these are more important features than having nice to have features, like open window detection etc.

    Is there any way on how I can contribute and for example, share data on what kind of remote I have for the unit or anything?

  • How a bout a device that can plug-in to the HAN interface on my electricity meter ? So Tado can turn up heat a bit when electricity is cheap and lower when it is expensive. We have price per hour here in Sweden.

    PS @tado Feel free to send me one if you make them :)

    /Jonas Sweden

  • An option that remembers to clean the dust filters according to the operating time of the air conditioners would be very useful. Generally A / C increases energy consumption due to dust accumulated on both the blades and the dust filter. Taking a parameter of at least 720 hours of operation, which would be a full month, when this time expires, Tado could notify on screen and by the App that it is time to perform a cleaning.

    This is my idea and I would like to have it.

  • BartPe
    BartPe ✭✭
    edited May 2020

    Hello @_Marie

    The ability to copy/paste schedules (although I also voted for this one) is not really the same as being able to export and save them to import at a later time or to have a backup.

    Kind regards,


  • Is there a way to add a copy to another room button so I can set up a schedual then copy it to my other 5 rooms?
  • HomeKit adjustments put the Tado into manual mode, as to wall-panel adjustments. However wall-panel adjustments can put the Tado into dry mode, and HomeKit adjustments can't! Would it be hard to allow HomeKit to change the Tado into dry mode? Even if this has to be through a script, that would work for me; I just want to be able to set it up so that I can have Siri change the AC into dry mode!

  • When installing Tado, I replaced my wired thermostats in hall and landing that controlled downstairs and upstairs zone valves with Tado thermostats. The Tado thermostats now control the zone valves via the Extension kit.

    Most of my rooms have Tado TVRs, however, for a room on either circuit to receive heat, the corresponding zone valve must be open. The zone valves are wired to my oil fired boiler and when they open they trigger the boiler.

    If only one room on a circuit needs to be heated in a zone, the appropriate Tado thermostat needs to be set at a sufficiently high temperature to open the zone valve. This often forces me to set the hall and/or landing thermostat to a higher temperature in order to open the zone valve.

    Each TVR, when calling for heat, should be able to open the appropriate zone valve long enough to enable that room to be heated. Once the TVRs determine the rooms have reached the required temperature, and unless the hall and/or landing thermostats are calling for heat, should be capable of closing the zone valve for that circuit.

  • @BartPe, thank you for the clarification.

    Best regards,

    Your tado° Team

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    Hello @TheShark,

    It is possible to link all rooms, up to ten, to the Smart Thermostat and thus each room is able to make a heat demand. Even if the room where the Smart Thermostat is located is at the right temperature, if a Smart Radiator Thermostat detects that the temperature is too low, it will then be able to ask your boiler to turn on. 

    If you want to activate this option, please contact our technical support via the chat on our website. 

    Best regards,

    Your tado° Team

  • Add statistics to show which thermostat is activating most often to highlight if smart schedule is misconfigured. E.g. I had a radiatior valve in my hallway which was keeping the heating on almost all of the time as it was set too high
  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @ajp Why not change so that all tado devices can control the heating?

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @ajp Read this again and I think I missed your point - sorry.

This discussion has been closed.