Zone controller assigning in API or create fireplace mode in TADO app.
So my problem is i can not control the zone controller from the tado API. I use Home assistant and would like to have the abbility to create a "Fireplace On" switch (in Home assistant or in the TADO app) that will toggle the zone controller for selected rooms. I have TRV's on all my radiators (except 2 bypass radiators).…
A Pause Button… with Adjustable Duration
I would like to suggest a Pause button… Similar to the Boost button but with the opposite effect. Or add a time restriction to the Off button. With the weather so variable there are times when the heating just does not need to come on if one of the rooms drops 0.2 degrees below the target temperature. With temperature…
Show the water temp that goes into a radiator or warn if too low
So, I had an issue with our central heating. Two-story apartment, the lower floor was fine, the upper floor not so much. Out of three radiators upstairs, one was kinda happening, the rest cold. I noticed it was a bit chilly. I played around with the two cold ones, removed the thermostat, and eventually called the landlord…
Set temperature for selected rooms shortcut
It would be useful if I can select the rooms fast where I would like to set a temperature for the next hour other than doing it individually. Thank you,
Active / Inactive rooms fast switch
I wold like to include a fast button for each room within the main view to mark that room as 'active' or 'inactive'. That way you can switch on/off the room you are currently using with a click. This would be nice.
Time block call for heat option
In the room time blocks, provide the ability to choose at different times whether thermostat calls for heat, or operates in passive mode
Smart AC Control V3+ / Setup Quiet Mode
Dear Support, It would be a great plus for the product tado smart ac control v3+ to support quiet mode. The controller already supports fan control and adding this feature will provide the benefit of completely giving away the hard manual controller of an older air condition. Maybe a generic mode could be added for the…
Allow additional schedules in addition to Home and Away
It would be great if it was possible to have additional schedules in Tado. I’d like if you were able to add additional schedules, such as “day shift” and “night shift” or “staycation”, so you can easily change schedules to meet your requirements. For example it I found i needed to change my normal schedule to account for…
modo frio para el termostato
Actualmente tengo un sistema de suelo radiante/refrigerante y necesitaría que los termostatos tuvieran una función de frío para poder usarlo tanto en invierno como en verano. Esto ya se lleva pidiendo durante años en el foro Tanto en ingles:…
Merged: Smart Radiator summer / maintenance / bleeding mode (leaving the radiator open)
This discussion has been merged.
Holiday Schedule
Would it be possible to add in a calendar feature to pre-programme upcoming Holidays? E.g. enter a time and date for the holiday to start and for it to end? This would remove the need to remember to switch all heating and hot water to 'Off' as you leave, plus allow for pre-planning and set the holiday parameters (e.g.…
Bridge range extender
Nearly all my issues with tado revolve around lack of connection between the radiator thermostats and the bridge. Surely either a more powerful Bridge or a bridge extender could be developed
Lowering frost protection or turn it off per device
I have a conservatory attached to the property and the temperature can go down as low as 3 or 4°. A useful feature to be able disable frost protection for this area or choose a lower level for frost protection, such as zero.
Some Suggestions
Tadoº Ecosystem Ability to use AC thermostat as a sensor to give temperature readings to radiator valves or the radiator thermostats (this is a big turn down). On the App (iOS) System: Ability to add shortcuts to iOS system, allowing to activate Boost Heating, Resume Schedule, Turn Off All, more easily. Geofencing: ability…
Timed override for geofencing
Would be good to have a way to override geofencing (to home or away, from auto) for a set period of time - like the timed manual override for TRVs. I manually override geofencing to ‘Home’ so that heating stays on for babysitters when I leave the house. But then I have to remember to turn back to “Auto” when I get home.…
Visitors pre-set
It's probably been suggested before but I'd love a preset for certain rooms so you can quickly switch between occupied and unoccupied. For example we have 2 X guest bedrooms. When visitors come it would be really helpful to have a preset to quickly switch the heating schedule on just for their rooms. When unoccupied we…
show humidity on room tile
Why do I have to go into a room to see the humidity? There’s enough space on each room tile to add the humidity figure.
Display Humidity level on wired and wireless sensor display
It would be important to allow the display of humidity levels on the wired and wireless sensors (square devices) when pressing the round button. This feature could be configured in the app. The humidity level would be displayed just after the temperature. You can also extend this display to smart radiator valves.
Goedemiddag, Wil toch even reageren op onderstaande mail van jullie. Misschien dat jullie er iets mee kunnen?! Ik heb een Herz adapter M30 inwendig naar M28 uitwendig gekocht waar een messing sukje bij zat wat over de pen van de kraan past. Ik heb enkel het messing stukje op de en gezet en….. tadaaa, de Tado knop werkt.…
Heating Manual Adjustment Notification
We have multiple people in the house and it would be handy to receive a notification when the heating is manually adjusted from the schedule.
Battery Monitor Improvements
As a suggestion, there needs to be better battery level monitoring\reporting between the Tado application and devices. I have noticed in recent weeks that devices are reporting battery levels as "Good" but then are malfunctioning due to suspected low battery life, which is then confirmed when you re-insert the batteries…
It would be good if there was a log file so that you could find out which window alerted "open window"
A Hot Water Boost button in the app
There is no option in the Tado app AT ALL to switch your hot water (only) on for a predetermined time - e.g. 30 or 60 mins. SO many times I've needed extra hot water, outside of the my usual / programmed schedule and at irregular / varying times of day, so I've put the hot water on manually and then forgotten and it's been…
Community Support..
Because there seems to be no input from Tado in this community support why don't they follow Sky's model whereby there are superusers that can elevate some queries to Tado directly for online support vie a chat process. Seems to work ok for them and would greatly reduce the frustration some do have with no input from Tado…
Tado energie-zuinig?
Tado presenteert zich als de oplossing voor teveel energieverbruik. Alleen de temperaturen die jullie adviseren (de voor-ingestelde temperaturen, maar ook die geadviseerde temperatuur in de tab klimaatcomfort), zijn hoger dan de in nederland geadviseerde 19 graden. Lijkt mij niet erg energie-zuinig. Als bv mijn woonkamer…
Raam open
Ik wil zelf kunnen aangeven dat de raam open staat. Hij detecteert niet dat het open staat. Als ik zelf opgeef dan wil ik ook tijdsduur meegeven voor hoelang ik denk dat het raam nog openstaat
Schema - zomer / winter
Wanneer het winter wordt, wil ik overschakelen van een “zomer” schema naar “winter” schema ipv alles moeten aanpassen
Switching on/off based on humidity
Hello, It would be grate if we could have a function in the app where one can choose to switch on or off based on humidity. For example: if humidity reaches 60% switch on to 23C till humidity is lower then 60% or another value
Humidity trigger
I think it would be nice to have a humidity trigger as well as temperature trigger. As an example I have a TRV in the basement where the desired humidity is btw 60-70 and the temperature is not really important. It would be great if the TRV kicks in when the humidity is as an example above 70
Comfort setting rather than temperature
As an option, why do we need to set a temperature at all? Why don't we set air comfort instead. I really couldn't care what the temperature is per room, the figure is irrelevant to me, I just want it to be "pleasant" in each room. Given the temperature to achieve "pleasant" can change depending on humidity etc it would be…