Manage email notifications
I suggest a feature to manage which email notifications to receive. Concretely I often receive emails like "Your Smart Radiator Thermostat needs new batteries" despite being plenty informed via the app - and there is, quite surprisingly, no option to unsubscribe. My proposal is to let the users decide which emails they…
Telephone Support
Please can we have telephone support, the chat support takes too long whilst I am unable to control my heating. If chat support is going to be the only option, you should reply within the hour and also have agents available outside of normal office hours when people are free to actually contact you. I started the chat on…
Hot water tank thermostat controller
Hi I would like to request a hot water tank thermostat and controller so both temp can be seen and profiles set.. Tado can then weekly exercise the systems hot water valve so it does not seize closed. Jas
Weekly valve exercise TVRs + hot water valve + zone valves
Hi I used to have I terrrier units and they would weekly exercise the valves i.e. fully open and close to ensure valves do not stick. Also with boiler and separate hot water tank valve and central heating valve needs a weekly poke to open and close both. I have solar so in summer and a emersion element so neither of the…
Switched Fused spur / smart plug controller
Hi, I really like Tado and we have smart thermostats on all our radiators. However, we also like our electric fire on in the living room from time to time. It would be nice if there was a switched fused spur or smart plug option so we could control all our heating devices through Tado. We could control the fire through a…
Anthracite RAD Thermostats.
Got two lovely anthracite rads in my house but don't want to add white rad thermostats on them. Good idea? Some other colour options would be good.
Always on display
Beste Ik zou het graag zien (in de toekomst) dat de temperatuur altijd af te lezen is vanaf de thermostaat, zonder op die knop te moeten drukken. Kan dit worden gerealiseerd? Dit dan vooral bij de bedrade thermostaat zodat het geen batterijen kost.
Temp/Humidity graph improvements
Please consider the following Temperature graph improvements... add increased resolution grid lines, ie. 1 degree and hourly coloured line showing set temperature join each 24hr section. No gap, same vertical grid resolution add to PC version app Thanks
“Saved Schedules” Idea
Hello, I have seen some posts about shift workers. To echo these. The way of editing schedules is very fiddly and time consuming, especially when you have a different shift pattern each week. It would be more beneficial to have “saved bank” of specific days and specific weeks you work, and you can quickly copy them into…
Hot water boost via app
There used to be functionality using the app whereby you could boost the hot water for a limited period of time, say 1/2 hr then it would return to schedule. As it now works you can only override the schedule and turn the hot water on. If you then forget to turn it off it will run 24/7, not good at all..
Add hot water boost - instead of manual control under hot water settings
In order to boost the hot water for a time period (eg 1 hour) you have to go into Rooms & devices, settings, hot water and then finally access the manual control. It would be a lot easier and more user-friendly and intuitive if there was a simple boost button under Hot water icon. In case anyone is following all the…
Ability to use Wireless
Tado needs the ability to use multiple wireless temperature thermostats to control different rooms independently.
Heating status for On/Off mode
I would prefer to see the heating status as a simple on/off symbol rather than the three waves. I have a heating source that does not support opentherm and thereby only works in on/off mode. Why I would need this: This would be useful to really check if my heatpump is working properly: I currently do not always know for…
Increase Zone Controller Max Rooms
I ran into the limit of 10 rooms on one Zone Controller and I need it set to 12 rooms. I am sure this has also affected other Tado users retrofitting a complete house.
Postponed buying 8 Tado thermostats, looking for other solution!
Postponed my idea to install 8 tado thermostats, because it appears that, nevertheless many people ask for this integration, still nothing happens. If it comes to brands that cannot be integrated with Smartthings, there are a lot more cheaper ones on the market I figured...
Air Comfort suggestions
Hello, We're supposed to make energy savings with Tadoº, but it's quite inappropriate to get a suggestion to turn the heating on when a room is just below 20ºC. The World Health Organisation recommends a room temperature of around 18°C in Winter, and The Energy Saving Trust advises setting the thermostat to around 18-21°C,…
Boiler demand indication on main page
Hi, it would be great to have the three waves or just a simple red dot by the temperature of each room in the main page. Or at least a way to see at glance if any of the room is forcing the boiler to run. Thanks
Simple improvement to use Tado both for heating and cooling
More and more users are moving to heath pumps both for heating and cooling, by having the same pump satisfy both needs by pumping fluid under the pavement. Unfortunately, so far, Tado only has a minimum temperature in his controller, so it is only possible to employ it for heating. A simple improvement would entail adding…
White text on grey background (Temperature graphs in dark mode)
I'm using general dark mode on my device (Android) With the the latest application update the inside and outside temperature display has been changed from black text to white text (on a light grey background. The text has become unreadable. Can you change that back please ? Edit: additional info, In normal (non dark mode)…
Hot water boost
Can we have a hot water boost facility that is timed. Having to let the boiler run until its next schedule is un necessary and wasteful should you forget to stop it.
Smoke sensor Tado
Is there any Tado smoke sensor to be merged with Tado app and heating wireless receiver? If no, is Tado planning to release something related in the future? I just don't want to install "n" number of apps for each smart device I need.
Merge "deleted rooms" with a new room created
I have deleted a room and re-configured again due to malfunctioning radiator thermostat. Now in my "heating activity" dashboard it shows the history of this room in "deleted rooms". Is there any ways to merge this deleted room to the new one I've created so the statistics aren't disturbed?
Add Months to schdule
I’m a recent newbie to getting this and I found it really good. I think a great idea would be to add months to the schedules rather than just days. This would then be useful for setting the schedules per summer months and winter months.I had a digital thermostat which did that and I found worked well as never had to touch…
Allow "Auto" within HomeKit
Many smart heating systems when exposed to HomeKit allow the use of "OFF, HEAT and AUTO", even Drayton Wiser which can only be exposed through a custom made plug-in via homebridge can use AUTO. The AUTO function (at least as I see it) would allow the system to return back to the current schedule. For example, in HomeKit I…
App notification for manual TRV changes
There are probably lots of good reasons for this feature but my use case: Young children, so I have the child lock on the TRVs. Technophobic parents and in-laws who can't change the heating when doing child care in the house. Spinning the TRV would be ideal for them. Easiest solution would be for me to disable TRV child…
Easy schedule or temperature change
Currently changing schedule is not that easy, we need to go through each device and each time block separately and then adjust it. Most of the time we want to change temperature level but each room might have different time schedule, then we always end up in changing one by one. This is really time consuming and tedious.…
Keep history when meter reaches max or new meter is installed/replaced
Frustrating, as Belgium now forces by law to change to a digital meter. It won't be long before more countries will do this, but Tado gives no option to keep the history. A similar situation would be when the gas meter needs replacement due to malfunction or reaches the max digits it can roll to. Support's answer was:…
It would be nice to see the temperature and humidity or moisture content graphs on the web site as well as on the app
Dew-point prevention = minimum temperature based on humidity
Given a specific temperature the air can hold a certain amount of moisture and when this air hits a cold surface it condenses causing moisture and mold. It would make sense to have an option to enable the that the Humidity reading be used to automatically adjust a minimum temperature for a room to Reduce condensation when…
Control even and odd weeks respectively
I'm wondering, could it be possible to control schedules for odd and even weeks in the application? Biweekly (even weeks) my two children stays at my place, and biweekly (odd weeks) they stay with their mother. Quite normal nowadays which is why I think it makes good sense to have the option to lower the temperature in the…