Goedemiddag, Wil toch even reageren op onderstaande mail van jullie. Misschien dat jullie er iets mee kunnen?! Ik heb een Herz adapter M30 inwendig naar M28 uitwendig gekocht waar een messing sukje bij zat wat over de pen van de kraan past. Ik heb enkel het messing stukje op de en gezet en….. tadaaa, de Tado knop werkt.…
Heating Manual Adjustment Notification
We have multiple people in the house and it would be handy to receive a notification when the heating is manually adjusted from the schedule.
Battery Monitor Improvements
As a suggestion, there needs to be better battery level monitoring\reporting between the Tado application and devices. I have noticed in recent weeks that devices are reporting battery levels as "Good" but then are malfunctioning due to suspected low battery life, which is then confirmed when you re-insert the batteries…
It would be good if there was a log file so that you could find out which window alerted "open window"
A Hot Water Boost button in the app
There is no option in the Tado app AT ALL to switch your hot water (only) on for a predetermined time - e.g. 30 or 60 mins. SO many times I've needed extra hot water, outside of the my usual / programmed schedule and at irregular / varying times of day, so I've put the hot water on manually and then forgotten and it's been…
Community Support..
Because there seems to be no input from Tado in this community support why don't they follow Sky's model whereby there are superusers that can elevate some queries to Tado directly for online support vie a chat process. Seems to work ok for them and would greatly reduce the frustration some do have with no input from Tado…
Tado energie-zuinig?
Tado presenteert zich als de oplossing voor teveel energieverbruik. Alleen de temperaturen die jullie adviseren (de voor-ingestelde temperaturen, maar ook die geadviseerde temperatuur in de tab klimaatcomfort), zijn hoger dan de in nederland geadviseerde 19 graden. Lijkt mij niet erg energie-zuinig. Als bv mijn woonkamer…
Raam open
Ik wil zelf kunnen aangeven dat de raam open staat. Hij detecteert niet dat het open staat. Als ik zelf opgeef dan wil ik ook tijdsduur meegeven voor hoelang ik denk dat het raam nog openstaat
Schema - zomer / winter
Wanneer het winter wordt, wil ik overschakelen van een “zomer” schema naar “winter” schema ipv alles moeten aanpassen
Switching on/off based on humidity
Hello, It would be grate if we could have a function in the app where one can choose to switch on or off based on humidity. For example: if humidity reaches 60% switch on to 23C till humidity is lower then 60% or another value
Humidity trigger
I think it would be nice to have a humidity trigger as well as temperature trigger. As an example I have a TRV in the basement where the desired humidity is btw 60-70 and the temperature is not really important. It would be great if the TRV kicks in when the humidity is as an example above 70
Comfort setting rather than temperature
As an option, why do we need to set a temperature at all? Why don't we set air comfort instead. I really couldn't care what the temperature is per room, the figure is irrelevant to me, I just want it to be "pleasant" in each room. Given the temperature to achieve "pleasant" can change depending on humidity etc it would be…
Extend open window time
Is it possibile to extend or to modify the open window time? So when you are doing the spring cleaning or leaving the window open due fry smell (in the kitchen) leaving longer then 15 minutes? And having a smooth warm up after the windows are closes
Heat transfer profiles to choose from
My old Honeywell thermostat had 4 profiles I could choose from. Each profile represented a different type of heat transfer speed. For example, hot air heating is a quick heating method. Convector heating a slower one. Both have their cons and pros. What currently happens is that when you use the Tado thermostat for hot…
Cylinder, stat
Hi does anyone know if there will be a Tado cylinder stat in development?
Diffret status for thermostats that are not linked to a zone
In order to stop a room calling for heat and switching on the boiler (like a toilet, closet etc) you can remove the zone controller for the room. It would be good to acknoladge this on the tile in the app.. currently regardless of the zone set for the room it will say "heating to" i think the rooms that are assigned a zone…
Date scheduling
Hi, it will be a great opportunity to be able to schedule from starting date and end date, please. The away option is not an option I like to use because off security. What will happen if some one hack my Tado account, and they have full information that I am away. So please add the option to scheduling from starting date…
Add detailed status info to tado app for Wireless Receiver connection problems
I recently reported that the wireless link and error LEDs on my Wireless Receiver were often flashing together to indicate a lost connection. tado support said they have access to detailed connection status information with date / time of error events. This type of data would be very useful for us customers to help…