Settings after signal loss and auto-reconnect
Regarding the wireless receiver of the central heating, it is undesirable for it to remain on when there is no signal. I have returned several times to a home with tropical temperatures after the signal was lossed for unknown reason (so far) and the heater remains (last setting before disconnection). Can't this be set to…
Switching between Zone Controller and No Zone Controller/ Universal Switch
Please could you incorporate a universal switch for Zone Controller, so that the user could switch all his TRVs to "No zone controller" and back to the specific Zone Controller with a single toggle button? Currently, it's really annoying having to go to Settings -- Rooms & Devices -- The name of a TRV -- scroll to the very…
Open mode
I suggest to incorporate to smart radiator thermostat the possibility of allowing the valve to remain open, even if it exceeds 25 degrees
a few month later nothing new ? I don’t want to buy dead products…
Wireless Internet Bridge
This is a super simple idea, and franky it surprises me you haven't done this yet (or have you?), but wouldn't it make sense to have an alternative do the Internet bridge with a wireless antena? I have my home fairly well covered with a mesh wireless connection, but the fact that you need to have all radiators connected…
Monitoraggio finestre aperte
In Tado non esiste un report relativo al monitoraggio delle finestre aperte durante la giornata. Propongo, se possibile e non troppo oneroso, di inserire questa nuova funzionalità che ci dica: - tutte le stanze in cui si è verificato il rilevamento con gli orari - quante volte in quella stanza si è verificato - le…
Show end time while editing the duration of a heating override in the tado (web)app
When temporarily overriding the heating schema (e.g. I temporarily want to heat up a specific room), I can choose for how much time I want this override. However, I typically want to directly see at what time this override will stop, not only how long it takes. So basically, when setting the duration of the override, it…
Battery Warning TRV
Can you please provide a warning when battery low. At present a warning is given and TRV has already failed. Please give a warning earlier before the trv fails
Can Geofencing button be put higher in the home screen
I use my geofencing button very often in order to switch manually from "home" to "away". I would like to have this button on top. After all, it over-rules all other buttons Can this button be added to the function button "Reorder Rooms". This way, I can put the button where I want it Thanks