Ability to link rooms
Have the ability to link rooms together so changing the temperature on 1 room will change the rooms that are linked together. Maybe add a global change too so you can change the whole house in 1 go.
IOS Home Screen Widgets
Quick glance/quick change widgets for room temps. Basically, the tiles we already have inside the app, but on the Home Screen.
All for one
Allow manual 'Turn Off All' to accept a temperature value.
REQUEST: Shower / bathroom setting that turns the TRV on when high humidity detected
Many people have mould problems in the shower room / bathroom. That's one reason why they (including me) bought a TADO system - to have better background heating in the bathroom (and in other rooms). The room by room humidity tracking in the TADO app is great, and has helped with resolving dampness and mould in many rooms.…
Alexa commands
Can we please include the "boost heating" command in future Alexa integration updates?
change "turn off all rooms" in an away button
how often do you turn of all rooms ? isn't it more likely that you want to activate away ? my suggestion is to move the home / geofencing functionality to the top and move the "turn off all rooms" to a tile below.