Adjust whole HOME by 1 degree up/down
It would be great if you could increase or decrease the whole HOME (every currently active room) by 1 degree just by using one control.
GPS location without Google play services
Hi, I'm not using Google play services and since tado relys to location service of Google play services, this won't work for me. There are other apps with autonomous GPS location. Can tap please add those function to their app? Otherwise this feature will not work properly for many customers which don't use Google play…
Tado app - Feature request - Swipe to dismiss room detail view
Hi everyone, On the Tado app for iPhone, it would be very appreciated to add a swipe to dismiss feature when being on the details of a room. Right now the only way to dismiss the room view is to click on the cross on the top left of the screen which is not handy one handed. Same thing on an iPad, it would be very handy to…
One button back-to-schedule
Possibility to set with one button to put all rooms back-to-schedule
Manual overwrite schedule
Using the app now for six months given current cold days I notice the overwrite of the schedule is not that user friendly. In stead of scrolling I would have prefere to see options (as u button) like for X hour (X as duration to set), till Y time (Y as end time to set) or till next stage
Show thermostates %opening graph
Hi, i woukd really like that my thermostates % opening are showed on the graph, now we can only see how much the the valve/thermostat was open with holding down on the graph and see on the 3 heating symbols, or on the 3 gray scaled colors, thats pretty much useless,,, the system have 0-100% so why not show it on the…
Ability to link rooms
Have the ability to link rooms together so changing the temperature on 1 room will change the rooms that are linked together. Maybe add a global change too so you can change the whole house in 1 go.
IOS Home Screen Widgets
Quick glance/quick change widgets for room temps. Basically, the tiles we already have inside the app, but on the Home Screen.
All for one
Allow manual 'Turn Off All' to accept a temperature value.