Reminder that a schedule has been overidden "until you cancel"
When you use Google home to control the status of the heating or hot water, the schedule gets overridden "until you cancel". It would be good if tado sent you a reminder after sometime, or had the little infinity symbol on the tile (or both) to indicate that the room or hot water wasn't on its usual schedule. My hot water…
Text size.
Great app but the temp display is unnecessarily small.
Family Geofence
Would it be possible to have family members assigned to certain rooms? Example, Son staying away at the weekend with grandparents his room would be set to away as no requirement to heat.
Sensori Master e sensori Slave
Buongiorno a tutti, a casa io ho un sensore master che accende e spegne il riscaldamento, e due sensori slave che possono solo tenere aperto o chiudere parte del circuito. Sarebbe bello poter impostare questa situazione nell'app, in modo che nei grafici i sensori slave risultino attivi solo se è attivo il sensore master.…
Add a text field on devices to show their location in the room.
I have three radiators in a room. It isn’t easy to locate a TRV which needs resetting. Have to use the Hi button and work out which one isn’t responding. Easy solved by adding a text field in the devices summary screen. It could say “near door”, “behind settee” and “near hifi”.
Either block or support being a member of more than one Tado home
I accepted a membership request from my son’s Tado and it wiped my App configuration. Was a nightmare to get sorted. Either block accepting a request if you already have a membership or support multiple homes in the app properly!
Basic Wired Stat
Hi, I have a home with underfloor heating and 13 zones. I wish to upgrade. I use TADO at another property and it is great. However, at around 100 pound for a stat it is "too expensive and too smart" to buy 13 of them. I believe there is logic in a more basic phone connected wired stat. There is no need for humidity,…
Be able to set max outgoing water heating temperature in central heating (CV)
In the Netherlands most people have a central gas heater which pomps hot water around in the house through floors, radiators or convectors, also called in Dutch: CV installatie. What I cannot do with Tado is adjust the outgoing hot water temperature of this central heater, via an OpenThem connection, but I cannot adjust…
One a day Valve Push
Hi, Can Tado please implement a ‘once a day’ radiator valve push to help prevent radiator valves from seizing up over the summer months and when not used in general. Other smart radiator thermostats currently implement this and it would be very easy to do
Temporary temperature schedule
Allow users to set up a temporary schedule that overrules the actual schedule. Why? Sometimes I hear the night before that I have to work at home the next day. I want a warm office the next morning, but to do that I have to change the actual schedule and have to change it back afterwards. This is not convenient, so such…
Dynamic schedule - Auto Sleep Wake-up
Make Tado intelligent by integrating it with sleep sensors and or your wake-up alarm. In that way you could have a dynamic schedule (instead of a fixed one) that would activate when certain people are in the house but sleeping or when those persons are scheduled to wake-up based on their wake-up alarm set on their phone…
Support boilers with no ability for different levels of heating better
My boiler, like many others, does not support different levels of heating - just on or off. I find it really annoying that my app says 1 flame or “heating to 20.8c” and colours the graph area in when it isn’t actually heating my house. Additionally this makes the stats on how long the heating has been running during the…
Bridge Attachment kit
The tiny size of the Tado Bridge is a big plus point. However, I find that the double-sided sticky pads come unstuck every few days. I am therefore having to construct my own holder, or will have to use a very strong glue to permanently attach the device. A tab above and below with a screw hold would work better.
New hardware idea - Zone Controller and Electrical Heat Switch
Just i read Tado best alternative, Drayton website and i found that they maked some new devices: Zone Controller: https://www.draytoncontrols.co.uk/products/Smart-Heating/Wiser/wiser-underfloor-heating-controller Electrical Heat Switch:…
Simple Improvements to App Homescreen View
I'd like to suggest a couple of simple improvements (IMHO) to the content of the homescreen room tiles in the Tado app: The tile is large, and there is plenty of spare space on it, so could we get an indicator of the room's temperature behaviour. What I mean is that if the room temperature is rising then an arrow pointing…