2 of 3 verschillende Slimme schema's
Is het een idee om meerdere slimme schema's te kunnen maken. Welke je kan selecteren. Bijvoorbeeld: Slim schema 1: Normale week Slim schema 2: Thuis werken Slim schema 3: Vakantie (dus later uit en in bed dan normaal)
Heat Boost on smart Thermostat
Is there a way to enable temporary adjustments of the room temp on the Smart Thermostat? I (or the wife & kids) would like to boost the heating on the thermostat without the need to remember to open the app and “resume schedule” afterwards.
jamming of the needle which open and close a valve body
Je voudrais faire une suggestion d'amélioration à Tado: J'ai observé à de nombreuses reprises des blocages des pointeaux qui ouvrent et ferment un corps de vannes lorsque celui n'était pas actionné pendant un moment. Ce phénomène de grippage peut se produire en été mais également en période de chauffe dans des pièces…
Add option to reboot devices overnight
To improve resiliency, add an option to reboot all of the devices every night. Either the whole system or on a per device basis.
All thermostats history on one graph
It is very difficult to analyze the operation of the entire heating system. For example, it is difficult to see the effect of a thermostat in one room on the temperature in another. It is also difficult to say how often the heating request is sent because each thermostat sends it independently. It would be very helpful to…
Expand Tado product line: Radiator fans
Hi, I'd like to make a suggestion to expand the Tado product line to include Radiator fans. In my country, The Netherlands, it's mostly standard to have central heating, with radiators installed throughout your home. Since we have a mild climate, a way of projecting heat (like an A/C) is very rare. Radiator fans have shown…
14 days schedule (or month)
Hi I would like a way to set up 14 days schedule (or a month schedule would also work) I can only find a way to set up a week schedule. The reason is that I have my kids every second weekend. So there is no reason to warm up their rooms in the weekends, where they are not at my house. Right now I have to do a lot of…
Could it be possible to make a function on the app that is configered by the user. Like a configurabel remote-control on the phone. The case is that I use my tado to remote my air-air heater. There is a function on that heater I cant start, or end, by the app. Its a function on a Mitsubishi heater, Nordic. That function is…
Open Windows sensors
The open window detection feature doesn't work well for me. Are there any plans to add sensors to your system? Thank you.
Possibility to set next day as a Sunday to follow that particular schedule in all rooms
Manual valve or thermostat adjustment
When you adjust the room temp via the app you get the option to set how long it runs until it goes Back to following the schedule. But if you adjust the temperature via the rad valve or room stat then it continually stays at that temperature. .my question / idea is regardless of where the manual increase or decrease of…
Flame 🔥 icon
How about adding a flame 🔥 icon to the heating zones that are currently heating? Would be clearer than it is presently
Home page indication for rooms on altered schedule
I am new to this, and messing with the schedules to set it up comfortably. I've noticed when I make a manual change to a room schedule, and then return to the homepage, the room icons show the set temps, but the button at the top right says Resume Schedule All Rooms. What you can't tell is which room(s) are set outside the…
Use 1 decimal degree Celsius precision on Smart Thermostat
While the app allows setting the temperature in 0.1 degree Celsius increments, the Smart Thermostat only supports 1 degree Celsius increments
Stop AC from getting over temperature
I have tado AC control set to heat my office during the week. It's set to 17 degrees, but I regularly have to temporarily turn it off because it's showing 23 degrees in the room. Tado should be turning the AC off proactively to achieve the temperature requested.