Create an option for the Radiator Knob to NOT trigger the boiler
For houses with a floor heating system the setup how TADO Thermostat works with the radiator buttons not ideal. If one of the radiator buttons requires the radiator to heat up, this will now trigger the boiler and will then trigger the floor heating as well consuming a lot of unwanted heat. Suggestion is to create an…
Fireplace detection
During winter season I regularly use my fireplace, the increasing temperature will soon enough shut off my ac unit (heating). So far so good. I usually set he ac unit in fan mode to help distribute the heat. I’ve tried to automate this without much success. I see no support for this in the Tado app. Since HomeKit does not…
Master Temperature Control
I want my whole house to be 18 degrees. I don't want to have to go onto each room
Multiple schedules in one room
It would be great to be able to generate different schedules for different devices in the same Room. I have an UFH with wired thermostat and a radiator with RTV in the same physical room. Weekday mornings heat is only needed for one hour, so UFH better stays off. The radiator would be much better controlled by a wall…
Water damage / Fire detection
Not directly related to heating management, but will be a great asset: using the sensors available (temperature/humidy) to notify user of probable inprogress water damage (very high humidty) or fire (very high temperature). Would I had received such a notification, this would have greatly reduced the extend of damage that…
Introduce a learning ability to Early Start for radiators
Using the data a thermostat picks up about how your house heats and cools, and the time taken to reach/maintain a temperature introduce custom smart start/finish to scheduled events . At least add a 'radiator' version of Early Start.
Improve heating algorithm to wind down heating power earlier, to prevent temperature overshooting
In using tado radiator valves and thermostat, I notice they almost always overshoot their intended temperature. That's usually because the heating power will remain at full strength almost until the temperature is reached. It would be better if the algorithm supports earlier wind down of the heating delivered so the…
Leave valve open when batteries low
When the batteries go flat, I have found that the heating keeps trying to heat that room, but with the valve closed it won't, so the system either needs to turn that room off or personally I'd rather it leave the valve open so it can heat the room, with the rest of the house.