Tado device automatic restart
Hello. Each electronic device needs a restart one in a while. My Tado device needs a restart once a week otherwise it will stop issuing commands. Everyone may have or will have the same problem. Hence, it would be good to implement a feature of automatic restart once or twice week (at night for example), so to avoid that…
Add installer menu on the app
I was not home today and someone from customer support did rebooted my system from R01 relay on/off to digital opentherm D01 and as a consequence i can see the temp inside my house is dropping (-3°C outside) ,heat request at max.{{{ waves but cause of the rebooted system the signal will not go to the boiler to fire cause…
Provide motor torque control
The automatic mechanism that controls how newtons of force that the valves need to register as closed is not always correct. Please provide a way to finetune thermostats.
Oil Tank level monitor
Would it be possible to develop a Tado compatible heating oil tank level monitor?
"Nomatterwhat" shut down schedule
Hi there! I would suggest that in future versions of the app a ("No matter what") shutdown method could be scheduled. I mean it would be really helpful the possibility of scheduling a Shut-down whatever the previous situation was. No matter if I started the heating manually, it will shutdown at 23:00 because I scheduled…
Linked Hot water / Heating
I have a boiler with a hot water tank. I have both the Tado thermostat and hot water extension unit. It would be handy to have a setting to have the hot water sort of 'boost' when the heating was engaged... If the boiler is on and working then there is no reason why the hot water couldn't also be working.
Add arrows to Smart Radiator Thermostat to show where to turn
Tenants, particurarly in short term rentals, do not understand how to set the temperature on Tado Smart Radiator Thermostats. They often try to turn the wrong part of the device and end up with unmounting it. We got several broken radiator thermostats because our guests accidentally unmounted them and the devices fell…
"Slave" functionality: open the trv valve but don't demand hot water
Hi. I have a towel rad in my bathroom. I like the idea that my towels are kept dry more than I like to control the temperature in my bathroom. It would be really useful if i could 'slave' my towel trv to the heating for a time block. By slave, what I mean is that the trv will remain open during the slave slot, meaning when…
Master Graph, All TRVS and Thermostats
A graph that shows all TRVS and then they are calling for heat. This will help to diagnose and create better efficiency, by tell you when the boiler is being switch on and which room called for the heat. It could be linked to the wireless boiler extension.
TRV quiet mode via minor increments over time
An option to set a TRV, such a bedroom, into quite mode. This will slowly adjust the TRV in small increments when getting close to temp, or when needing to heat the rad. This will be extremely useful in bedrooms, as the sudden adjustment wakes the kids and wife every morning and night.
Multi Zoning with Profile Creation
Recently bought Tado. However unlike my previous setup where my Radiators where controlled by 2 Thermostat. One Honeywell Dial which was wired controlled all off the Downstairs Radiators to separate heating the house. To save on Energy. The second one was a Drayton Wireless RF Unit that contolled and heated the Entire…
Add other devices that can use the hub and app
Of course you can think of lights and alike, but there would be many, many competitors. Adding a smart smoke and heat detector, would be beneficial. This is not a complicated device, the majority of the technology is already designed by tado and, well, a smoke detector ain't something complicated. Same hub could be used…
Battery change without dismounting
Re-design your smart radiator valves so that the batteries can be changed without removing the device. This will make it easier for users and will stop the issue of the valve not being mounted properly.