w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing - Page 6 — tado° Community

[SOLVED EE ISP Issues] Bridge not connecting / cloud light flashing



  • headangle
    edited December 2020

    Reassuring, but concerning that I've got the same issue as everyone else here, but for over a week we're still not getting any support.

    I've raised a ticket, but no response yet, but oddly have not received any email from Tado, as mentioned above.

    I'm on EE 4G, run from their standard 4G router

  • I love Tado, and have it throughout our home, but this sorry state of affairs highlights yet again its main weakness - the need for an Internet connection at all times. For this reason alone, I can never recommend it to friends and relatives.
    I don't know enough technically to understand why it needs to be so reliant on the Internet connection - could local control be implemented with the current hardware, or would a different bridge be required? I'm assuming that if homekit can control it locally, then all is possible?
  • Danelawton
    edited December 2020

    In the same boat here.

    So disappointing that its been over week since Tado contacted me back from my ticket. I noticed with mine for 3 nights in a row I rebooted by router and it came back online, 4th night nothing!

    With cold weather been here its not ideal now having to control it manually.

    I did put an O2 SIM card in my router and cloud connected within 5 minutes! I am now debating a second 4G device just for Tado.

    Current set up, EE 4G with TP Link MR6000.

    This as made me think twice now about Tado in our new property when we move, might have to look for an alternative unfortunately.

  • If you guys have IOS then set it up to Home.

    Im not great at this stuff but got it working in the end. I then use an Ipad that is left at home as a hub.

    At least it gives you a bit on control rather than waiting till you get home then running all over the house setting the rad temps.

    Sadly im to invested with my set up to bin it and replace with anything else.

  • I appreciate I'm speaking as a layman here, but I have numerous 'smart' devices that connect through the internet & ultimately back to the house (3 different brands of CCTV, smart doorbell, 3 brands of smart lighting, other smart switches, weather station, NAS etc) what does TADO do that is so different to cause this sort of such specific problem.

    Anyone know if you can unlock an EE Huawei B525 modem, I'm going to have to look at switching 4G supplier at least in the short term.

  • I may try to run the bridge by connecting it to my laptop and tether that off my phone (on O2), or else just get another 4G SIM from another ISP, but feels rubbish that we are stumbling around trying to figure a solution out here.


  • Hi guys. I've had almost a week of investigating what the heck is going on here. And I've been back and forth with Jurian from Tado and I've spoken to EE in relation. I've also appointed a communications and networking chap to help too.
    Between my IT guy and EE, We have basically come to the conclusion that is 100% is a tado issue. EE haven't changed any part of their network for some 3-4 months. And they have offered an absolute fantastic level of help right the way to the level 1 big boy programmers. ( Which is more that tado did really ) EE then hit a wall within the higher levels The statement that was given to us is ' tado is a third party component, and EE do not provide any level of support towards third party devices . " Tado is not recognised even as a trusted supplier In their eyes, if it was a NEST setup. Then they would investigate further.
    But they will not provide any further support for a brand that they do not recognize or support.

    Tado have sent me a new bridge, which is 8 days away. And I really cannot see what difference it will make. Tado have also said that they are investigating, but I think we are all getting a bit disgruntled, as you all know the heating without tado speaking to the internet is absolutely horrific. And it just shows the Tado system isn't really that good. We are not allowed to maintain or edit any settings it parameters ourselves anyways, tado keep all of that a secret, and make you wait sometimes days and weeks between live chat answers. And with the lack of Internet now, no device speaks to the other. My whole house is made up of 8 different zones, so my house aswell as 90% of you guys, is either absolutely baking, or bloody freezing.
    If tado don't handle this in a a more timely manner, how are we supposed to go on?
    I'm seriously considering calling my credit card company, telling them the issues and getting the money pulled back to my account.
    Anyone else got any further Info or ideas 🤔👍🏻
  • Nutty zebra. I have the same router. Call EE, They'll unlock the device if it's more than 6 months old. 👍🏻
  • @Jurian we could really do with an update here today.

    There must be something that changed with Tado APIs, server side code, config files, dbs, or infrastructure, network setup in terms of rules/policies/access lists, load balancers and the like. Do you have a change management system that can be audited to determine all change in your production system around the time we all started to lose connectivity?

    Can you send some of us some sort of test harness to run locally (or even snippets of code) instead of on the bridge that could diagnose where the traffic/packets disappear/get blocked?

    I'd love to see some system design / architecture diagrams, and sequence diagrams from your internal docs to help things along.

    Has any of the developers determined what is not making it to the servers( or back from the servers to the bridge) based off the wireshark captures from @AdamW yet?

    I'm willing to do anything to help get everyone on this threads smart heating working again.

  • I spoke to Tado earlier and they're in touch with EE and we're hopefully going to be doing some further debugging with them. It's painful I know but they are working on it.

  • Ace thanks @AdamW that's good to know

  • Hello everyone.

    Just a quick update.

    Since this morning we have a high degree of certainty that this issue is EE related. We are now in direct contact with the right teams within EE and it seems they have taken the issue seriously.

    @AdamW continues to be a great help to diagnose the issue in the field and I would like to thank him for his continued support.

    We will post an update on status.tado.com soon and I want to apologise for not having done so earlier.

    The timing of this issue has been most unfortunate since the week after Black Friday has traditionally been our busiest week for support in any normal year.

    I would like to ask you for your continued patience with us and EE while our most senior engineers are working on finding a solution.

  • Thanks @Jurian for the update that's great to hear the problem is being narrowed down

  • Thanks for the update Jurian,
    The senior member of EE I had spoken to said that they had no Intention of offering support on a high level to either tado or their customers.
    So someone along the way is telling porkies.
    I think you need to up your game and very quickly as I can see alot more folks coming out of the woodwork with regard to this. Also how come you have said " we will notify everyone affected " in previous statements, but when I was talking to you in your live chat feed. You were pointing me towards it not being a problem and giving out Information to standard reset protocols etc?
    Then tado told me that EE customers will not be supported as you do not support 4G ? Now all of a sudden you are??
    I quote conversation with Joey directly

    On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 02:02 PM, "Joey Rixom" <joey.rixom@tado-844a35e31252.intercom-mail.com> wrote:
    tado° does not support 4G modems, it never has and probably never will. It seems you have been lucky up to this point. Had we known from the start that you had a 4G modem, we would have recommended against installing tado°.
  • EE are currently debugging my line. 🤞🙏

  • @Mikey_B I think EE (Now owned by BT?) is such a big companny that it fully depends on which deparment you end up on. They are not really lying it is just hard to keep track of the many issues they are probably trying to resolve at the moment.

    Same thing can be said for the response you had from Joey. We were actually not aware that we had so many 4G connected customers and we know from a few years back that the tado bridge never connected to a 4G router so that is probably where that statement is coming from.

    As soon as this issue was identified as being more than an individual person issue we take it more seriously and did a proper investigation. That sounds harsh, but please be aware that we have many connected customers and the vast majority of "My bridge is not connecting" cases are somehow user error or router settings that are wrong.

    Also be aware that with the userbase that tado has, every day we have many internet bridges that lose connection for various reasons. During the survey we sent out, we got many responses such as: My ISP has a general internet issue, I have moved homes, I am chaning ISP and the new ISP has not provided internet yet etc...

    We have now finally updated the status page:

    As a final note: I can assure you that we are now talking to several people within EE that seem to be in positions where they can investigate the issue from their side. This does not mean that I have any idea on how long it will take to fix this issue.

  • Raven431
    edited December 2020


    Thats some shocking reading.

    I would file an official complaint against "Joey rixom" that is unacceptable and blatant lies.


    Does this mean they may have found a fault?

  • Hi All, great to see some tentative signs of progress, but i think we all realise what a fragile system it is that can't fall back on some basic schedule controls when internet is lost. (I'm still weighting up whether it's worth waking up early to turn the temp up, or getting up when the house is cold).

    On that basis I'm just going to ask my earlier question again as it would provide a temporary solution for me and possibly others -

    Should I put the old analogue timer back in my valliant boiler so it would take control of the scheduling? or given the boiler has had some rewiring for the extension kit will that upset the boiler electrics?

  • @Raven431 my whole experience In the last few weeks has been an absolute disaster. And they just play me off when I told them I had appointed a master degree communication engineer.
    I've been having Intermittent problems with a connectivity issue on one radiator valve also. Of which they have only taken action once I start to basically get a bit frustrated and demand it to be sorted.
    @Jurian I'm sure as you can read from the forum, customer service from a few different advisors within tado has been absolutely shocking. And if you just have a read through my live chat transcripts, I have basically had to get angry a few times for a resolution. Which is not fair.
    I appreciate you getting back in touch but I wouldn't say anything I had said was " harsh " especially when my issues with tado go back further than just this last week. Try the last month.

    The whole live chat thing is an absolute disaster and one stage I waited over a week for a response. You sound like you don't have enough man power and you need more folks, deal with it.
    I requested someone to call me on numerous occasions as you just simply do not read messages I've sent properly.
    I understand you have an influx in messages and alot for new Installs, maybe try branching out and looking after your existing customers first. I look forward to getting the problem fixed and hopefully receiving more in the way of customer service towards everyone of us.
  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited December 2020

    @dsharp7th I don't dare to make a general statement on that. If you are able to safely disconnect tado and put back the old timer in the exact same way as it was before, please feel free to go ahead. If you are not certain, I would not risk it and just use the manual control.

    And I am fully aware that this whole situation has shown a flaw in the tado system when it comes to a local schedule. I have already shared that feedback, including a link to this thread to our Product Management team.

    But please keep in mind that our current hardware was never designed with a local schedule in mind, and adding it is not as trivial as some of you might think.

    @Mikey I was not saying that your communication towards us was harsh ? I was just saying that it is never easy to identify real issues from the many other types of requests we get on a daily basis. Therefore I just want to ask you to cut our support agents some slack during these trying times. They work very long hours during the busiest period of the year.

    And yes, I will look into the interaction you had with our support after we have fixed this whole debacle because that is where my current priority lies.

  • @Raven431 not necessarily, but I'm hoping that they'll be able to see what's happening. I'm assuming that for them to take on the debugging and be in communication with Tado they must believe there is a fault but that is purely my speculation. Will have to wait and see what they come back with.

    My contribution to fixing the problem is watching my bridge and hoping that the light stays on 😂 Will update as/when I hear more.

  • AdamW
    edited December 2020

    @dsharp7th I can't help with the timer question but rest assured I have mentioned lack of fallback to Jurian and the engineers I've spoken to. Possibly more than once. They might not do anything about that but they are definitely getting told!

    Edit - just seen @Jurian's message. Good to see local fallback has been fed back to the PM's. 👍

  • @Jurian

    "And I am fully aware that this whole situation has shown a flaw in the tado system when it comes to a local schedule. I have already shared that feedback, including a link to this thread to our Product Management team."

    This 'flaw' has been raised on many occasions, so I am surprised that it has only taken this latest issue to bring it to your attention?

    A few other threads that you might like to share with your Product Management team:

  • @Jurian

    Are there any potential time frame for a fix instead of the indefinite unknown? We are coming to the coldest time of year in the UK and given you don't know a time frame?

    If you are talking to higher level in EE and you have your higher level, surely they have times arranged to be discussing? I think there are enough people here giving a date that is around the 26th to 28th November. Shouldn't you be looking at what changed then, as if Tado changed nothing, and EE changed nothing, Who did? if you can figure out this change, problem solved?

    when this happened last weekend, I thought id give it a week to let Tado resolve, but no further on. Im more inclined to take Tado out and put my old system back in now.

    Are there any plans for looking into an update that allows scheduling to be done at a local level and not cloud based?

  • @johnbur Our Product managers get an overview of the most upvoted features every month. They are well aware of this request. But as I said before, implementing a local schedule on the current hardware is not as trivial as you may think.

    @Danelawton No time frame, but it is very important to note:

    1. You still have local control over your heating, meaning that there is no reason to be cold. https://support.tado.com/en/articles/3405564-can-i-adjust-my-heating-cooling-manually-on-my-devices-how-long-does-this-manual-change-stay-active
    2. For hot water control I would suggest to leave it on permanent on. The boiler thermostat (device measuring the temperature of the hot water in the tank) should then turn the boiler OFF whenever the temperature of the hot water tank is reached. This is not the most efficient way of running a hot water tank but at least you will have permanent hot water when you want to take a shower.

    We know the time frame of when the outages started and this has also been communicated to EE.

    Just to set expectations: I do not think a fix will be found over the weekend. I am hoping for early next working week.

    I will sign off for now, I hope to have a positive update next week.

  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited December 2020

    EDIT: Seems like it was just "big company alignment issues".

    We have confirmation that the EE "CSI" team is still investigating this issue.

  • Good old EE. I’ve already posted on the thread but will harass via other means and see what good it does.
  • As this has been more than a week already I guess nothing is going to happen over the weekend now? Or are the team really working around the clock? So far I'm not hearing anything concrete regarding a fix anything other than loosely blaming EE. I would have thought that Wireshark would have conclusively highlighted the problem. It's clearly a Tado issue as the rest of the Internet is working just fine. It can only be a TCP message that isn't getting through / timing out / or getting closed prematurely. I do wonder how are they going to patch this if it's not able to connect to their servers? Looks like the whole system is fundamentally flawed if it is that difficult to fix. Which bozo engineer thought that having the heating system controlled centrally by the Internet was a good idea???? Probably the same sought of bozo that purchases such a system. I am interested how Tado are going to compensate us all for this outage? If this isn't resolved soon are they going to offer 100% refunds plus pay for the extra heating oil used, and for the system to be ripped out and a working one put back in it's place???

  • Oh my I found this page today and I am so glad I did.

    I as many of you had the Internet bridge go down on 27th November. I spend hours with the internet provider to troubleshoot without luck. I tried 3 different routers and no luck. All other smart devices in my setup work, lights, gates, switches, streaming, temps, Philips, xiaomi, home etc. My entire house is smart. I have 12 radiators with Tado smart thermosets. I knew then it had something to do with Tado. I contacted support, left voicemails and I can gladly say they have one of the worst support. I sent emails, filled in forms, tweeted but no one would respond for 24 hours and vague responses (template like)

    Again I am glad I found this page as this confirmed Tado issue with EE 4G & 5G sims. I tried 4 different sims from EE, all with different data plans and APN business/personal settings just to see where I can pinpoint the issue with EE. But the problem remains with all.

    Luckily I have a BT ADSL line dormant, not connected to a router or anything, So I took out the old Draytek router, quickly configured it with a new network and plugged the Internet Bridge in it. Guess what, the Internet Bridge established connection with the Tado cloud. It is working. I only have the IB connected to this router with no connection to the other LAN or WIFI and I can confirm the App shows all Smart thermostats and hot water Extension kit connected.

    This to me shows a massive flaw in the Tado design, the thermostats are independent to the IB and does not need to be connected to the LAN network. It seems each thermostat is connecting to the cloud service. If this is the case then why in an event of failure to the local IB do the thermostats (which probably are connecting to the cloud not take instructions from the cloud management section (my.tado.com)

  • @Imran when you change your simcard to another provider, it's supposed to work as my system does.
    It take some time to see tado devices online, about 5 or 10 minutes, but the cloud light in the bridge gets solid as soon as it is connected.