Multiple Internet gateways
My Internet gateway failed to get a reliable signal to a radiator valve through a single wall. Can we have either multiple gateways or use the normal house WiFi instead in order to fill in dead spots?
Relay modules (1/4/6 channel)
Now, if we vant to create heating zones (with a pump or Underfloor heating manifold), it need a wired thermostat each zone and same number of wireless temperature sensor. It really expensive and we need buy a device that we not use 90% of it abilities... (wired thermostat, we use it a simple relay mode, not measue…
Tado...low heat,pump running for hours.
Hello! I have disconnected my tado V3+ cause to be honest i did not liked the way it worked,and to be more clear and on the matter of facts,i can tell you that after the instalation( bridge+ thermostat+ wireless receiver) and let the Tado to do his work i have discovered it is very annoying and frustrating to see the Tado…
Spread temperature range on Tado smart ac control
hi, I have a problem with Smart AC controls funcion. I have an vacation apartment that is heated by AC, and in winter time we set +8C on AC and leave it for whole season, with Tado smart AC I can heat min. to 16C that is too much for me, all I need is frost protection, or to set lowest heating temperatre. Could you spread…
Expose the Tado Smart Radiator Thermostats sensitivity setting in the app.
I have multiple Tado products. Also, I have 5 Smart Radiator Thermostats; they only work if the heating is at max and the heating flames are at 3. I spoke to support and they told me that they could make a change in the setting to the Smart Radiator Thermostats and set the sensitivity to low so that when heating is showing…
Network Strenght
A way to see the network strength for the thermostates in the app would be nice.
Energy IQ with Prepayment Meter
Add the ability to use Energy IQ tracking with a prepayment meter. It can be used currently but I have to manually calculate units used since the first reading. Keeping track separatly of how many unit have been added to the meter. It should have the ability to add how much is left on the meter by day and also to keep…
Disable Away mode when thermostat is scheduled to Off
When thermostat is scheduled to Off and I leave home, it switch to Away mode and start heating when temperature is lower than set in Away mode. This is the wrong logic for how this function works. When the schedule is set to off, the thermostat should not turn on when I am not at home.
Font sizes on Home screen
font sizes for room names and temp settings too small - seems to me there's enough space to make them more easy readable.
Always on display
Please please please make an option to show the current temperature stay always on. Even if it’s on dim - it would be so handy to have this information available at a glance
Tado door sensor - security alarm
Think there is a big market gap for a Tado door sensor & home security alarm. That can build on the home away function of Tado.
Connect Energy flip and Tado.
By connect Energy flip and Tado, tarifs and gas/electricity consumption can be synchronised. This will improve both apps.
Improve “Open Window Detection”
In a room with active "Open Window Detection" I opened the window while heating was off in the current schedule slot. The open window was not detected and the heating turned on with the next schedule slot a few minutes later. The detection should work regardless of the current state of schedule as long as heating is not…
Bridge not in pairing mode by default
The bridge is by default quite slutty; always in pairing mode. No need for that in my opinion. This could just be turned on when you want to add a device. Some background: One of my devices was connected to the bridge of the neighbours. They did not turn off their pairing mode.
Support multiple wireless receivers / extension kits
Currently Tado seems to be limited to 1 wireless receiver or extension kit per home. Please could this be enhanced to allow multiple wireless receivers/kits, as this must surely be only a software restriction. I currently have an extension kit controlling my hot water, but this is a large house with multiple underfloor…
Multiple Internet Bridges - and long standing bug bear... a new idea / approach.
We have major issues with range from the internet bridge, as there can only be one. Clearly it would be simple to slip a simple SSL IPSEC tunnel into the bridge architecture and make changes in the cloud to allow multiple ones on a single account. But this is not clearly the case. Equally being a powered unit, you might…
POE option in Bridge
As the range of the bridge is a bit limited, a Power over Ethernet option in the brigde would be very handy. Then you are more flexible to bring power and ethernet to the bridge at a central place in the house.
Hot water temperature monitor via extension kit
My heating system is the hot water storage type where a larger tank is used to store hot water for heating the radiators and hot water supplied via a heat exchanger. The tank is heated by a solar panel on the roof and a wood burning stove. Backup heating is via a gas boiler, which is controlled by Tado. It would be good if…
Please fix the Energy IQ feature ...
Following on from another conversation here (and inspired by @eezytiger ) I checked with OVO as to how they are calculating the figures shown on their website. I put together this spreadsheet and, given the fluctuations due to the calorific value of gas, it seems to tally up. Now that I understand this, I can point out…
Enable Tado to use other temperature sensors via HomeKit
It would be very helpful if Tado could utilise existing temperature sensors that are also connected via HomeKit. I have several existing temperature sensors in my house(e.g. Netatmo) and don't want to have to buy additional Tado ones simply to get meaningful room values to control my heating. The smart radiator valves are…