Manual/ schedule indicator to show on dashboard tile
I have Tado in my house and I love the flexibility of the system, especially as a user can turn up or down a room as they need. By often the manual intervention means that stat is the set to remain like that until it is returned to automatic either by the stat or by the app. Can we have an indicator in the app that shows…
Set "away" the separate room
The geofencing can switch off the heating of the entire house. But, the possibility of the setting one room is missing. For example, the children are out for one week. Why fully heat their room?
User specific Heating schedule
It would be very helpful if there would be the option to have user specific heating schedules. I travel for work but sometimes I work from home. Would be great if Tado would recognise that and switch heating off in the office when I am away. Could that be integrated please. Thanks
Geolocation for individuals in household
Hello, I would like to have the possibility to switch off the airconditioning when one individual in the household is away (in their room). This while other systems stay on. I now can only set 'away' for the whole family.
Individual Smart Thermostat Rad Control
I know there is a button to turn off all thermostats but it would be useful to have the facility to turn off individual stats say when someone not going to be there during the scheduled times set for that room
Geo/account koppelen
Om bijvoorbeeld 1 kamer aan 1 persoon te koppelen zodat als deze persoon de woning verlaat de verwarming reageert op de geo. Dan zou je het account van deze persoon/ telefoon aan een radiatorknop/pen moet kunnen toewijzen. Nu reageren allen knoppen op de geo van iedereen. Je kan alleen knoppen uitsluiten van geo. Toewijzen…
Profile related away mode
A possibility could be to relate and correlate the away to different profiles. When one Profile-A and Profile-B are at home ALL the house will be warmed. When profile-A and Profile-B are out ALL the house will NOT be warmed When profile-A is at home and profile-B NOT only commons rooms and profile-A related rooms will be…
Geofencing options that activate when a single user is home/away
We have a office which is used mainly by one person. Currently geofencing only kicks in when all the users are away. It was be great to link a room to a single user, so that the home/away status would follow just that user. This would allow us to turn heat to the office on and off based on if the primary user was out of…
Per room HOME/AWAY status
I would like the ability to set a home/away status to individual rooms. That way, the main home/away status can be controlled when someone is home/away, but if a home member is away for a week say and their bedroom is set to away, tado won’t heat their room, just the occupied rooms.
Be able to name devices rather than refer to them just by number
I would like to be able to name my Smart TRVs rather than them being numbers only. It would then be easier to know which one needs new batteries when the email comes through if there are more than 1 device in a room or area.
Combine Rooms & Settings with Home Tiles
It would be much more helpful if you could see the details of the radiators and room under each tile – particularly the battery status.
Verwarmingsstatus in tegels ruimten
Ik zou het handig vinden als op het thuis scherm in de tegels rechtsboven de 0/1/2/3 verticale golfjes zouden staan. Dan zou het in één oogopslag duidelijk zijn te zien welke ruimte een actieve warmtevraag heeft en of dat overeenkomt met hetgeen jezelf verwachtte.
Allow users to set/adjust the Early Start option
Tado offers an Early Start (pre-heat) option for ‘slow response’ heating systems like underfloor heating. When used with my Air Sourced Heat Pump (ASHP) this switches on heating far too early. It would be helpful if users could set a more suitable pre-heat factor to better match different homes and heating systems. This…
Pausing a room
It would be great to be able to pause a room. Tado is great at providing granular control of each room. But for schedules - its only possible to operate at a whole house level. Either i can turn off "all rooms" or "Boost all rooms". being able to turn off or pause a room feels like a pretty useful and essential item. the…
Worcester 8000 style
As worcester 8000 style is one of the most popular boilers in the uk. Would be great to get compatibility with ebus
Allow user to turn off partial opening of thermostatic valves
The ability of the thermostatic valves to partially open allows the Tado system to better regulate temperature and avoid overshooting target temperatures. However there is an energy efficiency cost. I live in an old house where many central heating pipes travel through unheated voids in the loft or under floorboards. If I…
toggle switch for schedules
hi there, my suggestion/idea is for a toggle switch for different schedules. my line of work demands that every other week i have a different schedule. one week I work in the morning, I start to work at 7AM, the next week I work afternoon, I start to work at 3PM. And then again in the morning... it would be great having a…
Outdoor temperature/humidity sensor
Why not an outdoor sensor ? It would be nice to have that in the same app and also it could be used to have a better weather adaptation on locations that are not covered.
Internet Bridge better wifi compatibility and coverage with new wifi standards wifi 6E and wifi7
Internet Bridge and all Tado devices beter wifi compatibility and coverage with new wifi standards wifi 6E and upcoming wifi7. Updates for better software experience.