ability to disable heat mode in the app, on tado smart ac control unit for ac without heat mode
ability to disable heat mode in the app, on tado smart ac control unit for ac without heat mode also ability to remove the heat mode displaying from the apple home app
display changes made via app or siri on tado smart ac control unit
display changes made via app or siri on tado smart ac control unit
mode control via tado smart ac control unit
pls allow to control cool/dry mode
fan control via tado smart ac control unit
pls enable fan control on tado smart ac control unit (speed and louver/swing if possible but at least speed)
Sunday Mode / Home Sick Button
When a person is off sick or the family are home during Monday to Friday the room schedules have to be updated individually. A new button like boost heating but labeled Sunday mode or sickness emoji will default all schedules to Sunday for x number of days. The button should deactivate when you hit reschedule button
Slim schema koppelen tussen ruimtes
Zou het niet handig zijn als je het slimme schema van de ene ruimte kan koppelen aan de andere ruimte. Meestal zijn er verschillende ruimtes in een huis die op dezelfde tijdstippen verwarmd moeten worden. Is ook handig als er meer dan 7 radiatoren in één ruimte zijn. Dan kun je de ruimte virtueel splitsen op deze manier,…
Energy IQ Improvement - independent TRV
Hello, A bit of context first. I moved into a new house and went all in with Tado products to make heating easier to manage this winter. My setup is as follows: Ground Floor has underfloor water heating and 2 Tado wired thermostats (Kitchen and Living Room) Upstairs has 4 Tado TRV (Bedrooms and Bath) + 1 additional…
One-off schedule
Hi, Would like to be able to overwrite the programmed schedule, but in anticipation. Ie if I know that tomorrow morning I will have to wake up 1hr earlier than usual, I'd like to preschedule my heating to go on 1hr earlier, but not have to adjust my regular schedule as it's for 1 time only. Right now, I'm only able to…
Show the wireless receivers ON/OFF graph
A single TRV can call for heat all night. And the only way to check that is to go into every single TRVs graph. Which can be many!
Show an overall ON/OFF graph
Show and overall ON/OFF graph that shows all thermostats. So that you can see what has been calling for heat. It will help with optimizing the schedule.
Hot Water button irrelevant
Hi, I'm using a separate boiler for my hot water (heat pump), not connected to the burner I'm using for my heating. As such, the hot water function is irrelevant and I would like to make the button disappear from my home screen. I also had to create a schedule for the hot water to be "always off". It would be much simpler…