Selective boost
The boost all rooms is a nice option on occasions but what I’d really like to see is individual room boosts so if I’m working in one particular area I can boost the heating for a set period, say 15 mins without wasting energy heating the whole house.
Allow the setting of a specific end time when manually overriding.
Dear Everyone, Allow the setting of a specific end time when manually overriding. The way our family uses our house means that having timed heating makes no sense, so we have that effectively disabled by setting one time period for 24 hours at a low temperature (10C). We control individual rooms by overriding this…
Local control - not internet dependant
Given that other Smart Home products (Aqara for insurance) can now work without the internet, than it's about time Tado mixed with the times.
Extra functions V3+
It would be particularly nice to be able to have a few "free" functions in the app that you can program yourself. I have a function on my Mitsubishi heat pump that is not supported now. And if you can program a mobile phone to be a remote control, then surely it is also possible for Tado??
Ability to weight the heating across multiple radiators in a single room
I would like to be able to disable one of the radiators in my living room when, for example, we have a Christmas Tree in front of it and rely on the remaining radiator to heat the room.
early start is starting far too early
I have my bathroom setup as a single zone; the morning part of the Smart Schedule is like this: 00:00-05:30 17ºC 05:30-07:30 17ºC 07:30-09:30 22ºC Early Start option is enabled. Away mode is set to Balance. I have noticed, that the heating is starting to heat at around 05:00 reaching 22ºC within about 40 min, i.e. it…
Ability to heat and cool using a water based (hybrid) heat pump
Ability to heat and cool using a water based (hybrid) heat pump