Aansturing CV-ketel in app
Ik heb mijn Tado bedrade thermostaat inmiddels enkele weken en ben erg tevreden. In de app mis ik echter nog een ‘statusmelding’ dat mijn CV-ketel wel/niet brandt. Op dit moment zie ik alleen de actuele temperatuur en een doeltemperatuur, op basis hiervan moet ik er maar van uitgaan dat de ketel daadwerkelijk wordt…
"Lifestyles" - multiple user set memory presets of temperatures for each room
Add a section to the Tado app for "Lifestyles" (or similar name to avoid copying Honeywell Hometronic/ Evohome/ Evotouch) Multiple user set presets so a one button push in the app will activate or deactivate a memory programme with user pre-determined temperatures for each room. i.e. Lounge 22 deg, Kitchen 21 deg, Bedroom…
Meerdere woningen onder eenzelfde account
ik vind Tado een zeer goede oplossing maar momenteel zie ik het als te onhandig om Tado te installeren en te beheren in meerdere woningen tegelijk om deze op afstand te kunnen volgen en instellen. hiervoor moet je immers werken met verschillende accounts op verschillende toestellen om alles praktisch direct open en bij de…
Notification when device looses connectivity
Please make so the app gives you a notification if one of the devices looses connection.
Temperature presets
When adjusting the temperature for a specific block i do need to edit all time/day blocks individual, which is cumbersome. An enhancement could be the ability to have a couple of preset temperatures which can be assigned to the time block. Like "high temp." "low temp." "night temp." And when i then change the preset all…
Improved internet bridge / Better range.
I live in a property with 3 floors + a basement and my networking setup is on the top floor Attic and find devices in living room and basement disconnect from the tado bridge. I have Philips hue and everything works flawlessly throughout. The capabilities of the Tado Bridge needs to be improved for longer wireless range or…
Boiler external weather sensor + tado
It would be nice for tado to use the boiler external weather sensor if installed while running on opentherm/bus for more accurate heating. Why? Well, weather stations are not all over the place and not so accurate in some zones, so it would help people in remote locations.
Blocage de thermostat a distance
Bonjour, ce serait bien de développer un blocage d'un thermostat a distance et que lorsqu'on a des locations, comme ça on gère le chauffage et il n'y a pas d'abus avec des réglages de chauffage a + de 25 Degrés...
Hot Water temperature control
See this thread https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/54598#Comment_54598
Commande tadoo pour les poêles à pellets
je voulais juste savoir si vous pouviez mettre vos ingénieurs sur le coup et inventer un tadoo compatible poêle à pellets ça devient important pour nous personne ne commercialise ce système et pour ma part la marque Mcz ne souhaite pas faire évoluer ces anciens poêles en wifi. la télécommande est infrarouge elle prend la…
viessman eco mode for DHW
I own an viessmann vitodens B1KF on opentherm protocol apired with tado v3, since i changed to opentherm my eco mod(preheat) option disappeared from both boiler screen and vicare app. its not on viessmann side i ve talked to viessmann and they said this: "Have you spoke to Tado about the DHW temp setting ? The ECO stays On…
Central Heating On/Off missing feature on Tado app
There is a feature to turn Hot Water on or off in the app but no feature to turn Central Heating on or off. For anyone with a dual heating system for central heating, e.g. an oil fired boiler connected to a Tado receiver plus an alternative heating source, such as a solid fuel boiler, it is essential to turn off the oil…
Provide estimated gas consumption from the boiler
Where possible and depending on the boiler model, would very useful to get an estimate on gas usage if the boiler can provide such.
Change Zone Controller in time block
Hi there, I'd like to be able to add and remove the Zone Controller from certain rooms in different time blocks. I'd like to have my kids rooms call for heat from the boiler at night but have them not call for heat during the day. I'd still like the rooms to get heat if some other room was calling for heat though so…
Climate report in Tado Web app
Hi, To me, the availability of the climate report in the web app - app.tado.com - would be a big improvement. Preferably combined with option to export (CSV) and also to compare the reports between different (or similar rooms (between bedrooms fi). This is feature high on my feature list. Greetings Christophe