Switched Fused spur / smart plug controller
Hi, I really like Tado and we have smart thermostats on all our radiators. However, we also like our electric fire on in the living room from time to time. It would be nice if there was a switched fused spur or smart plug option so we could control all our heating devices through Tado. We could control the fire through a…
Anthracite RAD Thermostats.
Got two lovely anthracite rads in my house but don't want to add white rad thermostats on them. Good idea? Some other colour options would be good.
Always on display
Beste Ik zou het graag zien (in de toekomst) dat de temperatuur altijd af te lezen is vanaf de thermostaat, zonder op die knop te moeten drukken. Kan dit worden gerealiseerd? Dit dan vooral bij de bedrade thermostaat zodat het geen batterijen kost.
Temp/Humidity graph improvements
Please consider the following Temperature graph improvements... add increased resolution grid lines, ie. 1 degree and hourly coloured line showing set temperature join each 24hr section. No gap, same vertical grid resolution add to PC version app Thanks
“Saved Schedules” Idea
Hello, I have seen some posts about shift workers. To echo these. The way of editing schedules is very fiddly and time consuming, especially when you have a different shift pattern each week. It would be more beneficial to have “saved bank” of specific days and specific weeks you work, and you can quickly copy them into…
Hot water boost via app
There used to be functionality using the app whereby you could boost the hot water for a limited period of time, say 1/2 hr then it would return to schedule. As it now works you can only override the schedule and turn the hot water on. If you then forget to turn it off it will run 24/7, not good at all..
Add hot water boost - instead of manual control under hot water settings
In order to boost the hot water for a time period (eg 1 hour) you have to go into Rooms & devices, settings, hot water and then finally access the manual control. It would be a lot easier and more user-friendly and intuitive if there was a simple boost button under Hot water icon. In case anyone is following all the…
Ability to use Wireless
Tado needs the ability to use multiple wireless temperature thermostats to control different rooms independently.
Heating status for On/Off mode
I would prefer to see the heating status as a simple on/off symbol rather than the three waves. I have a heating source that does not support opentherm and thereby only works in on/off mode. Why I would need this: This would be useful to really check if my heatpump is working properly: I currently do not always know for…