Energy IQ - room heater size
Allow us to enter the size of radiators or UFH systems in rooms to get a better estimate of which rooms actually use the most heat. At the moment I assume the estimates are useless as my 300W towel rail is the highest usage in my home despite having multiple 2kw radiators elsewhere.
Minimum TRV level
When a TRV is closed down to less than 5% it probably doesn’t allow any significant flow and is effectively off. However, it still calls for heat, and the heat source continues to run when it may not be needed. It would be useful if the TRV closed fully once it reached a minimum threshold.
Alternate heat source
Would it be possible to have a button for alternate heat source. This would allow tado to work as normal but not trigger the boiler to come on. I have a back boiler that is used during the winter that heats the house and water so the boiler is not required in order to have the radiators open I currently leave tado to do…
Create more scenarios
Please create more scenarios than just “Home” and “Away”. Note how Philips Hue do it. Eg being away for just one day make you want to turn down the heat less than being away a whole week. Not having this option means you have to adjust the “Away” scenario all the time to fit your needs
2 factor authentication
Todo has a web app! It's not really comfortable to know someone can control your home just by having your login 2FA should be mandatory
Option to show demand temperature set in the schedule on the room temperature display
It would be helpful if there was an option to show the temperature demand from the schedule as a line on the room temperature display. I know that you can see it if you hold your finger on the temperature line of the graph, but it would be much easier to see how the room was performing if the temperature demand was shown…
Support current and more recent Vaillant eBus controllers
Tado asserts the benefits of modulating boiler control and touts compatibility with Valiant and eBus. However, the reality is rather grim. It turns out that as of 2019-03 eBus is only supported in these scenarios using the now discontinued VR65 controller. No other controllers are supported (VR66 for example). This means…
Software feature to allow a SMART TADO valve as a zone valve.
Currently the problem to have a TRUE wireless UFH system is a not there... as you need to run wires to ALL the rooms for the room thermostats... my solution would not require the running of wiring at all but simply use the Tado room thermostats wirelessly paired with the Tado Smart Valves on the manifold without a SINGLE…
tado° transparency time slots dark mode (ITA: tado° trasparenza fasce orarie modalità scura)
EN: The new graphic design of the temperature graph is beautiful, but there is a small problem in the dark mode. In fact, the shade of the vertical bands should be proportional to the heating intensity, as happens correctly in the light mode; but unfortunately, this does not happen in dark mode. Since in dark mode the…