Dew-point prevention = minimum temperature based on humidity
Given a specific temperature the air can hold a certain amount of moisture and when this air hits a cold surface it condenses causing moisture and mold. It would make sense to have an option to enable the that the Humidity reading be used to automatically adjust a minimum temperature for a room to Reduce condensation when…
Control even and odd weeks respectively
I'm wondering, could it be possible to control schedules for odd and even weeks in the application? Biweekly (even weeks) my two children stays at my place, and biweekly (odd weeks) they stay with their mother. Quite normal nowadays which is why I think it makes good sense to have the option to lower the temperature in the…
Data & Analytics Room Selection
Would be nice to have a quick way of changing between rooms in the data and analysis section of the app. Currently need to go all the way back out and back into a different room. A drop down menu to change room would be nice
Integrate outside air humidity
Vaak krijg ik van Tado het advies om een venster te openen om de luchtvochtigheid in huis te doen dalen. Dit terwijl het buiten vochtiger is dan binnen. Ik ben geen app ontwikkelaar en ken hier weinig van, maar is er een mogelijkheden om de luchtvochtigheid uit een online weerbericht te halen en zo het advies enkel te…
Always On Display Thermostat
The option to have the display shown as always on with further options to also be able to dim or brighten it. The option for it to show current room temperature/set temperature/humidity and also possibly time and date.
Support for 0.5 degrees temperature change (Tado Smart AC Control V3+)
Many modern AC units today support temperature change by 0.5C. Please add an ability to users to be able to control more precisely the AC temperature.
Schedule that is NOT internet dependent (safer)!
If you are on holiday and your internet drops, Tado continues with whatever setting it had at the time. In other words, your hot water could be ON for the rest of your holiday, not a good thing (and you will not know about it as you no longer have remote access). This is the one flaw I find in Tado. It appears that…
Set each valve by number setting or temperature
Sometimes it's easier to guage what you need to set each radiator valve to, by what number it would have been set to on the old style thermostatic valve.
Air Source Heat Pumps
I have just replaced my Tado controlled gas boiler with a Mitsubishi Air Source Heat Pump. I emailed Tado and enquired if they had any experience in using Tado in conjunction with such a device. The reply came back that I should put my enquiry here. Perhaps Christmas has come early! It doesn't seem the logical place to me…
Export schedules and name devices
Hey, a couple of things I thought would be worth sharing that could improve the app/experience. 1) the ability to nickname devices within a room. I get the xxx needs new batteries email but don't know which radiator in the room. If I could nickname them I'd know which needs replacing easily rather than needing to check. 2)…
Update help/support article 6653049
Regarding this article: https://support.tado.com/en/articles/6653049-the-internet-bridge-doesn-t-connect-to-my-fiber-optic-router-modem-how-can-i-fix-this Even if your router/switch has 1GbE ports that you can configure to 10 Mb/s half-duplex, some devices might still not work with the tado° bridge. One of my switches is a…
poor customer service
logged an issue with my internet bridge and then spent the next 2 days going through some trouble shooting steps which in itself is ok but now i have to change what dns servers i use just to make the internet bridge connect as it does not like using and instead it wants Bing told my router and switch does…
Proposal for an Affordable Wireless Temperature Sensor
I propose the development of a simplified, cost-effective version of the Wireless Temperature Sensor Add-on. Presently, despite the "Offset" feature, relying on the Smart Radiator Valve as the primary temperature sensor for an area proves to be ineffective. The feature lacks the sophistication required for accurate…
Graph Line To Show Requested Temperature
I have proposed the following to Tado. They have suggested I put it on here so it can be discussed and voted on by the Community members. Any feedback then helps them determine what they should change, and which features they should develop further. My proposal is to make slight change to the graphical history to include a…