w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }The Big Idea Archive - Page 26 — tado° Community

The Big Idea Archive



  • TypeR10
    edited November 2020
    Make is possible, please that smart schedule can be assigned to sunrise/sunset. It allows more precise control of heating over the changing day and night ratio during the year.
  • Allow users to create stored programming smart schedules with 2 main functions

    Set up a master schedule and export it to selected devices all at once. Including home and away settings by ticking devices you wish to copy to.

    Allow saving of master schedules within your profile that can be imported and selected devices. (either saving single master profiles or saving current config for all devices)

    If you import a master schedule and activate it every device copies that schedule.

    If you import a group schedule
    All the devices assume whatever smart schedule they were individually set to when that profile was created.

    If any have been removed or replaced an option to copy delete the redundant device profile, copy it to a new device or for new device to copy master profile will automatically appear.

    A Simple save/export/import button is all thats needed.

    if you choose save. Path will be:
    Allocate a name for the profile.

    Do you wish to copy system or single device? Yes

    Do you wish to send settings to another device?
    Select Devices tick from list.
    Activate. Done

    Copy to device No.
    Save to profile. Choose an empty slot or overwrite existing.

    Once done you could have 5 system profiles
    E. G

    And maybe 3 master timer profiles.
    I. E.
    Home alone.
    Family Settings
    Guest Mode

    these could be imported updated and replaced by the user as required to update some or all of the devices.

    You could even go a step further and schedule them.

    I. E. After September 1st assume autumn mode
    After december 1st switch to winter mode. Etc.
  • Really pleased with Tado V3 Starter kit, it was easy to install and is working well, but really annoying to have to keep signing in if I want to use the app on my iPhone when already logged in on my iPad and vice versa. Why can't I stay logged in on both? I notice there are no such issues with a Windows PC, it keeps me logged in regardless.

  • Typo: baseD on sunset/sunrise
  • Thanks for response. Have now enabled geofencing (always) on both, but still logging me out of one when logged into the other. Both on same apple ID.

  • DoDen
    edited November 2020

    OK thanks for help. Sussed the problem...I was logging onto iPad as the iPhone instead of setting up specific account for the iPad. Pretty sure it's now OK.

    Happy to close this thread, but can't see how to do that!!

  • Could you make the loading bar, that moves left to right after a setting change, a different colour to the background so it is easier to see the progress as if I leave the screen before it has finished my new setting is forgotten.
  • Could we have an of button for all thermostats at once / off button on each tile please?
  • Could we have an of button for all thermostats at once / off button on each tile please?
  • This content has been removed.
  • Very happy with new V3+ Thermostat install, but didn't expect to hear the relay 'click' as it switches. Previous old dial type thermostat had a silent solid state relay, so surprised to find this modern device is using old (noisy) tech.

    Won't help me with current installation, but maybe consider this in next hardware revision?

  • Excellent, that will help. Thanks @GrayDav4276 👍
  • A lot of users don't know they need a bypass if they use Tado on every radiator.

    Idea? Make a option to assign a smart thermostat in the app as a default bypass.

    For instance: Assign the bathroom radiator as a bypass. When all valves close, open the assigned TRV without activating the boiler for a user defined period of time to let the boiler pump free.

  • Please can you make turning the hot water on and off a one touch toggle process from the home screen?

    At the moment I need to touch hot water, touch again, slide a slider and then confirm with the tick. So 4 clicks for one simple action.

    By the way, installed mine today and love it so far. Next step is to buy the radiator thermostats...
  • I used to do this using IFTTT with lights but lost it somehow. Really useful
  • I often override to increase the temperature for a short while, because I'm in a room I'm not normally in at that time or it's just colder than expected.

    While that primary radiator is heating I want the valves on the other radiators to open up to take advantage of the heat produced rather thann necessarily calling themselves.

    For now I would manually boost the other 6 valves for a short period whilst the room of choice heats up.
  • Effectively a override selected or all other valves IF heating is on anyway mode
  • Yep it’s a real issue, I have problems controlling two zones, two weeks with support and still not fixed!

  • Only just noticed you have pollen forecast information after reading https://tado.vanillacommunities.com/en-gb/discussion/4442/provide-pollen-forecast-and-outside-air-cards-for-more-countries-croatia

    As this is important information for me personally, it would be great if you could have notifications of pollen forecast information in your Android (and iOS) apps with the option for it to be just for "High" or for "Moderate and High" with a click through to the data - so three settings for the notification: Off, High Only, Moderate or High.

    You could extend these notifications to other air quality warnings on a separate notification, where the air quality index falls below a threshold (again, ideally with three settings for the notification: Off, Very Poor or "Poor and lower"

  • I understand from discussions with Tado around this that the 1C stepping on the radiators is there as otherwise they would be switching on/off all the time... partly this could be remedied by the valves being able to be opened partly (not just on or off) and maybe a compromise would be to have the radiator valves able to be set in the app to 0.5C steps.

    In addition, the offset and measured temperature of the radiator valves should be in 0.1C steps in the app to allow the users to "tune" them better. I understand the thermostat measures to 0.01C accuracy, so this should just be a software/firmware change and would significantly improve the usability of the radiator thermostats.

  • I understand from discussions with Tado around this that the 1C stepping on the radiators is there as otherwise they would be switching on/off all the time... partly this could be remedied by the valves being able to be opened partly (not just on or off) and maybe a compromise would be to have the radiator valves able to be set in the app to 0.5C steps.

    In addition, the offset and measured temperature of the radiator valves should be in 0.1C steps in the app to allow the users to "tune" them better. I understand the thermostat measures to 0.01C accuracy, so this should just be a software/firmware change and would significantly improve the usability of the radiator thermostats.

    Separated (as it could be seen as a slightly different feature) from similar request https://tado.vanillacommunities.com/en-gb/discussion/669/smart-radiator-thermostat-manual-control

  • Just to add to this to provide the reason it is important - my wife is especially sensitive to temperature changes, and can often sense a change of just 0.5C (maybe even 0.1C) so getting the smart radiators set correctly in the lounge is never 100% reliable - I am having to tweak them every so often to adjust their settings so that the temperature is "just right" and not "too warm" or "too cold"...

  • Currently Tado switches everything off fine when away on holiday, but does not do anything about pre-heating the house or hot water when returning from a holiday (even a couple of days) - when the temperature of the house may have dropped a lot and the hot water completely gone ☹️.

    This is exacerbated by the geofencing that is all about being local to the house (and allows for local journeys/walks) which only triggers Home made when you are a few minutes away in a car...

    I have also seen some similar comments/complaints around this, and think that there is something missing from the overall model at present - which could be handled in a number of ways...

    I believe that the BASIC capability needed is a "return after holiday" setting that would warm the house up (if needed) from "frost protection" to a minimum temperature (defaulting to say 18C) and which would also start heating up the hot water.

    This could then be triggered by specific events, such as a specific mode that sits with Auto/Home/Away (or on a Holiday tile) which would automatically revert to Auto mode as soon as someone arrives Home, a one-shot trigger date that could be used - and which should be easily visible to use in the app (maybe through the idea of a "Holiday" tile) and through events in IFTTT and other smart services which could then do even more complex scenarios.

  • The new IFTTT (pro) service allows queries on service status --- currently Tado does not publish anything for IFTTT Queries (IFTTT just provides history information from the events).

    Tado provides a pretty great Home/Away sensing algorithm - so it would be really useful to be able to QUERY this status from IFTTT for use in, for example, lighting automation using other home automation tools where it does not have a Home/Away automatic sensing to do activities such as:


    So please, Tado, publish the Home/Away status (and maybe other status information) to IFTTT for use in IFTTT queries which can then be used in IFTTT Filters, as currently there is no way to get at this directly in IFTTT without using multiple other third-party services to manually track a value based on the HOME and AWAY triggers, which is excessively complex and which is actually proving very difficult to achieve with any existing service.

  • ScamperiMontana
    edited November 2020

    There should be an option to simultaneously adjust the temperature for all rooms manually, with one action.

    For example you want Bedroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Dining Room and Hall to all be reduced manually increased to 21C. It could be useful if you keep your house at say 19C but some elderly relatives are paying a visit for a few hours. It could be achieved by tick box functionality to select which rooms you want to adjust, or by some other shortcut to "set all".

    At the moment you need to manually click into each room, and adjust them one by one which can be cumbersome.

  • GrilledCheese thanks for this code 😊👍... I had been wondering if I could do this with the history but was not sure how best to test whether the info was as needed and whether the [0] value was the latest or only entry in the history (IFTTT's development and debugging capabilities are non-existent so it would have been trial and error) so a really big thanks 👏 for sharing this! I'll be trying this out for my scenarios now :-)

    Having said this, having this information as a query in Tado would be so much easier (and more usable for others) and I'm also sure that sharing other items for queries in the future like current temperature, heating/not-heating, etc. would make the integration even more powerful and Tado even more capable as a result.

  • Thanks. Out of interest, how did you dump the IFTTT data to the spreadsheet - I could not think how to even do this :-(

  • Will you or could you do a anthracite smart radiator thermostat to go with Anthracite Radiators?
  • If Tado allowed or even launched smart plugs to the range it would help when trying to adapt to systems where hard wiring of zone valves or other on off devices so that we do not have to use Amazon Alexa or Google Home to add these items. As an example my own system has three on off zone valves (HW,Downstairs Heat, Upstairs Heat). I switch the valves via Alexa routines. I am about to make my own switch using Tado smart radiator valve and momentary push button in a box to test this. Full heat switch will press, 5 degrees switch will release and switch power to a valve.

  • I agree they have the code just pick 1 or 2 options for third party switches.

This discussion has been closed.