w.Intercom = i;Multi Home Support - Page 10 — tado° Community

Multi Home Support



  • Dear Tado, any news on implementing this feature?
  • Hello @ottom

    We know that this is among (if not the most) requested features and we of course want to stay a relevant player on the market as well as retain our current customers. So yes, this is being actively envisaged as a desirable future offering. However, I cannot say if it will be available anytime soon as I don't even know myself.

  • martini
    martini Volunteer Moderator
    edited September 18

    Speaking officially

    Administrative action has been taken in this thread to remove posts that were violating this forums netiquette.

    Please stay on topic and try not to muddle the threads with offtopic chatter or otherwise inappropriate or offensive content.

  • This content has been removed.
  • I think people will continue to be frustrated and unhappy customers until this pressing multi-property issue is addressed in a concrete way. The recent “official” responses/information only really pour petrol on the fire by suggesting that tado is fully aware that this is an important and pressing issue for many devoted users but has no intention to do anything about it. Deleting posts probably makes it even worse.
  • Unknown
    edited September 19
    This content has been removed.
  • Unknown
    edited September 19
    This content has been removed.
  • Unknown
    edited September 19
    This content has been removed.
  • Unknown
    edited September 19
    This content has been removed.
  • Unknown
    edited September 19
    This content has been removed.
  • @martini - I posted on this thread many years ago in the vain hope that Tado may listen to their customers - given this one subject has hit over 10 pages of requests, clearly I was wrong. However, I still receive the emails whenever someone posts so I was able to see most of the post you removed. It does not seem unreasonable to recommend placing poor reviews for the app if, in many users' opinion, the software is missing some fundamental features. If the company is ignoring their forums, then this provides another legitimate way for users to apply pressure. Although the post was clearly written in frustration, your decision to remove it was inappropriate and looks more like an attempt to protect reputation rather than genuine moderation.

  • martini
    martini Volunteer Moderator

    I hope with this post we can put this topic aside - please feel free to open a separate thread in the discussion section and keep this discussion in here about the request for multi home support.


    The posts have not been removed by me but tado (one of my posts also being part of that deletion action) - I just wanted to give the courtesy of indicating that something has been removed. But that's nitpicking, I know…

    I see it this way: tado invited us into their "home" and people are taking a dump on the carpet, getting upset when they are being shown the door. This is not a provider-independent forum - like why should they actively support people who are calling on (further) damaging their reputation?

    If you want to call for a tado boycott: Create your own platform where you can tell tado to get lost, when they join and tell you that this isn't a very nice thing to do.

    tado has obviously lost sight of this community for quite a long time and only in the last 6 months or so started to go through here and engage with the posts and requests. Sometimes by writing (some more, some less) helpful comments, sometimes by placing the issues with the development teams. Admins have repeatedly stated that their hands are tied in terms of public communication what features are under development/will not be considered, etc. You are very will within your rights to think that this is stupid and tado should run their business differently - but here we are.

    Lastly: The fact that they started offering locally stored schedules is a sign in my opinion, that things are moving forward. And - having a deep look into my crystal ball - I would say that the statement above of this feature "actively envisaged" is as pretty much a confirmation that something is coming… At least this sounds a lot more committed than the other "we'll have a look and see" comments…

    Again: Please let's wrap up the off-topic discussion in this thread and move it into a separate discussion.

  • Aside from the fact that somebody bought the system because multi home support was a planned upcoming feature in 2019.
    And that feature 5 years later is still missing.
  • @martini - apologies, I misunderstood and thought you were the moderator. My comment still stands but should have been directed at the moderator. Your point is valid, this thread should be for multi-home support only - let's see if we can fill another 10 pages of the same request over the next 5 years!
  • Can’t believe this isn’t a feature yet. So annoying…
  • Im a new tado user, i would like this feature to be added.
  • It needs to be developed to easily switch accounts so you can control multiple homes. I can do it easily with my NEST controlled properties but have to created multiple email addresses and go through a very slow log out, sign in, select phone, reject location tracking etc etc etc before I can switch between properties. It’s super slow and massively clunky.