w.Intercom = i;New smart thermostat says I need a thread border, but I already have a Bridge X — tado° Community

New smart thermostat says I need a thread border, but I already have a Bridge X


I figured I'd try this here since the support chat person offered me one solution and then stopped responding. We have a tado Bridge X in our house and it has two smart radiator thermostats and a room thermostat connected to it and able to be controlled from the apps on my phone and my husband's phone. We recently bought a new smart radiator thermostat and tried the usual process to add it to the app. The connection failed and it said "thread border required". As far as I know, the tado Bridge X is a thread border and it's working fine with all of our other devices. In the app, the bridge says connected, but if we click configure, it says it's unable to verify the connection of the bridge. We tried all of the usual troubleshooting steps (make sure the wifi router is only running on 2.4g and not 5, that the bridge and the phone are connected to the same wifi and the same frequency, unplug the bridge and plug back in, etc.) The bridge is still unable to configure and the smart radiator thermostat is unable to connect. All of the other devices are still connected though. The only difference I can think of is that the other devices were set up on my husband's old phone (Galaxy A13) and he has since upgraded to a new phone (S24). But I can't imagine the older model is thread enabled and the new phone isn't. Support only suggested factory resetting the smart radiator, which we did, but it didn't work. Can anyone suggest other solutions or escalate this please?


  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    @kirao Sorry to hear that Tado support have't resolved your problem.

    The Dutch community and moderators @Andreplusplus have more experience with X, perhaps they can suggest solutions?

    I'm copying @Emcee to escalate your issue with support.

  • @wateroakley thanks for escalating this. Support did finally get back to me over 5 hours later to ask for more screenshots, but still no solutions.

  • Hey kirao

    Be assured that the tado° Bridge X is a TBR and therefore should work with the additional device (as well as the ones currently installed) assuming they are all X.

    I will write Amir a note. He needs to escalate the case to another team specialized in these topics, so it might take some time. Apologies for the wait.

  • @Emcee thank you for writing Amir and helping escalate this to the right team. Yes, everything is all X and the currently installed devices are all working, so it's very confusing that the new one continues to fail.

  • Silly question - but first of all, are you on a 2.4Ghz network (the tado AND your phone) and then if you go to the Wireless receiver X in the Tado app and then click "Configure" does this help?

    To be able to connect to a thread border router you need the credentials on your phone, this step does that I believe.

  • @philjohn Yes, both the bridge and phone were on the 2.4Ghz network. We even went into the router settings and turned the 5Ghz off so that the phone couldn't accidentally jump over. The bridge X says it's connected, but then when I click configure it doesn't work and says it's unable to verify the connection of the bridge. But what's crazy is that the other three connected tado devices still work and are able to be controlled from our phones. If the bridge wasn't configured, then I didn't think the phone would be able to communicate with the tado device to change the temperature, etc.