w.Intercom = i;Short-cycling boiler, any fixes? — tado° Community

Short-cycling boiler, any fixes?

No responses to my previous "New/Old system" query, so I must therefore assume what I am experiencing is 'normal' behaviour. I will try to learn to accept the wildly inaccurate timer switching.

So I will ask another question, assuming again if there are no responses, it is again, 'normal' behaviour for Tado:

*I turned on the heat for a bit of a 'top-up'.

*The temperature in the lounge was 17.2, I set the temperature manually to 19 for 1 hour. At the same time the Hall was 17.5, I set that manually to 18.5 for 1 hour.

*The lounge got to 17.5 and the thermostat was heard to click off.

*Over the hour, the boiler was randomly firing for just a few seconds. Being an oil boiler, this is the worst case scenario, as firing an oil boiler is what uses the most oil, much better to run oil boilers for longer with fewer cycles.

I have noticed an increase in oil consumption since fitting the tado system and this is likely to do with this constant short-cycling of the boiler.

I have checked the app, it show the correct boiler in the Care & Protect section.

Question: Can I change any setting somewhere that will stop this short-cycling? Even if I select a different boiler to trick the system into firing for fewer, but longer cycles?

If not, I rather think I will uninstall tado as it is costing me more to run than the old Drayton system with dumb TRVs. Thankfully I didn't pay much for the system. Maybe this is why the original owner gave up on it? Has anyone else had similar problems?


  • tulloch
    tulloch ✭✭✭

    One possiblity for no responses is nobody here has a similar set up. I have gas but I can say that Tado is capable of controlling individual rooms providing you have the correct set up. The minimium, I think, would be smart valves on every radiator with either a wired thermostat or extension kit (V3) or wireless receiver (Tado X) controlling the boiler. Someone will correct me if I am wrong, hopefully.

  • Thank you tulloch.

    I don't have TRVs on all rads, but on 80% of them at the suggestion of many comments I have seen.

    I have 2 zones, 2 wired thermostats on those zones.

    Upstairs all rads except the bathrooms have SmartTRVs. Downstairs all rads have TRVs except toilet and Utility Room. Further the lounge and dining rooms have wireless thermostats controlling those rooms (again, at the recommendation of many comments suggesting the TRVs are unable to monitor the temperature accurately).

    I have triple checked correct Zone Controllers are associated and had a second pair of eyes recheck.

    There is a Drayton 3 zone Controller with both Heating zones on Constant and the Hot Water timed to come on to provide hot water if heat is not called for.

    (the system is a conventional condensing oil boiler with copper tank)