w.Intercom = i;Dynamically adjust opening percentage based on rest of system as well as heat demand — tado° Community

Dynamically adjust opening percentage based on rest of system as well as heat demand

A couple of weeks ago I posted a suggestion that users be allowed to set the minimum opening percentage on the smart valves to alleviate water rushing noise. In a separate thread about vibration, a solution was suggested to remove the Tado valve from the radiator nearest the boiler because "…it can happen that the water being pumped by the boiler is creating too much pressure (especially when the valves are only slightly open by tado° Smart Radiator Thermostats / the boiler is set to relay)."

I tried this and it fixed my noisy radiators. But I now have a radiator that isn't smart and heats up when I don't really want it to.

If the system was able to open valves that are calling for heat to larger percentages as more valves are shut then the problematic condition (when the valves are only slightly open) would not occur and presumably likewise any noise/vibration wouldn't happen. Obviously this means that the room(s) in question would heat faster than normal but presumably it would be possible to adjust the hysteresis curve to compensate.

I guess this would only be useful in a system like mine where every radiator is controlled by a Tado valve and the boiler is set to relay.

7 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Possibly only vaguely related (bear with), but I do find tado runs oddly in some circumstances, possibly to do with whatever EnergyiQ is.

    As a result I have to micro-manage the system. Sometimes rooms feel too hot and often I see (saw) that radiators were still heating despite the temperature set already being exceeded.

    I was told it was to do with the weather and what was forecast, the system is trying to be clever, anticipating what might happen before calling for heat or shutting it off.

    On other occasions ,TRVs also seem to begin partially closing before reaching the temperature set (again, in an attempt to save on fuel possibly), but it just has the effect of increasing the time it takes for the room to get to temperature.

    It seems to me the app needs a setting to:

    1 - Turn off all these "intelligent" settings so we had the option to run the system on a partially manual basis: Heat to the temperature set, as fast as possible (TRV fully open), then turn off. And;

    2 - Allow a manual setting to do what is described in 1 above on a per TRV basis.

    The setting as described in (1) above would save me fuel and allow me to discontinue the micro-management I need to deploy on average 6 days out of 7.

    The setting described in (2) above should alleviate the problem @14spc describes above.

    I understand tado want to create a user-friendly app that suits most conditions, boilers and systems, but sadly it is also true that a jack of all trades is master of none. What it appears we need is an advanced menu to allow users of non-standard or fussy systems to fine-tune them.

    Of course if the above can already be achieved by altering something in the app, I'm ready to be advised, then, once we've been advised the current server lag issue is (hopefully a little more permanently) resolved, perhaps I will be ready to refit my 2 wired wall thermostats, 8 TRVs and 2 wireless room thermostats.

  • 14spc
    14spc ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Actually @TadoUser2 , your first solution would also solve my problem and I would happily accept it!
  • 14spc
    14spc ✭✭
    edited November 2024

    @TadoUser2 I'd be very happy with your first option, actually!

  • Zeph
    edited December 2024

    Tado X user here,

    I'm bumping that we really need that advanced setting where you set by how much percentage you open your radiator valve for each flamme on the tado head.

    Let's say default setting is something like 0 - 0%, 1 - 33%, 2 - 66%, 3 - 100% my radiator is cold when it's only open at 33%.

    I would setup something like 0 - 0%, 1 - 50%, 2 - 75 %, 3 - 100% and this would fix the issue.