w.Intercom = i;Suggestion: enable Homekit Away/ Home automation — tado° Community

Suggestion: enable Homekit Away/ Home automation

Tado should allow homekit users to toggle the home / away status of tado, using homekit automations.

- Expensive - Tado charges £29.99/y just to toggle auto geofencing (extortion).
- Privacy issues - I have to always share my location data with tado. I don't want to do this.
- No support for guest / multi house geofencing and management.
- Homekit automations are registered as manual control - so reset after a time / force you to disable manual control time limit.

- No cost for homekit .
- No privacy concerns - not sharing your / your kids! location to get tado geofencing support.
- Support for guests via homekit.
- Better integration with homekit

Right now it feels tado is forcing users to pay £29.99 / y for geofencing automation and potentially scraping user location data.

Personally I think this should be free and the value add (optional paid services) should be else where. I appreciate software costs money to maintain so paying a reduced £5-10 /y seems reasonable for 'enhanced' homekit support.

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