Tado° APP Quick Buttons
I would welcome the ability to have/select/create Quick Buttons on the Tado App home screen. Especially as part of a SLEEP functionality. For custom programming it would make up for a simple IFTTT-rule. If custom programming would not be an option, then a selection of preset rules is a way forward. I suggest something…
Smart AC Control - Sleep mode
I would love for a simple Sleep mode function to be able to set the AC to -ON- and then rely for it to go into Standby when time is due. Per now, when I use the 'Room' selector of the App Home window, I can use the set up slider to set a time for countdown, but the Tado will not set my AC to Standby when time is due? Why…
Smart AC Control - vane and swing control
The tado Smart AC Control is great - except for one thing. My aircon units have the ability to vane both left/right and up/down, and the traditional remote will control these. The AC Control does not, which means that at night, the air blows directly in our face and we cannot direct it to vane or point in a different…
Stop account leakage from the community
Currently it is possible to retrieve intelligence on the existence of community accounts by entering e-mail-addresses at login. This is especially bad, because many might be using the same e-mail for their personal tado account. This is highly advised against by several security guidelines, including NIST and ISO.
Sensors for hot water cylinder
I have purchased the tado° Wireless Smart Thermostat Starter Kit V3+ with Hot Water Control, but the control is just a glorified on/off switch. It does not give me any flexibility to control the temperature of the water in the cylinder nor the least to see what the temperature currently is. Due to reasons unknown it…
Smart AC Controller should be able to use a separate Temperature Sensor
I've been a happy user of Tado for two or three years. So when we added an A/C unit to our attic, I naturally purchased a Tado Smart AC Controller, assuming it would integrate with the existing radiators and Remote Temperature Sensors in the same room. I was quite surprised to discover this isn't possible. I might be able…
Motion sensor to detect if there is activity in the room and activate heating
Could you introduce a motion sensor that understands if there is someone in the room so that it starts heating the room only if there is activity in the room. We have some rooms that we rarely use, it could be very handy to have this functionality with sensors detecting the activity and heat the room when people are in it.
IFTTT - Return to tado auto mode - Graph should show auto mode colour.
Minor request for change. When using IFTTT to return tado to auto mode all standard functionality works perfectly. However, even though tado resumes full control the graph displays all time after this in grey (manual mode). This remains until you manually go in and change the temperature and cancel (or use a timed duration…
Alexa Humidity Reporting
This function is available on the Google ecosystem, but not with Amazon's one. Currently only the temperature is reported, can the humidity also be fedback. i could then use this to automate the extractor fans in the bathroom, kitchen and utility rooms when needed.
Improvements to the Wireless Receiver / Programmer Cover
In the UK, many modern houses have the programmer / controller in an easily accessible place and it is not uncommon to find them on the kitchen wall about 20cm or so above a kitchen worktop. They are therefore potentially at risk of splash or dirt ingress. Many of these controllers / programmers have the cables coming in…
Weekly view in heating activity
There are monthly and yearly view in heating activity report. Can you add a weekly view as well to cover 52 weeks? Should be a relatively simple thing to add to the report